Democrat Management Causing Spread of Virus and Rioting
26, 2020 ... Coronavirus death toll is heavily
concentrated in Democratic ... few places – mostly large
metropolitan areas, especially the New York City area.
The reason for this is Corvid cases are among poor parts of crowded
cities with minorities, and homeless people, which are mostly Democrat
The rioting is mainly in Democrat controlled cities and
The Democrats have always claimed the best way to deal with
violence is to allow it. Then “their righteous anger will be satisfied.” Excuse
me, give them an inch and they will take a mile. And the lust of the eye is
never satisfied.
This is the same lie the Democrats have claimed about
Communist Russia and China. This is why they are robbing us blind with trade
and stealing of our technologies. Actually the Liberals/socialists support the
Communists, because they are operatives for the Illuminati to create a Marxist
world government. The origin of the Illuminati was a Pharisee, who founded the
Roman Church, which created the Jesuits, which created the Freemason Knights
Templars who created the Council on Foreign Relations, United Nations, etc. It
was the Illuminati banksters that created and funded Communism and the Nazis.
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