Observational Science
Please read
this and consider these facts. This is an answer to Matt and Bob. Your mother
Beth is concerned about you. She did not have the time to talk to Matt when he
was here. And she does not have the knowledge to answer your question.
When you were in Sedona Arizona for Bob’s wedding you told Beth, paraphrase, “Look at the rock strata in the bluffs how can you say it did NOT take millions of years to form, how can you believe the earth is thousands and not millions of years old?”
For my books see: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=auldaney&ref=nb_sb_noss
What does
first hand observation of geology/paleontology show us?
This lays heavy on Beth's heart. So please listen and think about what I have to say.
Evolutionists start with the assumption that their theory is a fact, then try to fit the evidence to fit it. They start with a preconceived conclusion everything happens by a natural process, there are no supernatural events, the earth is old because random processes take time to create the appearance design and living things by mistake, and thus the sedimentary rocks must have formed slowly over a very long time. Like a magician he tells you this object will disappear. And you expect it too. Do you see any proof in your observations of geology? Do you know the facts about geology? I don’t mean what you have been told, I mean the observed facts using your own logic?
Notice the surface of the earth today. What do you see? Canyons, river valleys, mountains, etc. there are no perfectly flat areas, right? Even alluvial fans at the ends of rivers are slanted.
Now look at the rock strata.
Do you see
any valleys, Grand Canyons, or erosional surfaces like today?
In many places secular geologists tell you there are missing strata for millions of years, because it fits their preconceived assumptions. These would leave very uneven surfaces, like the Grand Canyon. Do you see these canyons in the geologic rock record? See picture of Grand Canyon above.
In many places secular geologists tell you there are missing strata for millions of years, because it fits their preconceived assumptions. These would leave very uneven surfaces, like the Grand Canyon. Do you see these canyons in the geologic rock record? See picture of Grand Canyon above.
Look at
these pictures. Do you see evidence of missing eroded strata in the rocks like you do on the surface today?
They assume
there is no God, so it must have created itself by natural processes and the
original uneven surface with its mountains and valleys must have been there!
Lack of evidence does not convince them.
How do evolutionists explain away the impossible evidence of a lack of evidence for erosion? THEY DON’T they skip over it. They do not explain it.
The Great worldwide unconformity is the classic and greatest example among many. (See picture of Grand Canyon above) Nowhere have they found the complete geologic column. There are always millions of years missing. And sometimes they are out of order. They then claim that the upper layer sild up over the lower younger layer. However, in many places there is no evidence of such a gigantic overthrust.
The Great worldwide Unconformity is shown and explained below from a secular source:
The Grand Canyon has a 1.2 billion
year old secret hidden at its base. There are many things about the Grand
Canyon that fascinated geologists for centuries. However, among
the remaining many questions scientists still have about the Grand Canyon, none
are more intriguing than the Great
The Great
Unconformity represents a 1.2 billion year gap in the rock
record, a gap that is largely a mystery for scientists and one of the largest
missing pieces of "time" in Earth's rock record. How do we account
for 1,000's of feet of missing rock? Where did it go? Was it ever there in the
first place? These are questions geologists grapple with to this day.
What does
first hand observation of geology/paleontology show us?
can’t understand a lot of facts about geology. Because they cannot accept the
scientists have the answer which evolutionists cannot disprove, but rather ridicule:
has demonstrated the continuous nature of sedimentary layers by showing there
is little or no erosion between layers, which he calls ‘flat gaps’. There
should be physical evidence of extreme erosion, if these time gaps were real.
The contact in picture above supposedly represents a gap of 160 Ma, yet shows
little physical erosion of the flat gap between the underlying Cambrian Muav
Limestone and the overlying Mississippian Redwall Limestone in the Grand
Ok so you
say science has proven the earth is millions or billions of years old. Have you ever questioned this? Did you know
that secular scientists have shown that radiometric dating is totally
measuring the thickness of the strata does not date the rock either. The speed
of deposition of sediment depends on the speed of the water. And water has to
moving at a rapid rate in order to carry sediment. Here is another secular
Charles Lyell (1797–1875)
I 1830: published Principles of Geology it supported uniformitarianism; and
convinced the scientific (Auldaney: UnChristian) community. He estimated the age of the earth at
several hundred million years. (Auldaney: Based on the thickness of strata
compared to today. Or by counting varves)
Charles Darwin
(1809–1882) used Uniformitarianism applied to life rather than geology. He also
required an old earth. Lyell and Darwin motivated several 19th century
scholars to estimate the age of the earth.
the underlined bias. It takes a long time for things to randomly evolve, and it
is so slow we don’t see it happening. This is not science it is a belief based
on faith in naturalism (atheism).
here is an observation without bias from a secular source:
Spontaneous stratification of granular mixtures has been reported
by Makse et al. @Nature ~London! 386, 379 ~1997!# when a mixture of grains
differing in size and shape is poured in a quasi-two-dimensional heap.
Uniformitarian geologists
have acknowledged that stratification can occur quickly. Almost ten years
later, the results of similar experiments were published in Nature (Makse
et al. 1997. Auldaney: See above), although Nature did not
acknowledge Russian creation scientist Berthault’s prior work (Snelling 1997).
