Evolution is Impossible
The Inland Empire (California) Creation Science Association presents: "Did God Use Evolution To Create?" by Bill Morgan B.S. Bill will give a lesson on “Did God Use Evolution to Create”? This is an important question because the most common words he hears from college students are: “I believe there is something out there, I don’t know who it is, and whoever it is I guess they used Evolution.” Also, many people who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, think God used Evolution to create. Sneak Preview: When I meet a “Theistic Evolutionist,” I politely tell them, "I think it is impossible for God to have used Evolution (a step by step process) to create." When they ask why it would be impossible, I ask them three questions: “What did God create first? Hearts or Lungs? Livers or kidneys? Brains or stomachs?” The human body is not an old car or mechanical device that you gradually put tog...