Voter Guide

Most voter guides are neutral and it is hard to know what to vote for. You don’t want to make a mistake, when you get explanations from two biased sides with conflicting and confusing information. And sometimes there are hidden agendas they don’t tell you about.

I am in California (a Democrat controlled state only 19% Conservative), so I will give you my results below.
I will give you an editorial from my Christian Conservative VOTER GUIDE viewpoint with inside experience and research behind it. I believe the best basic source of information is from the Tea Party, the Bible, and the Constitution.

Basic method to make a correct political decision: Propositions and or new laws must be judged by Voters, Congressmen, Senators, and Judges on whether they support or oppose the Constitution.

You can get the ratings of politicians based on their votes whether they supported the Constitution or opposed it. These can be found in the New American Magazine's Freedom Index this gives Congress and Senate voting records: and Heritage Foundation Senate and Congress scores: And other Christian voter information: These government records show that the Democrats consistently vote for the Constitution 10% of the time. And Republicans voted 80% for the Constitution. Those supporting the Constitution are protecting our freedoms that made America Great!

The fact is the Democratic Party supports socialism, higher taxes, more debt, more regulations on business, sexual perversions in violation of a Commandment, violations of the Commandment of Thou shalt not kill, they want to open our borders to everyone without checking if they are criminals or terrorists or come here to take over our country, they oppose Christianity, they support atheistic evolution in our schools, they support Humanism, they support Marxist world government, they oppose the Bible and Ten Commandments, they oppose our Constitution, they support leniency for criminals, they hate the police and our military, they fund and promote lies in our mass media, they fund and promote terrorist hate groups including Antifa and Black Lives (Don’t) Matter to riot and train and fund Muslim militants, and promote Muslim religion and Satanism in our schools while censoring Christianity.

I am in California and give details for California voters, however citizens of other states can learn from it the basic principales, here are my conclusions:

Prop 1 NO.

They want to borrow $4 billion to fund affordable housing for Veterans and others.

This violates the Constitution. This should be left to churches and charitable organizations. It increases the California debt already at $16.3 billion thanks to Democrats. The reason there are so many homeless here, than any other state, is because the government has been driving jobs out of California by Democrat sponsored regulations and taxes just as Obama has been doing in Washington. And it drives up the prices of homes. And cuts the building of new homes. Homes cost more here than in other states. And is also caused by the increase of illegal immigrants. Our GOP vets oppose this.

Prop 2 NO

Violation of the Constitution. Government has no business building homes for mentally ill people. This is supposed to be handled by Christian organizations and private enterprise, if it wasn’t being bankrupted by government. Government meddling has driven up the cost of homes and everything else it has illegally meddled in. Also it takes 5.6 billion without giving them treatment. And MHSA is already going to do this without borrowing the money and increasing the debt.

Prop 3 NO

California has the highest taxes and the worst infrastructure in roads, bridges, and dams. This is unconstitutional it adds $8.9 billion to California’s debt. It would also fund water and environmental projects which are violations of the Constitution. 

These Liberal projects are used to fill Democrat politician’s pockets and unconstitutionally take land away from the people see the War on the West at Governor Brown has refused to build dams to end the water shortages during the summer droughts. He wants to shut down our existing dams and atomic plants which provide reliable sources of energy in our growing economy. Then use the money to support wind and solar energy which are inefficient and unprofitable, but give money to the politician's  campaigns. They have to be funded by the government or go broke. Then with the influx of millions of illegal immigrants there will be power shortages.

Prop 4 NO

The Democrats want to borrow another $1.5 billion to add to our debt to renovate children’s hospitals. Another excuse to make more profit for Democrat politicians. This should be handled by the free enterprise system. It is unconstitutional. Draining California’s resources into the government destroying the free enterprise system that made America Great.

Prop 5 YES

This is Constitutional. It helps homeowners over 55 and the disabled who lose their property in disasters who would be able to keep their property tax savings when they move. This protects land owners, and cuts taxes, both are Constitutional.

Prop 6 YES

Our California roads and bridges are the worst in the nation, and we pay the most for gas and license fees. Other states who have no gas taxes have better roads! They want to add $5.1 billion to our debt. These are unconstitutional taxes. And this will be, “Taxation without representation.” Because the California legislature will be able to raise these taxes any time they feel like it. It will also cut the funding of Democrat Governor Brown’s pet project to create an inefficient bullet train that is way over budget. But he makes a profit off of it from the builders. They call it the Train to Nowhere.

Prop 7 YES

This is not a Constitutional issue. It simply continues the use of Daylight Savings time. Make your own decision.

Yes gives the Legislature the flexibility to cancel daylight savings time.

Prop 8 NO

This is unconstitutional governmental meddling in the private sector which would drive some dialysis clinics out of business. Prices should be determined by the free enterprise system by competition. Business must make a profit or go bankrupt when the overhead of expensive equipment is higher than they can charge.

Prop 10 NO

Rent control is Unconstitutional and is government meddling in the free enterprise system. This Prop takes away the dictatorial power to decide what a landlord can charge in violation of the free enterprise system. This Prop would allow cities and counties the ability to dictate to the landlords what they can charge.

And this Prop is supported by the California Democratic Party (Liberal socialism), California Nurses Association and California Teachers Association both are unions and all unions fund Democrats and liberal causes, the ACLU a Humanist law firm which supports sexual perversions evolution atheism witches and criminals; and opposes anything Christian, and SEIU. SIEU is my union which supported Hillary with stolen dues from me and other members, and has supported many Liberal Socialist causes including Antifa riots and abortion rallies.

Prop 11 YES

This is Constitutional. It requires private ambulance workers to be prepared to respond to emergencies even when they are on rest or meal breaks.


This is a moral issue and I would consider it Constitutional. My mother was upset when she saw how chickens were kept in tiny cages, and had lights shining on them at night to get them to lay more eggs. This is not only cruel it produces nutritionally unhealthy inferior smaller eggs. And it is all for the idol god money. This is a sin.

Chickens should roam freely where they can eat naturally and be healthy.

And I have heard that young calves are treated cruelly also, so they can make expensive tender steaks.

UPDATE: Update on Christian Voter Guide. I read more on Prop 12 to protect farm animals and have found that they are already protected. This is simply more debt and will increase the cost of eggs and meat with more government regulations. It is therefore unconstitutional.

 Also watch out for carrier Republicans who are RINOS undermining Trump's work in saving America.

We need to get the Democrats out of California starting by electing John Cox for Governor. Then we can Make California Great Again!
The rest of you in other states vote for Constitutional Conservatives. Don't vote for any Democrat!


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    1. The goal of the Illuminati under the Communist United Nations is to kill off 95% of the earth's population. Making the way for world government of THE Antichrist. One of the methods is the use of vaccines to dumb down and kill.

    2. Refering to your vaccination comment that Kissinger did not say this. If he didn't it would not matter because he is part of the Builderburgs who DO use vaccinations to kill and cause mental illbness along with mass shootings.


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