Furthermore, these
experimental results have been confirmed by field observations. Geologic
activity at Mount St. Helens subsequent to the well-known May 18, 1980,
eruption resulted in the formation of a 762 cm (25 feet) thick deposit
consisting of many thin, alternating fine-grained and coarse-grained laminae
very similar to varves. This deposit formed within just a few hours (John Morris
and Steve Austin 2009, 50, 52–54).
is how evolutionists brain wash students:
Students count the number of varves (annual layers of
sediment) in shale billets, taken from the Green River Formation in Wyoming,
formed during the Eocene. The count is then extended to reflect the entire 260
meters of sediments where the billets originated, a period of nearly 2 million years
during which the annual lake sediments (varves) were laid down (DON'T TELL THIS
TO STUDENTS. LET THEM DISCOVER IT). This provides a vivid tangible experience
to see real data first hand showing the passage of at least nearly 2 million
years for the existence of a large lake, in contrast to a traditional view
that the entire Earth is only about 6-10 thousand years! (Auldaney:
See their goal? To prove the Bible false. This is not science! This is religion
behind the evolution conspiracy. These people want to create a socialist world
government of Antichrist warned about in the Bible) There are several methods
of radiometric dating, and should all produce the same date if they are
Notice the underlined fact by this evolutionist. Different methods
produce DIFFERENT dates proving they are FALSE, but he does not tell them that.
So when the dates do not fit their preconceived dates, evolutionists assume the
dates are contaminated and throw them out. And accept anything that comes close
to what they assumed. Here are the assumed half-lifes of these dating methods:
Each method
produces a date millions of years differents on the same sample, when they should be the same!
sedimentary rock requires rapid cataclysmic deposition. Charles Lyell was a
lawyer not a geologist, and Darwin was a theologian turned amateur naturalist.
They both hated Christianity. Darwin blamed God for the death of his daughter.
wife, Emma, was a devout Christian who was upset by her husband's lack of
faith. They experienced the loss of many of their children, but some
biographers say that, in particular, facing the death of their oldest
daughter, Annie, gave Darwin deeper insight into the nature of evolution
and helped Emma come to terms with her husband's work.
Evolution is
a religion of death. Survival of the fittest and the death of all others. Death
and time became the gods of this religion. Thus destruction and chaos create
order. This contradicts science and logic. Chaos produces nothing. Evolution is
the philosophy that something comes from nothing!
The Bible
teaches us that death is the enemy not the Creator. And Jesus has overcome
death and Satan, offering eternal life with Him in a perfect universe if we
trust His Word. Darwinism contradicts Jesus, and has become a god to those who
reject Christ.
Darwin is dead. Notice it spells Nimrod which means Rebellion.
How come good does not come from terrorist bombings and mass shootings? Evolutionists should welcome these things. Maybe they secretly do considering how Liberals want to destroy our Constitution and freedoms.
How come good does not come from terrorist bombings and mass shootings? Evolutionists should welcome these things. Maybe they secretly do considering how Liberals want to destroy our Constitution and freedoms.
1 Corinthians 15:20-30 King James Translation
20 But now is Christ risen from the
dead, and become the firstfruits of them that slept. (Jesus was the first to
rise from death, and when he comes to reign all those who believe His Word will
also rise as immortals.)
21 For since by man came death, by man
came also the resurrection of the dead. (Adam died, Jesus was the first to rise
again. If a person cannot believe the universe and life was created by God, how
can he believe he will live again in a new world?)
22 For as in Adam all die, even so in
Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But every man in his own order:
Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are with Christ at his coming.
24 Then cometh the end, when he shall
have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put
down all rule and all authority and power. (The Liberals who rebel against all
that is good in support of Antichrist)
25 For he must reign, till he hath put
all enemies under his feet.
26 The last enemy that shall be
destroyed is death.
All these
radioactive dating methods are from volcanic rock. Carbon 14 is the only one
that dates the actual organic substance. And AMS (Accelerator Mass
Spectrometry) has made the counting of radiated elements more accurate.
Carbon 14 is
the most accurate method, but only dates recent carbon up to 50 thousand years.
The older it is the more inaccurate reaching the point where the remaining
radioactive substance is so small it cannot be measured. Also, the older dates
are stretched because Carbon 14 has been increasing. And due to their bias for
long ages, they misinterpret dates that are so old no one can check it against
known proven archaeological artifacts.
the method was first used the resulting dates from the method were cross
checked, or calibrated, by comparing C14 measurements from artefacts of known
ages, such as Egyptian mummies and bread from Pompeii, but recorded history
went nowhere near 30 thousand, 40 thousand, or the now used 70 thousand years.
So how did they find cross reference points to check their new clock’s
accuracy? They didn’t, but neither did they tell anyone who wasn’t in the inner
circle, thus everyone on the outside thought the method was both proven and
reliable – but it wasn’t.
All radioactive dating that is older than 6
thousand years is not proven by artifacts of known age and are inaccurate.
