Biden/Trump Debate
Trump predicted ahead of the debate, Chris Wallace will cheat and ask simple question for Biden, and ask him hard questions. That is exactly what happened. Trump Says Chris Wallace ‘Controlled by the Radical Left’ via @politicalwire
I expected this also, since Fox News is Fake News which pretends to be Conservative. Watch NewsMax instead, and read New America Magazine.
In the Presidential Debate Biden did not make a lot of big blunders. But did stumble several times very briefly showing mental deterioration.
However, Joe did make a big mistake when he told Trump to "shut up", and called him a "liar", and a "Clown."
The worst was when
Biden said he was not going to implement The Green New Deal. Then stumbled and
forgot what he was talking about, then laughed. The moderator Chris
Wallace of Fox News laughed too and said he does that too, and gave him the question again. Then Biden went on
to say he would implement The Green New Deal and it would pay for itself and cost nothing. He said
he would tear down buildings and rebuild them with more energy efficient ones. And get rid of the cars, planes, etc. And this would create many new jobs. He neglected to tell us where the
trillions to pay these workers would come from. And trillions for the material. Or money for new vehicles.
This is ridiculous, it would require
billions or more of dollars in more taxes far beyond our national income, and Trump pointed this out. And increase the cost of living. Biden is making up things from fantasyland, hoping with the Fake News supporting him, people will be fooled.
Biden says he would get rid of gasoline
and fracking (which would destroy our economy, our standard of living, send businesses to other
countries, and leave people to die in winter) to prevent Global Warming and
rejoin the Paris Accords and cut the increase of CO2. Destroying our energy, and other necessities and putting us under enemy countries for fuel and medicines, etc. This would force us to pay taxes to the Marxist world government. Wind and solar? These are not practical sources of energy, and they have to be propped up with tax money. However, Obama and others profit off investing in these failed companies.
The fact is
CO2 does cause temperatures to rise a little bit, then reaches saturation and
the temperature increase stops. Biden said it would cause oceans to rise. This
is false, melting ice does not cause the ocean to rise. Ice shrinks and it is mostly
under water already. And the Bible says God has set a barrier that the ocean
cannot cross. Biden said it harms trees. No actually plants breathe CO2 which causes
them to grow more abundantly. And they create more oxygen. Paleontologists tell
us that when the dinosaurs lived there was a greenhouse effect with higher oxygen and CO2 levels, that made dinosaurs healthier than living things today. And there was no ice at the poles. Both evolutionists and creationists agree on this.
Also, the climatologists know that if all the rules were enforced it would not bring the temperature down more than a tiny amount that would do nothing. And it would cost billions. And this money would be used to Communize the world.
The fires in California is not global warming, it is mismanagement by the Democrats. See War on the West and the American Lands Access Association.
As for the odd weather it is caused by
the sun. And it is possible Liberals are using HAARP to cause destructive weather
to convince us we are in danger from weather change to force us into a Marxist world
Biden went on with lies about how prosperous America was when Obama left office. And that Trump was causing unemployment. It was actually caused by Covid19 a bioweapon developed by Chinese Communists according to a Chinese scientist whistleblower. And it appears that the Democrats helped spread it. It was pointed out that it was in Democrat controlled areas is where the virus spread the worst. And it was Democrats that forced nursing homes to accept sick patients where people were the most susceptible to the disease, and resulted in the greatest number of deaths. Obviously on purpose. According to the United Nations Agenda 2030 they want to use Technocracy to bring about sustainable development by killing off 75% of earths population. Then they can use transhumanism to fulfill Satan's promise that man would become gods and live forever in mechanical bodies. This was actually discussed at the Bilderberg meeting about 3 years ago from an informat at the meeting.
Then Biden said riots happened in a couple of Republican areas too. However, as Trump pointed out it was worse and there were far more in Democrat controlled cities. And in these same cities Democrats and media encouraged terrorist organizations to riot.
Asked about Antifa, Biden said they were not an organization just an idea. Obvious lie, because they caught a rental truck with supplies for the rioters from George Soros. And the rioters were brought in from other places. Obviously funded by Soros.
I remember the leader of the Black Panthers puzzling over the fact that it was big banker Capitalists that were funding their riots. And Rockefeller is pictured hugging Russian a Communist leader, and that they had special privileges to visit Russia.
Picture of Nelson Rockefeller with Russian leaders.
Biden told Trump he was racist when he shut down the border to China. Then they said he should have shut it down sooner and blame him for deaths. Biden blamed Trump for not getting equipment for the virus, hoever Trump had these things made in record time like it had never been done before. Biden made up a pipe dream that he could do it faster and better.
other countries are they responsible for the deaths also? The fact is the number of deaths is exaggerated, and many died from other causes including some who were shot. Biden wants to disarm our military, police, and citizens, release criminals, and defund the police, and support rioters. Biden paid the bail for criminals who were rioting. And he is funded by the billionaire Bilderbergs the Illuminati.
Then Biden bragged about one of his
sons. So Trump brought up the criminal acts of Hunter Biden, and Biden said
that was debunked. And the moderator tried to stop Trump. And Biden would not explain how Hunter was paid millions when
he had no experience. Biden refused to answer. Then the moderator should have told Biden to answer the question, like in a court case. Biden said he didn't have time to answer the Clown. Instead the moderator interrupted and changed the subject.
They say Trump did not condemn Antifa. However, Trump has condemned Antifa. He said he condemns all terrorist activity. Then the media lies about it.
Biden claimed that Trump said there were good people on both sides in the riots. That was taken out of context,. Trump was referring to the peaceful protesters over removal of historical statues. Trump was NOT referring to Antifa or Black Lies Matter.
Biden lied and said Trump insulted soldiers and told people to drink Clorox. These are lies. Witnesses say he did not say those things and there are videos I saw, and Trump did not say drink clorox. I said no one would even have a reason to say such a thing. Later in the debate he said no one would say such a thing about our soldiers. And Trump has supported our soldiers and the veterans. Biden and the Democrats are pathological liars, because they think the Goyim are stupid and believe everything the Fake News tells them, just as described in the Illuminati plan by the Priory de Scion first published in 1895.
Biden said he is for the police and
rule of law. But when Trump said all police organizations support Trump. Then
asked if he could name one police organization that supports Biden. He refused
to answer.
And Trump had to ask while the moderator and Biden tried to keep him
Then the question of voter fraud Biden claimed there was very little fraud and mail in votes were normal. He did not tell us there is a difference between mail in votes by unidentified voters, and Absentee Ballots from identified voters.
The fact is some fraud has already been identified. The Joe Biden campaign’s Texas Political Director has been formally accused of helping to run an illegal ballot harvesting operation, according to two separate affidavits filed Monday at the Texas Supreme Court.
Video footage captured by Project Veritas shows an operative, Liban Mohamed, bragging about collecting hundreds of ballots.
Of course the Fake News slandered Trump and did not mention Bidens lies and insults. It is disgusting Communist crap.
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