God Condemned Magicians!

JESUS is a MAGICIAN - if you will receive it - YOU MUST also - Learn the MAGIC WORDS!
David Vose on YouTube
Published on Sep 16, 2017
Learn the meaning of the Magicians and the MAGIC words!

MY Answer: God ordered the Israelites to kill anyone who practiced magick.

This is blasphemy David Vose High Priest of Satan! You are referring to Magick, not Magic tricks. Real magicians get their supernatural powers of witchcraft from Satan, Demon spirits, and Fallen Angels. They make a packed with the Devil and sell their soul. The secret Sufi Order does this for magicians and clowns. Jesus in the Bible warns that all forms of magick are sin.
Jesus is the creator, he is outside the physical space time continuum, and he is not bound by physical laws of this dimension, because he is not physical. The creator has to be eternal and outside in order to create. He could not create himself. Something that does not exist cannot created itself. He was the Word that was with God in the beginning and all things in heaven and earth were created by Him. He does not use magick.

 Throughout Scripture, in both the Old and New Testaments, all forms of witchcraft black and so called white magick are in violation of God’s law and are condemned. (Deuteronomy 18:10–16; Leviticus 19:26, 31; 20:27; Acts 13:8–10). Pharaoh’s magicians used their “secret arts” to try to duplicate the miracles done by Moses and Aaron (Exodus 7:11; 8:7)—secret arts are the ceremonies or rituals sorcerers use to accomplish their magic, involving incantations, spells, magic words, charms, amulets, etc. The apostle Paul condemned Elymas the sorcerer, proclaiming him a “child of the devil” who was full of “all kinds of deceit and trickery” and was “perverting the right ways of the Lord” (Acts 13:10). The apostle Peter likewise condemned Simon the magician in Acts 8:20–23. Nowhere in the Bible is a practicing sorcerer or magician portrayed in a positive light. A possible exception are the magi who brought gifts to Jesus; however, in the East the title magi was frequently given to philosophers or learned men who studied the secrets of nature, astronomy, and medicine. Jesus’ visitors were “wise men,” but not sorcerers. The Bible shows them worshiping the Lord (Matthew 2:11), not casting spells. They were not magicians or astrologers. They knew the purpose of signs in the Heavens as spiritual prophetic messages to man.

Simon the magician or sorcerer was the same Pharisee that came to Peter for the power to cast out Demons. He want on the found the Roman Church, which became the Roman Catholic Church, which combines satanic Paganism with Christianity. And this is why their Catholic Priests rape nuns, and are pedophiles raping children. And the get drunk, and practice witchcraft. And deny the Bible.


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