There is no cross checking. It is like taking the word of one witness. The
legal system as well as the Bible say it takes more than one witness to prove a
fact. When two or more unrelated people who do not know each other describe the
same events you know it is a fact.
19:15, “15 One witness shall not rise up against a man
for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of
two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be
The Bible has the answer for any question of truth. The principle is you have to have at least two pieces of evidence, or witnesses that support the truthfulness of any conclusion. Coincidence is never exactly the same, and constitutes circumstantial evidence.
worldwide flood and the destruction of the canopy (the radiation shield in the
upper atmosphere producing a greenhouse effect. Also evolutionists believe the
Mesozoic was tropical from a greenhouse effect worldwide, just as the Bible
indicates causing things to grow large and live longer. In the so called Mesozioc plants grew aboundantly producing thick cole seems.), destroyed by exploding carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, (which prevented cosmic rays from penetrating
the earth’s atmosphere) along with rapid magnetic reversals at that time has
not been taken into consideration by uniformitarians (those who do not believe
in worldwide cataclysms). Here is what evolutionists say:
The group theorizes that large errors
in carbon dating result from fluctuations in the amount of carbon 14 in the
air. Changes in the Earth's magnetic field would change the deflection of
cosmic-ray particles streaming toward the Earth from the Sun. Carbon 14 is
thought to be mainly a product of bombardment of the atmosphere by cosmic rays,
so cosmic ray intensity would affect the amount of carbon 14 in the environment
at any given time.
Fossils and strata are not being created today. The sedimentary strata covers continents, and appears on other continents with the same rock and fossils. The different layers, Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous are created by changes in current direction from different environments indicated by changes in the kind of rock and fossils it contains. The flood produced oceanic transgressions that went to and fro. Secular scientists believe the ocean invaded the land also called transgressions, but they claim they lasted millions of years producing what they call inland seas like the Sundance sea in the Mid to Late Jurassic
The Sundance Sea did not occur at a single time;
geological evidence suggests that the Sea was actually a series of five
successive marine transgressions—each separated
by an erosional hiatus—which advanced and receded from the
middle Jurassic onward. The
terrestrial sediments of the Morrison Formation—eroded from rising highlands
to the west—were deposited on top of the marine Sundance sediments as the sea
regressed for the last time late in the Jurassic.
A marine
transgression is a geologic event in which sea level
rises relative to the land and the shoreline moves toward higher ground,
resulting in flooding.
Ocean Transgression
and Regression events happen during mountain building orogeny (Jeremy: which
are worldwide earth quake upheavals when mountains rise and valleys sink and
faults shift. Like the 30 mile shift in the Punchbowl Formation in Cajon Pass.)
Read more at http://www.geologyin.com/2015/09/how-to-identify-transgression-and.html#qCLibiHtctWcLKQE.99
These describes how the encroaching ocean rose to cover the continents during the Deluge, coming in and going out rising higher each time being filled from subterranean water as well as the collapsing atmospheric water that shielded the earth from harmful radiation. And then after about one year the continents began to rise because continental rock is lighter than the ocean basins. Also, the water being drained out of the subterranean waters causes the ocean bottoms to sink.
More details about flood geology: https://creation.com/how-did-the-waters-of-noahs-flood-drain
Secular scientists will tell you that some strata are marine, and others terrestrial, because of the type of rock and the kinds of fossils but this is only the type of deposition of different environments. However, in the Petrified Forest in Arizona, which is considered to be terrestrial, they found a fossil marine sting ray. And I found gypsum there which is produced by evaporation of marine water.
One geology
book said the Petrified Forest in Arizona was similar to what happened at Mt
Saint Helens. You see all dinosaur and mammal fossil sites are in clay
evolutionists tell you. And there are layers of paleosol, which they claim are
layers of soil. This is not true they do not contain roots or plant material.
They don’t explain that clay is pulverized volcanic ash. And most petrified
fossil sites are made of bentonite. Sediment (clay) mixed with volcanic ash
i.e. pulverized granite and lava deposited in water.
Now Mt Saint Helens is a test case to check the accuracy of radiometric dating. It occurred in May 18, 1980. So the dating of the lava from here should give a checkable date.
Mt Saint Helen's sedimentary deposits in 1980
The dating method Dr Austin used at Mount St
Helens was the potassium-argon method, which is widely used in geological
circles. It is based on the fact that potassium-40 (an isotope or ‘variety’ of
the element potassium) spontaneously ‘decays’ into argon-40 (an isotope of the
element argon).2 This process proceeds very slowly at a
known rate, having a half-life for potassium-40 of 1.3 billion years.1 In other words, 1.0 g of potassium-40
would, in 1.3 billion years, theoretically decay to the point that only 0.5 g
was left.
In June of 1992, Dr Austin collected a 7-kg (15-lb) block of
dacite from high on the lava dome. A portion of this sample was crushed and
milled into a fine powder. Another piece was crushed and the various mineral
crystals were carefully separated out.3 The ‘whole rock’ rock powder and four mineral
concentrates were submitted for potassium-argon analysis to Geochron
Laboratories of Cambridge, MA—a high-quality, professional radioisotope-dating
laboratory. The only information provided to the laboratory was that the
samples came from dacite and that ‘low argon’ should be expected. The
laboratory was not told that the specimen came from the lava dome at Mount St
Helens and was only 10 years old.
