The Plan of the New World Order

        The Marxists are the Illuminati, the agentur of the leaders recreating the world government Babel/Atlantis before and after the Deluge. The Illuminati were founded by the International bankers. They are the agents for the Antichrist and his world government as described in the Bible. They created the Marxist controlled United Nations and European Union. They have stated that they want to get rid of local police. And put all police authority under the Federal Government of the world.

    Ronald Reagan saved America from Illuminati Jimmy Carter, and Donald Trump from the Illuminati Barack In-(Hus)sein Obama who is Biden's Illuminati agentur. 

    The Illuminati control our elections through fraud since George Washington so only certain Merovingians win. However, the vote against them was so overwhelming they LOST.

       In their plan they state they use Marxism, Darwinism, and Socialism, “theories they know to be false” created by them to fool the goyim to undermine faith. And they select Presidents of the United States who have criminal backgrounds to hold over them in case they disobey their Illuminati handlers. Like in the case of Bill Clinton and John Kennedy.

       Their plan states that will control the media through lynch mob rule (Democracy), the educational establishment, and religion. They work together to create wealth through creation of corporations controlling the economy.

       They create regulations and taxes that will drive businesses too Communist countries to enrich and strengthen them supporting a Marxist world government.

       The first things they get rid of is the freedom of speech, and disarm the citizens, and they divide people into ethnic and beliefs to hate each other. The principle of divide and conquer.

       They plan to kill off 80% of the population, mainly the older generation who were not brainwashed in all the isms: Socialism, Communism, Darwinism/Atheism, Naturalism, and Satanism.

       They were the ones behind the French Revolution, and the Bolshevik Revolution.

They are the ones behind the radical terrorist groups Hamas, Issus, Taliban, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the Mafia, etc.  

       I believe a RED tsunamis is coming that will temporarily bring back a revival of American patriotism under the Constitution, and Christianity under the Word of God in the King James Bible! Then the Rapture will come followed by a resurgence of Satanism and judgement on those who refuse to believe the truth.

 why do only the illuminati have an 'agentur'? it seems ...

“The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the agentur of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war.”


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