Nephilim Giants Conference Texas

How come creation scientists don't investigate the Nephilim the hybrid offspring of Fallen Angels? They were the evil ones that caused the Flood! God had to bring the Flood to stop the Nephilim and their followers  from leading man into rebellion, and into destroying the earth with their violence. 

Most Creation researchers want to please the world so they only get involved in matarilastic creation science and avoid the supernatural. 

This is where man has always gone wrong, when he interprets miracles into materialistic interpretations. The professional creationists working for rich organizations compromise. This is so they don't offend churches, the majority of which, have compromised with the world. 

Henry Morris IV heard about my books and said, "It sounds like Conspiracy Theory." I explained that the history of the earth involves a conspiracy by Satan and his agents against God. The creation story of the earth involves Satanic Conspiracy that shows that nothing happens by accident, someone planned it. Wars, depressions, elections, Communism, Nazi, crime, Liberal Conspiracy, Fake News, etc. But the evolution theory on the other hand says everything in history happens by random accident. 

This is why some people suggest we can get along with Muslims, and Jews can live at peace with Arabs, and Republicans can work together with Democrats. There is a supernatural war going on which divides people. Everyone is either with God or Satan. The only solution is to convert those who want to know the truth, or to keep the enemy unarmed. Eventually one or the other must be destroyed. God says he will put an end to evil on judgement day in the near future. 

Henry Morris IV the grandson of my friend Henry Morris unfriended me on Facebook and canceled my subscription to Days of Praise.

Professional creationists avoid anything that would be considered Conspiracy Theory which causes the enemy to ridicule and say they are unscientific. This is why most creationists never mention the connection between the Flood, creation and Bible prophecy in current events today. They forget we are in the Last Days before Jesus return and that it will be like the days of Noah. They are following the churches into the Great Apostasy. They do not warn people and are ignorant of the fact that the Antichrist will be of the bloodline of Nimrod who was a Nephilim creating the New World Order. 

Ridicule and slander is used by the enemy as a weapon to prevent the truth from being spoken about in public. You see this in Fake News and slander against Christians and Conservatives.

I ran into this prejudice when I spoke at the Institute for Creation Research and Creation Research Society Conference in Texas in 2015 when I talked about the research I did for my books: .

The Institute for Creation Research and Creation Reserarch Society's Phd scientists have followed Kurt Wise and his consensus science. I came across a secret meeting of top creation scientists at the International Conference on Creationism in PittsburgMy friends and best true creation scientists are either dead or retired like John Morris. got this from the evolutionists. Consessus science is where all truth is decided by the majority and not by observation or experiments. And only creation scientists with degrees are accepoted.

A conference to meet this void was organized in 2018 by Joe Taylor. It is past but the information is interesting. Joe Taylor, Carl Baugh, myself Jeremy Auldaney, and others are creation sciebtists. 
Here is information on Joe's Conference on the supernatural aspects of creation science.    

Everybody has heard of Big Foot, but how many have said they were blondish? "How do you know you hit it?", I asked. This was met with a scowl, "Me and my brother are dead shots. We don't miss." "It was not of this world." was the cowboy's last word as I ended the interview in the hospital. Come to the conference, ask him yourself.
Sincerely, Joe Taylor

Moth Man, Big Foot, UFOs, Chupacabra, Giants, Peruvian Skulls, Noah’s Ark - “THEY ARE REAL!” These are the speakers’ topics for the October 1-2, 2018 They Are Real Conference, to be held in Crosbyton, Texas at the Pioneer Memorial Museum, 101 W. Main ST. Crosbyton, Texas 79322, 806-675-2421,

Jeremy: He looks a lot like Satan as Baphomat the Idol worshipped by the Knights Templar Masons.

MOTH MAN: There will be eye-witnesses. FIVE sightings of the very strange and terrifying Moth Man in Crosbyton alone. A woman hit one and dented her car. It was as tall as a man but had wings. When she approached it, it stood up and flew away. Another one chased a pick up at high speed at Sundown, Texas. News reports of them terrorizing towns in West Virginia and Iowa have surfaced.

