The Priory de Sion & Knights Templars

The theme of life on earth is one of struggle between good and evil, right and wrong. This article will reveal the true history that has been suppressed by the enemy of mankind. The key to truth is the Word of God. But man has chosen to listen to Satan. Now hear the truth!

The Priory of Sion (Prieure de Sion) has been documented as a secret society founded in the 11th century its purpose was falsely claimed to preserve and protect the original doctrines of Christianity and act as guardian to Jesus and Mary Magdalene's sacred bloodline. It was actually founded by the Cather’s which were Gnostics which did not believe in Jesus death on the cross. They were mainly followers of John the Baptist whom they claimed to be the real Christ. This was a heresy to undermine the belief in the Bible after Jesus death. This society is behind the New World Order today. These secret societies were founded to preserve the knowledge of the ancient civilization founded by Cain and was destroyed in the Flood. And this civilization was being rebuilt at Babel after the Flood by Nimrod and Semiramis. The leaders of this conspiracy against God founded the first secret society The Mysteries of Isis which became the Priory de Sion hidden behind many other names throughout history. Today they Torch Bearers of Lucifer are commonly called the enlightened ones the Illuminati. They intend to build the world government of Antichrist and the False Prophet.

The mainstream public today were introduced to the Priory de Scion through two controversial BBC television programs based on the book Holy Blood Holy Grail. It was written and researched by atheists and producers of these documentaries. Their information was from their books by writers Henry Lincoln, Michael Baigent (the main producer) and Richard Leigh.

I believe this was one of the greatest books on real conspiracy of the followers of Satan. They claim it started in the 11 century. However, I knew about this conspiracy long before this book was written and had collected information from personal family information, documented history, and events. They said there was a secret order behind the Knights Templar, which created the Templars as its military and administrative arm. This order, which functioned under a variety of names, most frequently known as the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Sion). The Prieure de Sion (In has been directed by a sequence of Grand Masters whose names are amongst the most illustrious in Western history and culture. Although the Knights Templar were arrested and tried, and executed in France between 1307 and 1314 the Prieure de Sion remained unscathed.
Jacques de Molay was the last known Grand Master of the Knights Templar. He was tortured and a shroud was placed over him after a mock crucifixion, then he was burned at the stake. This shroud is kept by the Vatican and was a sacred artifact of the Knights Templars which worshiped it. It is of a man still alive and his blood stain is still on the shroud which took his image. A photograph of this image on the shroud is a perfect match for a painting of Jacques de Molay. It is known as the Shroud of Turin. The blood was analyzed and it was the rarest blood type identical to all Merovingian royalty AB Negative.

This fact is proven when I had my van towed by Jeremy. I told him my name was also Jeremy and that I was a descendant of the Merovingians. He told me he was also of Merovingian decent. Then I asked him what blood type he had, and he said AB Negative!

This is the same as Obama (the most likely candidate for Antichrist and descendant of the Merovingian 13th Illuminati family and the most important) and many other famous people.

Other facts revealed include the following: The Priory of Sion was supposedly founded in 1099 BC and is sworn to return the Merovingian dynasty whom they believe to be the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene to power (Actually Jesus had no descendants. They are actually the bloodline of Semiramis and her Nephilim/Philistine  offspring); its leaders or Grand Masters have included Isaac Newton, Robert Fludd, Victor Hugo and Leonardo da Vinci; the Priory is dedicated to a united Europe (Revived Roman Empire nucleus of the world government of Antichrist) and new world order; and the Catholic Church has been engaged, historically, in a war to destroy this dynasty and its protectors the Cathars and Knights Templar in order to retain authority afforded it through a patriarchal line of Popes beginning with Peter (Simon the Sorcerer not the Disciple) instead of the hereditary succession that began with Mary Magdalene. The Roman Catholic Church worships Mary Magdalene falsely claimed to be the Mother of Jesus. This goes back to Pagan religion which worships the Queen of Babel Semiramis the Queen of Heaven, where she was Nimrod’s mother wife and daughter. Semiramis founded the Mysteries of Isis. She was the prototype for all goddess worship throughout history.
An important point that proves the Holy Blood Holy Grail is correct information includes the accurate list of Priory Masters and massive documented history. One fact is the listing of Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo as Grand Masters in the Secret Dossiers of Henri Lobineau discovered at the Bibliotheque national de France, in Paris the origin of the research in Holy Blood Holy Grail. The Bibliotheque is the main library like the library of Congress. The Dossiers could not have been planted by the Merovingian Plantard because the information was documented in ancient records as accurate.

