Election Strategy to Make America Great Again
This election is like a chess game. We must control the central four squares. I believe that Trump will win by a landslide. And the enemy knows this too. In this election to save America from Communism the main targets are Republican Senate seats. I received a survey from the Democrats and that is their main target. If they can take the Senate they can stop Trump from draining the swamp and making America great again like Reagan did. If the enemy can gain four seats they will destroy America and void the Constitution. Those Republicans running for Senate are Susan Collins of Main, Cory Gardener of Colorado, John Cornyn of Texas, the two seats in George, and the retirement of Pat Roberts in Kansas. The Democrat bad guys that must be stopped are Gary Peter of Michigan, Doug Jones of Alabama. And we must fire Nancy Pelosi the Hitler of Congress from California. Do you know that Ted Cruz tells us that Pelosi was using Corona virus relief money to fund Democrats!