July 25th Inland Empire Creation Science Association

The Inland Empire Creation Science Association presents Ross Anderson, Ph.D. speaking on:

Hemoglobin: A Precision Designed Protein"

Hemoglobin is probably one of the most familiar of proteins; it is so common that and familiar that we often take it for granted. 
Yet, all of life depends on it. How much do we really know about our very lives depend moment to moment on this average sized protein? How many of us know that from very early in embryonic development we depend on hemoglobin? Hemoglobin is beautifully designed to carry out its functions under a variety of different conditions. While most know hemoglobin is essential in delivering oxygen to the tissues from the lungs, it is also instrumental in helping to maintain proper acid-base balance in the blood, and for delivery of other compounds such as nitric oxide.
Hemoglobin consists of four subunits. The subunits are encoded by separate genes on different chromosomes, yet they are coordinately regulated to provide just the right amounts of each subunit.
We will examine the structure of hemoglobin and see how it is able to carry out its intended functions, and we will examine the coordinated regulation of the genes which encode its subunits.

            Dr. Anderson received his Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX. He did his post-doctoral work in the Molecular Genetics Division of the Department of Ophthalmology at the Houston Neurosensory Center. There he worked on aspects of light transduction in the retina of the eye.
Dr. Anderson has taught Biochemistry to medical and graduate students at Baylor College of Medicine and directed research activities of many of these same students. He later became a member of both the undergraduate and graduate faculty in the Department of Biology at Lamar University, a state university, in Texas. There he taught and directed the research of students working toward a Masters Degree in Biology.
            Dr. Anderson’s research interests are in the areas of cellular and sub-cellular biology and physiology. He currently works on the synthesis and expression of synthetic genes coding for human DNA polymerases for the purpose of protein structure-function studies. Dr. Anderson has authored or co-authored several research publications in major, peer-reviewed journals. He is a member of the Sigma Xi Biological Research Society and the American Chemical Society.
            Dr. Anderson is currently a full professor in the Department of Biological and Physical Sciences at The Master’s College, Santa Clarita, CA where he has been for the past nineteen years.
NOTE: The odd thing is there is no reference to any publication made by Ross Anderson, except he spoke at the South Bay Creation Science Association: http://www.creationinthecrossfire.org/2017/03/next-meeting-march-25-2017-7-pm-ross-anderson-ph-d/ 

The last Tuesday of the month
Jul. 25, 2017 at 7:00 PM

At the Seventh Day Baptist Church
5901 Chicago Ave., Riverside, CA 92506
Downstairs in Room 1.

We will be giving a door prize!
“God's Wondrous Machine”
The Breathtaking Respiratory System

Lainna Callentine M.Ed., M.D.


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