Jeremy: John Keel researched this subject. When flying they resemble flying reptiles. Their appearance resembles illustrations of Demonic Fallen Angels!
BIG FOOT: How many bullets does it take to stop an eight-foot-tall Big Foot? The man who knows will tell you at the conference. What do they eat? Do they leave gifts? The Big Foot Lady and her neighbor will tell all about it. Are they human??

Jeremy: I have suggested in my book Part 2 that they are a remnanant of the Giants the Nephilim. They give off a solferic smell like other occult phenomena. John Keel noted solferic oxide at paranormal events. And they appear to be human like. And they are about the same size as most Nephilim giants.
UFOs: Two cowboys saw a UFO in Blanco Canyon. What did it do? What did another cowboy see that convinced him he was not seeing a known aircraft?

Jeremy: In my book Part 2, I report UFO encounters I have had that convinced me and my mother that they were real and satanic. See 
CHUPACABRA: This weird vampire dog called the “goat sucker” and the “hell dog” in Mexican folk lore was just what they said it was. It was not a myth. The Mt. Blanco Museum in Crosbyton, had the best specimen of El Chupacabra. The carcass of it and a coyote were both examined in a University lab to see exactly what it is. They’re not a mangy coyote. Tom Taylor will describe the one he encountered in Lubbock, Texas.

Jeremy: This doglike creature is associated with the Spring Heeled Jack. In one report a UFO was seen in a field by a witness. Then he noticed a humanoid creature which ran away and jumped over a tall fence.

Our atheistic materialist scientific society has ignored these events. No Satan and his Demons can manefest themselves on rare occasions. But in the last days these invasions will increase disguised as contact with extraterrestrial astronaughts.
NOAH’S ARK: You’re daring death to climb Mt. Ararat searching for Noah’s ark. Aaron Judkins did just that and got a Hollywood film crew to go with him! He will explain how hard the whole ordeal was.
ELONGATED SKULLS OF PERU: No American has spent more time with these very strange, very long skulls from Peru than Joe Taylor, curator of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum. With their having only one parietal bone, instead of two - (the two halves of the top of the skull) - and then having sometimes two dozen extra bones in the skull, it is easy to see why so many researchers wondered if they were alien instead of human. Taylor says, “Spending weeks with those skulls studying them in order to mold them and having made accurate reproductions of them has given me insights that I wouldn’t have had otherwise.”

Joe was part of the LA Marzulli WATCHERS team with Brien Forester, that recently did a press release on the strange DNA results from these skulls.

Accurate casts of them will be on display at the conference.

Heard of the Star Child Skull? Researchers were convinced it was alien. The woman who owns it will be here to talk about it. An exact cast will be on display.

THEY ARE REAL is a conference to educate people, especially those who are reluctant to even discuss these strange phenomena for fear of ridicule.

“The TV series Ancient Aliens talks about a lot of these subjects, but their view is pretty one-sided”, said Joe Taylor who is the organizer of the conference. (Jeremy: They are evolutionists who do not believe in God or Satan) Taylor continued, “I know some of the people on that show and they don’t give the whole story.” They bring in the Bible, but their take on it is skewed. (Jeremy: Yes, John Keel agnostic UFO researcher is brilliant on UFOs but is is a fool when it comes to understanding the Bible) Several of the skulls and artifacts I have worked on somehow show up in the show and on many websites. It irks me that they throw around fantastic dates (Jeremy: Atheistic evolution dates in thousands or millions of years. These ancient Astronaughts actually date back to the Tower of Babel about 4 thousand years ago after the Flood in 2348 BC see my book Part 1) ) on these objects that I know are not true. Thus, our conference.”

YES, THERE’S MORE – The mummified hand will be on display. It’s not human. It’s not a bear… It came from Big Foot country. What is it? Don Monroe is a true living Indiana Jones. He will be here to discuss the hand and so many incredible adventures that your head will spin!

Admission for both days is $30 for adults, $15 for students. For more information go to Contact Joe Taylor: 806-559-0347 cell, 806-675-7777 museum, 806-675-2421 leave message. Joe is usually at the museum 9-5, M-F at 124 West Main St (hi 114/82) Crosbyton, Texas, 79322.


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