
Showing posts from May, 2018

Labor Unions and Corruption

All unions have been used by the Liberal Conspiracy to communize America in support of Liberalism and Illuminati CFR controlled Fake News as described in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. This is one of the ways the swamp has gained power in our country. They get money from government and unions to overthrow our Republic based on law and replace it with socialist Democracy opposing our Constitution. If your union is getting a donation from you or dues, call them and tell them you do not want to support Liberal causes. I just told my union I do not want to support (criminals) like Hillary like they did in the last election, and Liberals for Congress in these midterm elections to bring back the changes Obama (Antichrist) made. They have had several meetings and drives including the woman’s march supporting abortion and gay (immoral non-existent) rights funded by George Soros. Here is my union SEIU 721: They state, “Dues allow our union to continue to stand up f...

Stop the Criminals

Trump says: Let me be clear. Their target is you. The swamp doesn’t want you to take your country back, and they’ll fight to the end to stop you. Jeremy: Right! They want a Marxist world government under Antichrist as the Bible describes. The Clintons, Obama etc. are followers of Saul Alinsky who praises Satan in his book. They are a criminal conspiracy that has committed many crimes including helping our enemies, money laundering, drug/gun running, and murder. That’s why I need you now to sustain our movement. The only thing that keeps our movement alive is our members. We CAN’T afford to lose a single one. Please make a contribution of ANY AMOUNT to renew your 2018 Sustaining Membership before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

The Clinton Criminal Syndicate

INVESTIGATE THE CLINTONS NOW A Special Project of Liberty Guard                                           “ I think this may be the scandals of scandals… one of the biggest                                 bombshell revelations in my memory .”                                                                 Rush Limbaugh, October 26, 2017 EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW:  Why Congress and the   Jus...

Saw Jesus in a Vision?...HE'S SATAN! - Dr. Gene Kim


WOOOOW! How to ERASE the Mark of the Beast!