The results of this analysis are
shown in Table
1. What do we see? First and foremost that they are wrong. A correct
answer would have been ‘zero argon’ indicating that the sample was too young to
date by this method. Instead, the results ranged from 340,000 to 2.8 million
years! Why? Obviously, the assumptions were wrong, and this invalidates the
‘dating’ method. Probably some argon-40 was incorporated into the rock
initially, giving the appearance of great age. Note also that the results from
the different samples of the same rock disagree with each other.
/ millions of years
Whole rock
± 0.05
Feldspar, etc.
± 0.06
Amphibole, etc.
± 0.2
Pyroxene, etc.
± 0.3
± 0.6
1. Potassium-argon
‘ages’ for whole rock and mineral concentrate samples from the lava dome at
Mount St Helens (from Austin1).
Many secular
research papers have documented the fact that radiometric dating is worthless.
Since the
flood there was another cataclysm in the days of Peleg when an orogeny created
most of the mountains and faults and geologic features we see today, as well as
the separation of the continents. There were two major worldwide catastrophic
events. At the Flood of Noah about 2348 BC and another 350 years later. Both
were caused by massive asteroid impacts all over the earth. One large impact
hit Idaho. This impact created a crater that created the Yellowstone caldera a
super volcano. Since then the mantel has moved causing eruptions in different
places as the surface has moved over the underlying crater into Wyoming. When
this impact occurred in Idaho it caused an eruption that buried Miocene rhinos
alive in Nebraska. Many found dead in their trackways.
You have been conditioned by secular society who denies God created, they assume everything is a random process and interpret everything with a natural materialistic explanation. This is a preconceived idea that blinds them to other explanations. Even though both creation and evolution both require a supernatural physically impossible event to create things in the first place, which science cannot explain. Science claims that a primordial pool of water and chemicals produced complex molecules by a random process. And even if it were possible these would be destroyed over time. And if oxygen was there it would also oxidize and destroy the first molecules. But without oxygen the newly evolved creatures would suffocate. Also, if DNA was random it would be 50% right handed helix and 50% left handed helix. But if even one were a left handed helix it would not fit RNA and would destroy the organism.
Where did
DNA come from? It is a complex three dimensional digital code read backwards
and forwards by RNA, similar but far more complex three dimensional digital
code than the simple code used by the Internet. In fact this DNA code is very similar to the codes hidden in the letters of the original Hebrew and Gree Bible.
Look at an automobile, did it come together from random processes of nature over time? Then how can you say all living creatures that use a digital code in its nerves controlling the bodily functions billions of times more complex, was created by a natural random process? Certainly God would not use a useless trial an error method, unless he was an ordinary man who also evolved from nothing. That goes for the theory of extraterrestrial aliens or gods also. Who created them? And if so did God lie?
Here is a an electric motor.
It has a rotor, stator and commutator. This motor has the same power-to-weight ratio as an internal combustion engine, spins at up to 100,000 rpm and achieves near-perfect efficiency. Yet at only 50 nanometres across. Who made it? God did. It is in a bacteria which is neither a animal or a plant. And it is more efficiant than any of man's electric motors and is microscopic. It can suddenly reverse and change direction unlike man's electric motors.
A big bang produces only destruction not order. And nothing comes from nothing. All extremely complex design, which is seen everywhere in nature, requires a conscious intelligence. Every vestigial organ that evolutionists claimed had no purpose have been shown to have a purpose. The appendix make us immune to certain diseases, they lied or were ignorant when they said it had no purpose. All of our complex inventions have been reverse engineered from something in nature that God designed and created.
A big bang produces only destruction not order. And nothing comes from nothing. All extremely complex design, which is seen everywhere in nature, requires a conscious intelligence. Every vestigial organ that evolutionists claimed had no purpose have been shown to have a purpose. The appendix make us immune to certain diseases, they lied or were ignorant when they said it had no purpose. All of our complex inventions have been reverse engineered from something in nature that God designed and created.
If natural
things can come together without intelligent design, then how come a dead body
cannot come back to life? It has all the natural elements? Why don’t we see
microorganisms forming and evolving today? This should be a continuous process.
claim we do not see evolution because it takes a long time. Well if it cannot
be observed then it is not science. Scientists have been experimenting on fruit
flies, so they should have evolved into something else by now. All they have
produced with all their intelligent experiments is defective fruit flies with
four wings that cannot fly, no wings, etc.
The Michelson–Morley experiment produced a few amino acids,
but was far from producing the complex variety required to create life. And
they were not arrange in the proper order, and it also produced a poison tar. And
if complex DNA was produced it would be right or left handed. But only right
handed DNA can produce life.
