Independence Day Blessing from God

Let’s not forget what Independence Day means. One person told me it is a stupid holiday.

Does the flag still wave? Over your home, like it does over mine?

I will return to this subject later. 

I remember when the popular Classic Rock radio station KOLA used to host the 4th of July celebration in Moreno Valley California. 

Over the years me and my family saw Herman’s Hermits, Johnny Rivers, Bobby Vee, Tommy James, etc. Then about 2015 the band America was going to perform, songs including Sister Golden Hair. But the city was low on money so they canceled the band! I was disappointed, they had some amateur students win awards in a ceremony. I left before the fireworks were over, I did not want to wait for the crowds leaving. And I was bored.

This year they had three bands that that were so amateur they could not be found on the Internet. Bands that play every Saturday and Sunday at Tomes Farms have a presence on the Internet. Remember Then is my favorite band and they have an excellent web site. They are far better than KOLA’s amateurs.

Imagine cancelling a band called America on America’s birthday! It is a sign America is in decline. We need to make America Great Again! But when we do we are attacked by those who want a world government warned about in the Bible.

If it were not for our Independence we would still be slaves of England, and today we would be under the Communist control of the Revived Roman Empire called the European Union and the Vatican.

The reason immigrants came here was to get out from under a dictator who ruled and taxed We the People based on greed. We came here for freedom of religion based on God’s laws which granted us freedom of religion (freedom from dictators in false religions), speech, information, science, the press, and enterprise. Today, not all, but many immigrants come here to get free things from our socialist government and claim our land as theirs bringing the evil we left behind with them.

The plan of the United Nations is to merge our country with Mexico and Canada. Then merge this Union into the World Government warned about in Revelation.

Many are turning against the Marxist founded and run United Nations because of all their scandals and create a Union of Democratic States. However, Democracy leads to socialism. We were founded as a Republic based on rules established in the Bible. To replace the United Nations with another monster organization will repeat what happened with the League of Nations. People realized they were founded by the International banksters. So the conspirators replaced it with the U.N. The only change was the name. Then they supported the U.N. with members of the Council on Foreign Relations the CFRs (Bilderbergs, Deep State, Liberals = The Illuminati). These CFRs infiltrated into the government, media, schools, and churches in support of their corrupt plan.

This is where all the so called Fake News comes from. It will be the same if they replace the U.N. with another organization. We need to kick the U.N. out of America and end our membership and stop funding this Communist undermining of foreign nations. We need to abolish all international government organizations.


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