America Was Founded on Christian Principles
These two videos show what America stands for as a Christian
nation for which many Christian Patriots have fought and died for now being
desecrated by Satan’s agents the Democrats. America is NOT a Muslim,
homosexual, LGBT, Mormon, Catholic, Atheist, Humanist, Judaism, Buddhist,
Satanist, etc. nation. America is a Christian nation which tolerates these
religions, which is a Christian principal as long as they are not a threat to our
Christian beliefs and freedoms.
We sing the National Anthem and pledge allegiance to our
flag. Those police, and sports team members who kneel to the enemy are traitors
and cowards who should be deported as illegal aliens. Black Lies and Antifa are
Communists, part of the satanic Conspiracy and they have done more harm to
minorities than any other group.
We must drain the swamp. Satan has hated Israel who brought
us God’s Word and His Son to give us eternal life and freedoms. And God has
blessed America with freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press
including the Internet. America stood for Israel and God’s laws. As a result God has blessed us with freedom and wealth. It is not a
Christian country it is secular, but it was founded by believers in God and the
Bible and has been used to spread the Truth to the world. Satan hates us.
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