
Showing posts from July, 2020

Election Strategy to Make America Great Again

This election is like a chess game. We must control the central four squares. I believe that Trump will win by a landslide. And the enemy knows this too. In this election to save America from Communism the main targets are Republican Senate seats. I received a survey from the Democrats and that is their main target. If they can take the Senate they can stop Trump from draining the swamp and making America great again like Reagan did. If the enemy can gain four seats they will destroy America and void the Constitution. Those Republicans running for Senate are Susan Collins of Main, Cory Gardener of Colorado, John Cornyn of Texas, the two seats in George, and the retirement of Pat Roberts in Kansas. The Democrat bad guys that must be stopped are Gary Peter of Michigan, Doug Jones of Alabama. And we must fire Nancy Pelosi the Hitler of Congress from California. Do you know that Ted Cruz tells us that Pelosi was using Corona virus relief money to fund Democrats!

Election Chess Board

This election is like a chess game. We must control the central four squares. I believe that Trump will win by a landslide. And the enemy knows this too. In this election to save America from Communism the main targets are Republican Senate seats. I received a survey from the Democrats and that is their main target. If they can take the Senate they can stop Trump from draining the swamp and making America great again like Reagan did. If the enemy can gain four seats they will destroy America and void the Constitution. Those Republicans running for Senate are Susan Collins of Main, Cory Gardener of Colorado, John Cornyn of Texas, the two seats in George, and the retirement of Pat Roberts in Kansas. The Democrat bad guys that must be stopped are Gary Peter of Michigan, Doug Jones of Alabama. And we must fire Nancy Pelosi the Hitler of Congress from California.

UFO Messengers of Deception

On the History Channel they have a new program on UFOs in America based on an ongoing Pentagon research program. They are very concerned about of the UFO threat to national security. I watched it last night. It was about UFOs seen by military pilots and military men at military bases with atomic weapons. In one case atomic missiles were shut down when a UFO was seen, which never happens under normal circumstances. They say the Pentagon has been researching this subject because it presents a threat to our national security. They have proven UFO craft do exist, but are puzzled by what the phenomena could be, and where they come from, and why they are appearing mainly at atomic and military bases. They have confirmed that UFOs are not man made. And they exhibit characteristics that are physically impossible for physical beings or craft. They levitate silently with no evidence of a propulsion force, they are not effected by air, water, of vacuum in space. They are anti-inertial – h...

Acid/Alkaline Balance Necessary for Health

The media as well as doctors and dentists don’t tell people the truth about cavities in teeth. They make money on your lack of knowledge and it can kill you too. The Bible says for want of wisdom the people perish. Cavities are caused by acidic saliva.   This is called Ph or potential hydrogen.    You can get a role of litmus paper and a color chart to test your acid/alkaline balance. It measures chemical acidity level vs. alkalinity level of a substance. If it is too low swallow a 1/3 rd teaspoonful of Baking Soda. Also, if there’s too much acid in the blood (low pH level), a metabolic  acidosis  occurs. This is associated with  high blood pressure , kidney disease,  diabetes  and other conditions. The perfect pure water should be 7.0 Alkaline. Your body is made of 60% water and so for perfect health you should try to keep saliva and urine close to the same level. However, my tests of our tap water shows it is 6.0, far from the perfect...

America Was Founded on Christian Principles

These two videos show what America stands for as a Christian nation for which many Christian Patriots have fought and died for now being desecrated by Satan’s agents the Democrats. America is NOT a Muslim, homosexual, LGBT, Mormon, Catholic, Atheist, Humanist, Judaism, Buddhist, Satanist, etc. nation. America is a Christian nation which tolerates these religions, which is a Christian principal as long as they are not a threat to our Christian beliefs and freedoms. We sing the National Anthem and pledge allegiance to our flag. Those police, and sports team members who kneel to the enemy are traitors and cowards who should be deported as illegal aliens. Black Lies and Antifa are Communists, part of the satanic Conspiracy and they have done more harm to minorities than any other group. We must drain the swamp. Satan has hated Israel who brought us God’s Word and His Son to give us eternal life and freedoms. And God has blessed America with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, fre...

