Biden Compared to Trump

                Here is how biased the Council on Foreign Relations Illuminati controlled Fake News media is, as described in their Communist Conspiracy Plan.

       After Trump spoke at West Point he walked down a ramp slowly and had help. The Fake News media suggested he might have had a stroke or was getting senile.

       In the last few days Joe Biden was going up the stairs to enter Air Force One and fell three times.

        The Fake News did not mention it. They make up lies and claim Trump said things he did not say, and imply he is unstable.

        Joe Biden has been running, and jumping up on stage to impress people that he is fit, looking very unPresidential.

        The fact is Trump was going down a ramp that was slippery and there were no hand rails, this shows that Trump is cautious and avoids dangerous falls. While Biden, like his reckless, signing of dangerous Executive Orders, doesn’t look or think before he leaps into actions.  The fact is Biden is a puppet and does whatever Obama and the Illuminati tells him to do.


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