America Under Attack from Communists

Satan has been at work for thousands of years to bring in his world government.
Today he is working through the Democrats to bring in socialism and destroy our Republic and Constitution given to us by God and put us under the communist United Nations.
Democrats want to disarm us, and defund the police so he can make slaves out of the people. They want to kill, destroy and steal everything that is good just as Hitler did. The Democrats control the major media lying to us and programing us with misinformation. They say that the Obama puppet is ahead of Trump in the polls. These polls are taken from Democrats. It shows the majority of Democrats are for Biden, however it also shows that there is a large group of Democrats against Biden. 
All this was planned over hundreds of years. Their plan was expose a couple of times. However, on the Internet there are a swarm of liars saying it is a forgery, hate literature, fiction, and anti-Semitic. These are lies. If you read their plan it shows it describes what the socialists/communists are doing! They created, led, and financed Hitler, the French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, and are Communizing countries around the world through US tax money and foundations from the Clintons, and George Soros, and Communists in Russia and China. Democrats support anarchy, burning of black businesses, and rioting. They want to destroy our economy by supporting the spread of the Covert19 to put small businesses into bankruptcy destroying our free enterprise system. And blame it on Trump and patriots and Christians.
We must stop all Democrats and Republican Liberals like Romney and the late John McCain.
We mainly need to support Republican Senate seats, and key House seats. We need to fire Nancy Pelosi. Support these freedom fighters!   


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