Democrat Management Causing Spread of Virus and Rioting

Most  US  COVID - 19  deaths have been in  Democratic controlled districs  ... 26, 2020  ...   Coronavirus  death toll is heavily concentrated in  Democratic  ... few places –  mostly  large metropolitan  areas , especially the New York City  area . The reason for this is Corvid cases are among poor parts of crowded cities with minorities, and homeless people, which are mostly Democrat controlled. The rioting is mainly in Democrat controlled cities and states. The Democrats have always claimed the best way to deal with violence is to allow it. Then “their righteous anger will be satisfied.” Excuse me, give them an inch and they will take a mile. And the lust of the eye is never satisfied. This is th...

Democrats Responsible for Spread of Virus?

Most  US  COVID - 19  deaths have been in  Democratic  ... 26, 2020  ...   Coronavirus  death toll is heavily concentrated in  Democratic  ... few places –  mostly  large metropolitan  areas , especially the New York City  area . The reason for this is Corvid cases are among poor parts of crowded cities with minorities, and homeless people, which are mostly Democrat controlled.

Project Covert19 Hype

All the hype about Project Covert19 is mostly scare tactics by Democrats and Fake News controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations the public relations propaganda organization for the Communist world government New World Order Conspiracy. The Democrat Communist Party wants to keep small businesses closed until after the election to blame it on Trump. They are working with the Chinese Communists and the globalist Marxists. Many of the cases of Covert deaths are from other causes. Much of the information on the pandemic are contradictory to confuse the public. The increasing cases are from better testing. Many positive testings are inaccurate. Most of the effected people are in Democrat states and cities because the Democrats deliberately helped spread the disease. I suspect much of it is being spread deliberately. China is stealing our research so we cannot fight the disease.

OneWay email site is Bogus

The email site a Fundamental Christian site. When you try to join it sends you a confirmation to your email, but it doesn’t arrive!

Leftists Organized Terrorism

Before Ronald Reagan ran for president he made a speech in support of Berry Goldwater. He said politicians believe that if we don’t confront the Communists they will become peaceful and go about their business. He was referring to the Democrats. It sounded like he was talking about the Communist rioting in our cities today. The Democrats are saying the same thing. Let them riot, establish anarchy, burn, and kill they will then be appeased and become peaceful. This is the same lie the enemies of God and the people have always said. Nimrod said Lets rebel against God and we will be happy and at peace everyone doing what is right in their own selfish eyes. The establishment news media controlled by the CFRs ignores anarchistic atrocities and praises them, and even Joe Biden paid the bail for these criminals to encourage them to be more destructive. When China rounds up a Muslim sect and takes them off to concentration camps like the Jews in Germany, the establishment news media su...

Moon had Two Asteroid Showers

         Craters on the moon are gigantic, several the size of half the United States. However, evolutionists never mention them. Why? They contradict evolution over millions of years. Notice that all the basalt seas are in huge craters. One is ¼ the size of the diameter of the moon! Then lava buried them. These are gigantic mega craters. And only a few craters were created after the huge impacts. Then you see many smaller craters. The small craters were formed first, then the giant craters were formed burying the small craters. The huge ones were formed at one time and covered by one volcanic flow. These were released from the lava inside the hot interior of the moon. The more recent crater at the top exploded scattering debris over the whole face of the moon. These small craters have been covered with dust from the huge impacts. Notice that all more recent craters are much larger. There are few sizes in between. Planetary geologists believe ...

Yahoo Upset by Opposing Comments

Yahoo always has news items before you go to email. 75% of these are slander against Trump. I always debunk their lies in comments. I also notice that 90% of other peoples comments agree that it is Fake News. Now they decided to stop comments and ask for a poll. Yahoo: "Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.  In the meantime, we welcome your feedback to help us enhance the experience."

You Can Stop Media Censorship!

Facebook, Google, Twitter, Wikipedia, YouTube, New York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, etc. have been censoring many subjects for many decades. Fake News has been with us for centuries starting to grow in the early 1800s promoting atheist socialist propaganda and censorship. Lately Facebook and Twitter have become more aggressive. And some people want to do something about it. It is suggested that social media be put under government control, like Jerome Corsi who suggest an Internet Bill of Rights to make it illegal for them to censor. But that is always un-American and unconstitutional and leads to the ultimate in censorship, just what the socialists/liberals want. It always makes the business worse, more expensive and incompetent when government interferes in the private sector. This is called socialism or democracy is lynch mob rule, making slaves of the people. Our Republic is run on just laws from God programmed into nature. The American way is for the free ent...