Man has never produced life in the laboratory and never will, because it is supernatural. Life is supernatural not physical. And if man cannot do it how could random nature? Yes they can produce artificial intelligence that mimics thought (designed by intelligent scientists not random process), but it will never create conscious life which is supernatural. Only God can create the supernatural. In fact if only the natural world exists, then there should be no design. Nothing should exist under natural conditions.
John 1:1-5 King James Translation
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (The Word is Jesus)
2 The same
was in the beginning with God.
3 All things
were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Did you know that I discovered that the numeric code found in the letters of the original Hebrew and Greek Bible are similar to the codes hidden in DNA? The gematria code, and skipped letter code, and that the code is three dimensional and can be read in all directions!
Atheistic scientists believe they can create life (seen in Science Fiction stories) because life is only physical chemistry to them. We are mechanical robots that think we are alive. And design is only the appearance of intelligent design. That is why Liberals want to kill babies in abortions, because we are only mechanical machines. And when we die we do not exist. That is why the Socialist Liberals want to get rid of the Constitution and our God given rights, because we are only accidents of nature with no rights, only might makes right to them. And today the United Nations (Communist founded and run) and their Liberal dupes want to become gods, like Satan promised Eve and rebuild the Marxist world government like Babel in Sumer to conquer space and other planets and make slaves of people under socialism led by the coming world ruler the Antichrist. They want to evolve into gods. Evolution was the promise by Satan to Eve, you will evolve into gods through knowledge of good and evil. The ancient pagans were called Gnostics which means man’s knowledge – without the wisdom of God to direct it. Looking at nature we find extremely complex design that requires an intelligent designer and no one knows who or what did it. Only the Bible gives you these answers. And when you trust and believe what it says without reading something into it changing its meaning. You find absolute truth. When you test it, you find it is true and man is wrong! Creation science based on the Bible and the facts of science always prove to be correct. On the other hand secular science is always changing because they make wrong assumptions. They are ever changing their theories but never coming to the truth. The Triassic Moenkope Formation was changed to the Jurassic when they found the Dilophosaur dinosaur. At first in the late 1800s evollutionists thought the dinosaurs lived a few million years ago, then they changed it to many millions. But this fact has been kept from the public. There are no solid facts when it come to the age of anything, and what it evolved from. Each paleoanthropologist has a different family tree for man's evolution. And Richard Leaky in his book I read that there was no way to tell the difference between a homanid and a chimpanze.
2 Timothy 7:7
Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Isaiah 55:
7 Let the
wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return
unto the Lord, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he
will abundantly pardon.
8 For my
thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith
the Lord.
Romans 3:
3 For what if
some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without
4 God forbid:
yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou
mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art
The majority never knows the truth, only the minority. Do you go to geologist to repair your car? This is why we were to be a Republic under just laws, not a Democracy of majority rule (lynch mob rule) where fools are brainwashed by the mass media (Fake News). This is why we have the Electoral College. And obey the Constitution and Bill of (God given) Rights.
All of zoology and biology shows that everything in nature is extremely complex and requires a conscious designer and cannot come from a step by step random processes. And it does not show only the appearance of design, but purposeful design with irreducible complexity dependent on many different parts that work as one. It shows beauty, and it all has a purpose greater than man’s art. When a species becomes extinct it effects the balance of nature on all other living things. All of nature’s elements compose a gigantic well designed machine that works together. Random processes produce chaos not design.
Even the technology they claim came from a crashed flying saucer in Roswell NM, that gave us the ability to create the high speed Internet possible since then, and things for space travel. These are all found in nature and do not have to come from aliens. Everything man creates is already found in nature.
They claim evolution created complex design as a result of unlimited time. The fact is the more time the more entropy. If some simple design happened by chance, then time would destroy it.
Complex design requires irreducible complexity. Things cannot start one step at a time, all functions must be created at the same time. Or natural selection would destroy it.
A Venus Flytrap requires a reddish color to attract insects as well as a scent, three triggers that require two trigger events from an unsuspecting bug. Then it has to have a spring to close the trap, and interlocking spines to entrap it. Then it must release digestive juices. All this to survive in a swamp with little nutrition. Why didn’t it become extinct before it evolved these things? And if it could survive without all this why did it develop them? Why wouldn’t survival of the fittest make this plant extinct before it could evolve?
Survival of the fittest cannot explain evolution, it can only choose what already exists.
Mutations, they are produced by accident and always produce a loss of genetic information, and are always destructive. Evolution requires an increase in information. Geneticists (secular and creation scientists) are worried about genetic overload of destructive mutations that could cause man’s extinction in another thousand years. Every generation is losing genetic information at an alarming rate. The Bible indicates that the earth will only last 7 thousand years before a new heaven and earth are created.
If natural
processes created design, it would not be functional design – there would be no
purpose. Furthermore, the design we see requires extremely improbable
circumstance that could NEVER happen naturally. The appearance of design
(without purpose) require the possibility of happening by a random process. It
is possible to drop 2 objects and produce a straight line, now drop 3 objects
and produce a triangle. Try and have dozens of objects dropped at random and
form a circle and square inside it. Or flip a coin and get two heads. Now try
and flip a coin and get heads one hundred times in a row.
