The Founding of Rome

       The founding of Rome about 750 BC (about 1200 years after the worldwide cataclysm at the time of Babel when the earth was divided) is based on a supposed myth about two Italians of the Hamite lineage. It is said Romulus and Remus were born to the brother of the king which was displaced by his brother, and they were a threat to their uncle the king as a successor to the throne who were born in Alba Longa, one of the ancient Latin cities near the future site of Rome. Their mother, Rhea Silvia, was a vestal virgin and the daughter of the former king, Numitor, who had been displaced by his brother Amulius. In some sources, Rhea Silvia conceived them when their father, the god Mars, visited her in a sacred grove dedicated to him.

        The king Amulius tried to kill them by leaving them by a river. But legand says a god helped save them by being adopted by a she wolf.

This is very significant information. Like the queen of Babylon or Babel Semiramis (the prototype for all goddesses) her son was from contact with one of Satan’s angels. Today they call this a UFO abduction. This became the legend of Estate and symbolized by a rabbit for fertility. Semiramis was taken to space by an egg to meet the gods. These offspring became known as Nephilim the giants of the Bible. Today they are royal bloodlines behind the Marxist New World Order and Illuminati.

I believe this is not legend. Their mother was a vestal virgin which is a prostitute in the ancient pagan religion based on gods from space. This was copied by the Vatican as Nuns which came from the ancient Babylonian religion the Mysteries of Issus upon which Egyptian religion was based (symbolized in ancient Egypt as the solar magic square of 666 the sun god or Baal i.e. Satan), today’s witchcraft. And that has evolved into Free Masonry Knights Templar Illuminati and all other secret societies as offshoots.

The Antichrist will of this Royal Nephilim French Merovingian bloodline.


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