America Under Attack from Communists

Satan has been at work for thousands of years to bring in his world government. Today he is working through the Democrats to bring in socialism and destroy our Republic and Constitution given to us by God and put us under the communist United Nations. Democrats want to disarm us, and defund the police so he can make slaves out of the people. They want to kill, destroy and steal everything that is good just as Hitler did. The Democrats control the major media lying to us and programing us with misinformation. They say that the Obama puppet is ahead of Trump in the polls. These polls are taken from Democrats. It shows the majority of Democrats are for Biden, however it also shows that there is a large group of Democrats against Biden.  All this was planned over hundreds of years. Their plan was expose a couple of times. However, on the Internet there are a swarm of liars saying it is a forgery, hate literature, fiction, and anti-Semitic. These are lies. If you read their plan...

Fake Science is Fiction

Typical Fake Science put out to fool the public. says about a fishing game, “Play this for one minute and see why people are addicted.” No thanks I have better things to do. Being addicted to anything is evil. Especially when it produces nothing to improve the world or helps people! Only people who have no purpose in life have time to waste on nonsense like video games. I see false information in many “science publications.” Most historical scientists (paleontology, historical geology, history, theologians, American history, and archaeology) are science fiction writers. They had an article on the use of muons formed by cosmic rays striking atoms in our upper atmosphere. They shower earth all the time and can penetrate solid objects creating X-ray like images of hidden chambers in the pyramids in Egypt. I have been very interested in finding the theoretical unknown chambers in the Great Pyramid. They have not got the results yet. However they did find a hidde...

Biological Change Over Time

Creation scientists have said that they do not believe in what the evolutionists say when they say all life forms come from a common ancestor. But they believe kinds do change over time. Kinds in the Bible is most likely at the Family or Genus level. This classification is not necessarily accurate, because of evolutionary assumptions. One strong indicator is when two kinds can produce offspring, indicating it is the same kind. These varieties were designed by God for survival in different environments. In my research I have found that many living things are similar like different types of dogs, ants, deer, etc. but they do NOT always come from a common ancestor even though they are the same in design in most respects. Example, there are many kinds of ants. However, each kind is different in major characteristics. Some live in the ground, some in mounds, some in wood, some are tiny, some medium sized, some are large, some eat plants, some are carnivorous, some enter your house, ...

Atheistic and Theistic Evolutionists Deny God's Word

Evolution scientists claim all living things come from a common ancestor. This is a materialistic viewpoint to seemingly explain away the origin of life without a designer. The fallacy is, nothing can be designed without a living intelligence, any more than an engine can run without fuel. In order for something to exist it must have a source outside of itself. And that would include the whole physical universe. The inventor is more complex than the invention. Everything in this universe is subject to the laws of entropy. Everything runs downhill just like water to the ocean. It takes the sun’s energy to evaporate the water to return it to the land to continue running down. At one time the sun had to be designed by something supernatural. Only an eternal uncreated intelligence could create our dimension. The fact is nothing physical can produce the complex design we see in nature. Your hand is a complex tool not seen anywhere else in nature. Did you design it? Did some animals desig...

Conservative Media About Fake News

NewsMax television is a great place to learn the truth that the establishment Fake News (socialist/Communist propaganda) lies about. Fake News is nothing new. One of the biggest Fake News newspapers was New York Tribune before the Civil War in 1860, run by the famous editor Horace Greeley who hired Karl Marx to write socialist (satanic) propaganda. The origin of this conspiracy was at Babel from where it spread throughout the world. The bloodlines of the Leaders of the Mysteries of Isis are the leaders behind today’s socialist conspiracy to destroy America and the Constitution. In the early 1920 to 1922 the socialist conspiracy was exposed for the second time in newspaper articles in the Dearborn Independent by Henry Ford. It exposed the plan of the Illuminati (Light Bearers for Lucifer) which was immediately viciously attacked by Communists/socialists, Ashkenazi Gentile Jews, and Free Masons as: antisemitism, a forgery, fiction, and hate literature. Actually this was a typical...