Nature is septillion multiplied by septillion times more complex. God says the Israelites would be like the stars or the sand on all the seashores on earth for number in the future.
Nature is septillion multiplied by septillion times more complex. God says the Israelites would be like the stars or the sand on all the seashores on earth for number in the future.
If evolution using time is god (The Pagan god Chronos is Satan) then there is no afterlife and no purpose. No one will go to heaven, and there is no God and nature created itself. Why do they say the universe created itself, has it been proven? Have scientists observed natural processes produce complex purposeful design? Are, there any eye witnesses? Only one, God was there. And what does he say? He says he created the universe in 5 days of morning and night (And it does not mean the Medieval Dark Age was one night) on Thursday he created birds and sea animals, then the next day he created land animals (including dinosaurs) on Friday.
Genesis 1:25, “God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and everything that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good” and on the same day he created Adam and Eve. And evening and morning cannot be interpreted as a long period of time. Then he tells us the names of Adam’s descendants so we can add up exactly how long ago this was. Which comes to about 5 thousand years. Even if there were gaps they would not count because he gives the age of the person, when the next one was born. Now some uncertainty can come from what part of the year they were born, but this would add and subtract up to only a few years at most. No where can you stick millions of years in it. God is omnipotent, he does not lie, and he is the one who created time. He cannot make a mistake. Only man does that. Unless you don’t believe God’s Word or the facts of science.
What do the facts of science say? That it took millions of years to deposit the average one mile of sediment? Grand Canyon is about a mile deep to the bedrock granite Paleozoic, above that is the Cambrian up to the top of the Canyon in the Permian (Coconino sandstone) where I have found tracks of unknown quadrupeds. The strata there covers one billion years they claim, but is only one mile deep. Actually it should be many miles deep (approximately 100 miles) if it is over 600 million years from the Pre-Cambrian.
everywhere you look at rock strata you see FLAT layers that can only be
deposited rapidly by moving water. Water has to be moving rapidly to carry
sediment. And the larger the sand or boulders the faster it has to move. Then
when it slows down it drops the sediment sorted from rocks gravel to sand and
fine mud sorted as the water slows down. Sediment is not deposited over
millions of years, it takes no more than a few hours or weeks. And if there is
a break in the deposit a rough eroded surface is formed just like the surface
today, but there are none! Only a rare up and down of a few feet. And on these flat breakes there is a layer of dead animals and plants and sometimes there are trackways. I have seen slightly rough surfaces only in major nonconformities and mostly in post Flood (Peleg’s Division)
Cenozoic strata like I saw in Cajon Pass CA in lower Pliocene to upper Miocene
Punchbowl Formation made of colored rhyolite volcanic ash. Here I found a Pigmy
Antelope (leg, jaw, joint, and toes) identical to those in the Pleistocene
Rancho La Brea tar pits where I identified it. As well as a deer’s jaw, and
unidentified long bones.
This strata is identified as Miocene ended 5.3 million years ago to Pleistocene which began about 2.6 million years ago. That is a gap of over 2.7 million years with no sign of evolution. In fact all fossils are either identical to living organisms or they are extinct. This does not show evolution. As for dinosaurs evolving into birds. They are entirely different, birds do not breathe like reptiles. And evolution never goes from large too small. And never goes from many too few like the phony horse series from four toes, three toes to one. And the Dawn Horse Hyracotherium has been identified as a Rock Badger or Hyrax which is not related to horses. And it is still alive. Hyracotherium - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyracotherium Hyracotherium is
an extinct genus of very small perissodactyl ungulates that was found in the
London Clay Formation. This small, dog-sized animal was once considered to
be the first horse. (They named it the Dawn Horse, Hyracotherium.)
(genus Hyracotherium), also called dawn horse, extinct group of mammals
that were the first known horses. They flourished in North America.
The only comparison today to sedimentary deposition is in lakes, oceans, and streams. And none are turning to stone. However, the geologic column covers hundreds of thousands of miles, and much of it is made of layers of pure sand, mud, conglomerate, salt, diatoms, that spread from California to New York in some cases. How does deposition over millions of years produce pure anything?
One paleontologist said the Styracosaurus grave yards were probably like Wildebeest deposits in Africa today caught in a flash flood in a river. However, one of my acquaintances talked to this paleontologist and he said he still cannot understand how it could be such a vast deposit covering hundreds of miles with hundreds of thousands of individuals! In the television program he was sitting in front of bluffs of rainbow colored volcanic ash. Almost all vertebrate fossils sites are made of volcanic ash mixed sediment.
Here is what secular geologists say https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stratum, “Each layer is generally one of a number of parallel layers that lie one upon another, laid down by natural processes. They may extend over hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of the Earth's surface.”
Many layers of strata cross continents, and take up again on other continents and they can be hundreds of feet thick.
We creation scientists believe that the Paleozoic strata was deposited during the first stages of the Flood. Here we find what the evolutionists call the sauk transgression, which formed a shallow sand deposit or empiric sea over more than 75 percent of North America. And other Permian, Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous strata is also later massive transgressions and showing different tidal impacts, in the first few months of the Flood.