Here is one I discovered. If the Priory was actually to protect Christian doctrine then why is Victor Huge an atheist a Grand Master? And what about Isaac Newton who is considered to be a Christian a Grand Master?

The fact is Isaac Newton was not a Christian. He believed in the Bible in a materialistic way. He believed in numeric codes and hidden meanings, and prophecies, and he was right, but he did not believe in miracles. He did believe God was the creator, and died for our sins, and would come again. But he did not believe Jesus was God. And did not believe in the Trinity. He would believe in theistic evolution and looked at the Bible as a book of science.
Creation scientist Dr. Danny R. Faulkner discusses the details of Newton’s real beliefs.

These Learned Elders of the Priory de Scion turned truth into support for the counterfeit Christ. The future Antichrist who will be part Jew, part Gentile Merovingian bloodline and rebuild Babel also known as Atlantis.

The Priory de Scion has been with us since Babel in various secret societies which infiltrate all organizations and attempt to hide all exposure of their activities. If you look up any subject they want to hide they use the infiltrated media and organizations. On the Internet you will first encounter their false information warning you it is conspiracy theory, a hoax, hate literature, fiction, etc. This is a sure sign you are on the right track. Do some research on your own and you will find they are ignorant or lying. You must recognize the pattern of truth and dig deeper and you will be amazed at what you will find.

The following is from:

Below is 90% false propaganda.

The unfortunate problem with all this is that although the Knights Templar and the Cathars are an historical fact, (NEXT IS PROVEN TO BE FALSE): all evidence pertaining to the Priory of Sion and offered as truth by the aforementioned authors was unintentionally based on false information from fraudulent sources. (Jeremy: The Illuminati today do what they did in the middle ages that claim all exposures of them are hoaxes or false information. A typical example is how they publish books attacking Trump just as they did attacking non-Merovingian kings in the Middle Ages. They sneer at true history as Conspiracy Theories. I have proven them WRONG in my research for my books from documents, research, my family history, and known facts. See Mysteries of History Revealed Part 2) (Next lie) The Priory, at least in the form of an 11th century secret society, appears to be a deception established a mere half century ago by con man and would be pretender to the French throne Pierre Plantard. (Jeremy: Classic example of false propaganda.)

In 1956 Pierre Plantard founded an association in the French town of Annemasse the original purpose of which seems to have been a relatively benign involvement in the affairs of the local community, but Plantard for whatever his reasons (suggestions are he hoped to re-establish the Merovingian French monarchy with himself on the throne) soon embarked on a course of action that would result in a hoax of monumental proportions. (Jeremy: An ancient Conspiracy of Satan’s agents of monumental proportions. And the above writer is part of that conspiracy.)

(Jeremy: Today the Priory is represented by the Council on Foreign Relations the powerful CFRs that are behind Fake News and the Liberal Conspiracy.)

Co-conspirators were enlisted, the first was Plantard’s friend Philippe de Cherisey, together they deposited a series of fake documents called the Dossiers Secrets (Jeremy: FALSE the Dossiers secret listing of Grand Masters of the Priory and the Knights Templars proves to be accurate from historical facts and documents in the book Holy Blood Holy Grail) "Secret Dossiers of Henri Lobineau at the Bibliotheque national de France, in Paris, in order to give credence to Plantard’s royal pedigree. Later a series of “medieval parchments” were forged (Jeremy: Lie) containing encrypted messages pertaining to the Priory of Sion, the story being that a Father Berenger Sauniere had found them in 1891 while renovating his church, thus giving credence to claims that the Priory is a thousand year old secret society. A second conspirator Gerard de Sede then wrote L’Or de Rennes ("The Gold of Rennes") and Le Tresor Maudit de Rennes-le-Chateau ("The Accursed Treasure of Rennes Castle") a further embellishment based on the forged material. It was this fictitious data that Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh used and expanded on in their books and documentaries.

