America a Christian Nation?

I sent this to Mike Huckabee in Facebook comment about America being a Christian nation.

America never was a Christian nation, there were Illuminati here in 1776 who were behind the Illuminati revolution in France. However, there were Christians who prevented the Federal Government from taking over like George Washington planned along with his Federalists. George was an Illuminati Mason and had all the Pagan gods placed on the Capitol ceiling, and set up the Washington Monument the idol of Baal 666 from ancient Egypt. And he and his Masons designed the District of Columbia (another name for the Pagan Goddess of Babel) based on Masonic geometry like Nephilim Megalithic sites, and Roman/Greco design. The only other place with all this Masonic Illuminati Pagan design is the Vatican. Antichrist and False Prophet. The Christians created the Constitution and Bill of Rights and Free Enterprise system, based on God's checks and balances to prevent them from making slaves out of the people, and from using America to set up the New World Order. This separation of powers is the same reason God separated the people at Babel to prevent a world dictatorship under Antichrist.

One Nation Under God was added recently to the Pledge of allegiance in 1956. Originally it was to the FLAG. And our motto was E Pluribus Unum, not in God We Trust, which was added in 1955. "Out of many one," just like Babel. Novus ordo seclorum, New Secular World Order was our original motto.

  In the Bible number 13 is the number of Rebellion and Babylon or Babel. The Masonic Supreme Council is shown here. George Washington was a member along with other Founding Fathers. They are the head over all masonry in America. The compass represents measuring and controlling the world, and represents the eye in the Illuminati Triangle. 33% is an important symbolic number. Lincoln had a key role with the Illuminati plan. He was into witchcraft and was the first President to use Executive Orders to go against the Constitution 'coin' paper money out of thin air to pay for the Civil War. Both Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were Masons who practiced satanic occult sex rituals.

Thirteen in the Bible is Rebellion. We rebelled against Britain, and secretly planned rebellion against God's Order in the future. The Eagle is the Phoenix the rise of Antichrist from the fires of the sun god Baal.

The star of David was used by Rockefeller as his symbol. It represents the hexagram or the Learned Elders of Zion the Gentile/Jews of Nephilim European Gentile descent.

In the right corner of the dollar bill is an owl, symbol of the wise Elders of Zion the Illuminati and Bohemian Grove.
The New Deal was a series of social liberal socialist programs enacted in the United States between 1933 and 1938, and a few continue today. They included laws passed by Liberals in Congress as well as UnConstitutional presidential executive orders during the first term (1933–1937) of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Roosevelt was a descendant of the founder of the Illuminati in America and he said his best friends were Communists. Teddy Roosevelt predicted America would fall in 50 years, the date of World War 1, but they failed to bring in the League of Nations. They tried again in WW2, which ended in May and succeeded in bringing in the League of Nations in October. America has been going down hill ever since.

1776, Adam Weishaupt, founder of American Masonry, developed the Illuminati in the Capitol area, a secret society ... Its members included Clinton Roosevelt great Grandfather of the Roosevelt Presidents.

Was America founded as a Christian nation?

One Nation Under God was added recently to the Pledge of allegiance in 1956. Originally it was to the FLAG written by an atheist who supported the New World Order and planned to have all countries pledge to their FLAG. This was idolatry!!

Americas motto from 1776 to 1957 was E Pluribus Unum, not in God We Trust, which was added in 1955 under an image of a President or Murcury a pagan god the father of Nimrod. God said have NO IMAGES. And all these presidents are closely related and are descendants of the 13 Illuminati Families from the Nephilim. "Out of many one," just like Babel. Novus ordo seclorum, New Secular World Order was our original motto.


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