What does science tell us? The mile thick geologic column took many millions of years to form slowly called uniformity. This was concocted by Charles Lyell a lawyer, and lawyers are trained to make it appear their client is innocent even when he is guilty. The Bible warns us that the first to testify makes it seem the person is innocent, until the other side presents their evidence that proves they are guilty. Or vice versa.
Does the sedimentary rock show it formed slowly over millions of years? The term sedimentary means deposited by water. In fact the whole geologic column was deposited by water. Even terrestrial sediment including crossbeded aeolian sandstone claimed to have been deposited by wind, however it was deposited by water by cross currents.
Picture of Navajo Formation Jurassic dinosaur bearing strata. However no body fossils are found, only tracks in this type of rock.

Picture below is of solid rock when it is up or down thrust after it has become solid rock.
The only reason they claim dinosaur Mesozoic or Cenozoic mammal strata is terrestrial is because terrestrial animals are
fossilized in it, and it fits evolution speculation. They used to claim crossbeded Permian Coconino and Moenkopi Formation red sandstone (contains only trackways no petrified body fossils) is wind deposited because it looks similar to sand dunes in the desert. Disney portrayed this in the Fantasia movie. But I found mud cracks and ripples which prove shallow water created these. And the angle of desert sand is at a steeper angle that that produced by sand underwater. Research has proven these crossbeds are water not wind deposited. And sand does not become hard suddenly to preserve the numerous pristine trackways seen in Coconino and Moenkopi sandstone. I have found many fossil trackways in red sandstone in Permian Coconino and Moenkope Formations in Arizona at Tuba City, Meteor Crater in Arizona, and at Mountain Pass at the edge of California in Upper or Early Jurassic strata.
I saw dinosaurs bones near Moab Utah in Navajo Formation sandstone surrounded by fresh water Unio clams that are articulated with valves together showing they were buried alive. All strata has articulated clams that had to be deposited rapidly while they were alive, or their valves would come apart. I have a collection from around the world, including ones I collected myself from several states.

This Switzerland ichtheosaur was fossilized in the act of giving birth.
All body fossils and plants prove they were preserved in hours because they would disintegrate within days. And soft organic remains would be desiccated. So how did almost complete mummified as well as almost complete skeletons survive in the Hell Creek (Montana) and Lance (Wyoming. I was at this dinosaur dig) Cretaceous Formations?
It has been discovered that almost all petrified fossils contain soft tissue including blood hematite, blood vessels, soft tissue, collagen, bone cells, DNA, and food in their stomach.
How can this
be since decomposition begins immediately after death even when the body is
sealed off from oxygen?
“Decomposition begins several minutes after
death, with a process called autolysis, or self-digestion. Soon after the heart
stops beating, cells become deprived of oxygen, and their acidity increases as
the toxic by-products of chemical reactions begin to accumulate inside them.
Enzymes start to digest cell membranes and then leak out as the cells break
down. This usually begins in the liver, which is enriched in enzymes, and in
the brain, which has high water content; eventually, though, all other tissues
and organs begin to break down in this way. Damaged blood cells spill out of
broken vessels and, aided by gravity, settle in the capillaries and small
veins, discoloring the skin.”
“Javan’s study suggests that this
“microbial clock” may also be ticking within the decomposing human body, too.
The first bacteria they detected came from a sample of liver tissue obtained
from a cadaver just 20 hours after death, but the earliest time at which
bacteria were found in all samples from the same cadaver was 58 hours after
death. Thus, after we die, our bacteria may spread through the body in a
stereotyped way, and the timing with which they infiltrate first one internal
organ and then another may provide a new way of estimating the amount of time
that has elapsed since death.”
Here is what
evolutionists at Berkeley say about fossils,
“The tissues would also have to be preserved fairly
quickly to minimize mineralizations of the cells themselves. To better retain
cellular structure, however, an increase in surrounding temperature and
pressure would have to exist. This would allow more carbon, the basic organic
element, to be retained in the cells and thus also the organic matter.”
If you
research forensics used to determine when a person was murdered tells us that
even when a body is sealed from oxygen there are bacteria in all bodies that
immediately go to work to destroy the organic remains. I saw a dead coyote and
it was totally gone in a couple of weeks.
And here is a dead rat killed by the cat only a week earlier.
What about
600 million year old Cambrian trilobites, and Eocene/Miocene crab fossils? They
have chitin exoskeletons that are preserved.
“In modern
ecosystems, chitin-eating bacteria rapidly recycle the atoms that comprise
chitin. So, fossilized chitin must have been quickly isolated from bacteria and
water. But how?
in the online journal PLoS ONE, researchers speculated that the
chitin was buried in mud where there was no oxygen and perhaps very few
bacteria. But multiple experiments have shown that bacteria living in deep
mud and without oxygen readily use organic molecules as food sources. For
example, one investigator sealed modern lobsters—which have an exoskeleton made
of chitin—into jars of water and mud. The result:
processes were active in the experimental conditions despite anoxia [lack of
oxygen] and had virtually destroyed the carcasses within 25 weeks.…The results
clearly show that anoxia is ineffective as a long-term conservation medium in
the preservation of soft-bodied fossils.”