(Jeremy: The fact is I discovered the Priory de Scion long before these authors wrote their book. And I discovered it for the first time when I saw a symbol on the bottom of a UFO in Europe. I knew it was an important sign. I later discovered it was the royal symbol of the Merovingian Royal family. I was amazed! I already knew that it was the symbol of the Antichrist in other research. And it was the symbol of my royal blood line from my grandparents through J.P. Morgan.  In the last few days I discovered in Holy Blood Holy Grail that my ancestors bloodline were all high ranking Knights Templars down to my grandfather who was a Knights Templar Mason. Mother told me this, but she knew nothing about the Illuminati or the Priory. She told me about her ancestors, and my later research proved they were all Merovingian Priory members to my surprise. Of course that means I am of the bloodline of almost all the kings and queens of Europe and all the Presidents of the United States. I learned this from research for my books. I found out that even Obama has the same Merovingian ancestors as I do. This is why royalty always married cousins or other close relatives. To keep the royal bloodlines pure from contamination. Royal families have a secret belief that they descended from the gods or extraterrestrial visitors. The Bible calls them Fallen Angels offspring called Nephilim human hybrids.)

To those that missed the documentaries and books of Lincoln, Baigent and Leigh their first exposure to both the Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar was probably either Dan Brown’s best selling novel The Da Vinci Code or the blockbuster movie that followed it.

(Jeremy: Actually this is not accurate. The Da Vince Code was published in 2009 The Passover Plot by Hugh Schonfield was published a popular book in 1965 and was based on the same ancient heresy from the Gnostics called Cathers after about 100 AD.)

Brown’s source, concerning messages hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci, was the book The Templar Revelation: Secret Guardians of the True Identity of Christ (1998) to which the authors Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince in a later book The Sion Revelation: The Truth About the Guardians of Christ’s Sacred Bloodline (2006),  added a new twist their argument that while the pre-1956 history of the Priory may well be a hoax it's also a distraction, an intricate bluff, a front for one of the many crypto-political societies working behind the scenes to create an ideal (synarchist) United States of Europe.

(Jeremy: The revived Roman Empire the nucleus for the world government of the coming Antichrist.)

As for Pierre Plantard he passed away in obscurity on the 3rd of February in the year 2000 at the age of 79 after testifying in a French court and under oath that he had fabricated everything. And maybe that's so, but the real truth is with Plantard gone we'll never know.

Perhaps investigative authors Lionel and and Patricia Fanthorpe sum things up best when they state: “The Priory of Sion could be one of the most ancient, powerful and remarkable secret societies in the world; it could be the last vestigial trace of an inner group of Knights Templars; or it could merely be the imaginings of one or two twentieth century crypto-politicians linked to the mysterious M. Plantard." Basically it could be anything or nothing. (Jeremy: It is one of the most important facts we need to understand the real history of the world and its battle between good and evil. God and Satan. We cannot understand the true story we read in the Bible without this understanding.l)

[1] The Cathars (from the Latin for pure ones) also known as Albigensians was a dissident sect that florished in parts of northern Italy and southern France during the 12th and 13th centuries (though records place them in Germany first circa 1143 CE). Like the Bogomils and Manichaeans before them they were Gnostics believing in a good spirit trapped within an evil body and that Christ was a spiritual being whose purpose on Earth was to show how that spirit might be freed. By the end of the twelfth century they had become a fully-fledged alternative to the Catholic Church (whom they considered idolatrous and corrupt) complete with bishops and a competing hierarchical infrastructure. The papacy, for its part, considered them heretical and a threat to both their temporal and spiritual power.

In 1209 a crusade was declared against all Christian heretics by Pope Innocent III; it was to become one of the most disgraceful periods in the Church’s history and result in the slaughter of tens of thousands of men women and children. One of the last Albigensian strongholds, Montsegur a fortress in the Pyrenees Mountains, surrendered in 1244 after a lengthy siege many alleged heretics refusing to repent tortured then burned alive by the victorious crusaders (local legend has it that a few slipped away, carrying a mysterious treasure believed by some to be the the Holy Grail). The final stronghold, Queribus, fell in 1255 and though the event officially spelled the end of Catharism a small number of Cathars survived mostly in the more remote areas of Spain, France and Italy where they avoided the papacy’s wrath by blending in with the local populace. Guillaume Bélibaste, said to have been the last parfait (Cathar elder/preacher) in languedoc was burned at the stake in 1321.

This battle has been between two competing groups to control the world. It is a battle between the secular Antichrist and the False Prophet. At first they will work together to form the New World Order. Then in the middle of the Tribulation Period Antichrist will assassinate the False the Jesuit Pope prophet and nuke the Vatican, and then enter the Temple in Jerusalem and declare himself to be a reincarnation of Jesus, and that he is God based on the Grail Treasure evidence!


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