Leftists Organized Terrorism

Before Ronald Reagan ran for president he made a speech in support of Berry Goldwater. He said politicians believe that if we don’t confront the Communists they will become peaceful and go about their business. He was referring to the Democrats.
It sounded like he was talking about the Communist rioting in our cities today. The Democrats are saying the same thing. Let them riot, establish anarchy, burn, and kill they will then be appeased and become peaceful.
This is the same lie the enemies of God and the people have always said. Nimrod said Lets rebel against God and we will be happy and at peace everyone doing what is right in their own selfish eyes.
The establishment news media controlled by the CFRs ignores anarchistic atrocities and praises them, and even Joe Biden paid the bail for these criminals to encourage them to be more destructive. When China rounds up a Muslim sect and takes them off to concentration camps like the Jews in Germany, the establishment news media suppress this news and covers for them.
At a Trump press conference, Trump told a CNN Fake News man to put down the microphone, and you are Fake news and the enemy of the people. Absolutely RIGHT! They are part of the satanic conspiracy.
The socialist/Communist Liberals are attacking freedom of speech, the press, religion, and the Constitution. They are not protesting police brutality. And they are not protesting for blacks or any minority. They use minorities to divide and conquer. They are attacking our freedoms under the Constitution.
Even MaxNews was not completely correct. The woman was discussing the attacks on companies that have minority people pictured on their products as a logo. Land ‘o Lakes shows a beautiful Indian girl, Aunt Jemima, etc. I remember when I was 5 years old we had a salt and pepper shakers Papa and Momma Aunt Jemima. I lovingly called them AntJa Moma and Antja Poppa.
A football team the Boston Redskins has a picture of a noble American Native as their logo.
Now the socialists want them to remove these racial discriminating images.
This is nothing new, the New World Order Conspiracy has been with us for thousands of years. They tried to take over America until the Constitution and Bill of Rights stopped them. But they have always been around to undermine all truth and everything that is good. They want to enslave the world in a Marxist prison. And put everyone on plantations as slaves, except for the Illuminated Masters of deception. They are bloodline descendants of the Nephilim the seed of the Serpent.
Returning to MaxNews the lady said, People were disturbed about these anti-racial logos and want them removed. Right, along with statues of George Washington, Columbus, Abraham Lincoln (who freed the slaves), John Wayne, and Jesus. What, they want to replace them with Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler, and Baphomet?
These logos are not discriminatory, they are an honor. And most American Natives agree that they like the Redskins logo, and black people like images of black people. So who is offended? No one!
This is simply an excuse for an attack on our freedoms! It is a direct attack on freedom of speech!
And is NOT the people who are offended who are protesting. It is Communist Organized Crime which creates organizations of likeminded demon possessed terrorists and evil doers who flock together. And when they see an excuse they tell their thousands of members to protest something, to make it look like a lot of people are outraged to scare people and businesses to cancel conservative and Christian groups or individuals from their organization.
It happened to me. I was advertising my fossil bird Archaeopteryx replicas on eBay with a Description showing how this fossil supported creation and not evolution. I was attacked with every trick they could imagine by the Committees of Correspondence for several years and failed. And eBay got scared when suddenly 5000 people protested my unscientific information and I got kicked off eBay for the second time. This group has clubs in every major city. Their purpose is to stop all presentations that support creation science with protests to those helping creation science people and groups. They get together these same atheists and agnostics who support Democrats and attack Trump.  They all failed till they ganged up on me and no one bought a single cast.
Conservatives, Christians need to do the same to them. Flood CNN with rebuttals by the thousands. All it takes is one letter or call from each member of a counter organization.


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