Also trilobite fossils show no predators had tried to eat them. Animals that shed their exoskeleton always eat their molted skin for nurshiment. And evolutionists assume trilobites are molts.
Some are coiled like other arthropods, pill bugs. They coil when threatened. Like Phacops rana below. These coild trilobites are very common showing they were alive and trheatened.
Ever since the graduate student of the famous paleontologist Jack Horner, Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue in a T-rex dinosaur bone more and more has been found. Proving dinosaurs cannot be millions of years old. They are actually about 5 thousand years old proven by the facts of science and the Bible! Schweitzer has desperately tried to find a solution to the problem of preservation. She finally came to the conclusion that iron from hemoglobin and myoglobin from muscle cells is the answer. However, there was not enough iron! But her experiment used water tends to accelerate tissue and protein degradation. And evidence shows that like the Michelson–Morley experiment in creating random enzymes in a test tube, it was a failure to produce the necessary results in nature. It failed in the intelligently controlled laboratory and would definitely fail in a natural random environment. So they suggest iron in the matrix caused the preservation, but that iron is in crystalline form and is not easily liquefied.
Ever since the graduate student of the famous paleontologist Jack Horner, Mary Schweitzer discovered soft tissue in a T-rex dinosaur bone more and more has been found. Proving dinosaurs cannot be millions of years old. They are actually about 5 thousand years old proven by the facts of science and the Bible! Schweitzer has desperately tried to find a solution to the problem of preservation. She finally came to the conclusion that iron from hemoglobin and myoglobin from muscle cells is the answer. However, there was not enough iron! But her experiment used water tends to accelerate tissue and protein degradation. And evidence shows that like the Michelson–Morley experiment in creating random enzymes in a test tube, it was a failure to produce the necessary results in nature. It failed in the intelligently controlled laboratory and would definitely fail in a natural random environment. So they suggest iron in the matrix caused the preservation, but that iron is in crystalline form and is not easily liquefied.
Ever since
then evolutionists have desperately tried to find out how organic substances
can be preserved for 65 to 300 million years, when science has proven that they
cannot last more than 1 to 1.5 million years at most. And then that would be a
miracle! Evolutionists have come up with several explanations that have proven inadequate.
But they refuse to accept the truth, that dinosaurs are thousands of years old
not millions, claiming there must be some undiscovered method of preservation.
Like Darwin claimed that there would be discoveries of missing links in the future.
Today there are LESS missing link claims. The Bible says ever learning but
never coming to a knowledge of the truth.
What does an
evolutionist have to say? Scientist Matthew Collins conducted several protein
decay studies says, “Since proteins decay in an orderly fashion.” Remember the
forensic studies about murdered people, the bacteria in the body immediately
begin to destroy all body organs. No condition, “could arrest protein
degeneration for tens of millions of years.” And this does not include the
proof from Carbon 14 that dinosaurs are thousands of years old not millions!
And this is
not all. Soft dinosaur tissue has retained transparency, elasticity, and reactivity
to certain antibodies proving it is original tissue!
In spite of
the irrefutable scientific evidence evolutionists REFUSE to accept the obvious
In fact the
degeneration of organic substances and tissues can be used to replace
radiometric dating. They break down just as systematically!
How does the
evolutionist face these facts? Buchanan who did the research to find and answer
and failed, says that creationists (scientists) dismiss the scientific (atheistic
religion), making, “them, and their version of the Christian faith, look silly”
Buchanan, 2015.
they found a 550 year old beard worm with trace amounts of protein fragments.
Well The Truth is Out There! But they do not want to know the truth.
This is the
same thing going on in the false accusations of the Steel report against Trump.
This ‘secret agent’ in the Kremlin has been shown to be a fraud by the FBI.
Same people behind both of the these conspiracies. The Liberals who want to
rebuild Babel with a Marxist world government under the United Nation’s
Antichrist who hates God and all truth.
Also, most
petrified fossil bones are buried in volcanic ash from volcanic upheavals of
rhyolite. Most volcanic eruptions today are basaltic. Also no one has found the
source of the volcanic rocks and ash rained down on dinosaurs in Montana and
Wyoming in Cretaceous sediment. No volcano has been found in the fossil record,
but ash and bombs are found everywhere. Why? Because they were washed away by
continent crossing tsunamis during the world wide flood. And these also erased
the thousands of meteorite craters. There is evidence of massive asteroid
swarms at the time of the Flood described in the Bible.
When the
flood began to abate volcanic and meteorite dust began to settle and created
the KT boundary. The second cataclysm about 350 years later created the
Cenozoic mammal deposits. These Post Flood deposits produced a different kind
of rock layers and a different kind of fossilization, and buried a different
kind of animals. The ocean did not cover the land like in the previous
cataclysm in the days of Noah but there were local flooding worldwide with
tsunamis, worldwide earthquakes, from another shower of smaller but large
asteroids about the time of the impacts in Arizona and Odessa Texas and the
approximately one million Carolina Bay craters.
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