Jesus Was NOT and Alien
Jesus was not an alien as the revived pagan relegion claims. Yesuah was God in perfect human form without sin to die to pay for our sins. To change our selfish human nature. These stories of Ancient Aliens is taking the place of the failing atheistic unscientific Darwinism. Replaced by an occult theory of Von Danikenism and New Age Relegion from Babel 2000 BC where The Mysteries of Isis was created. This is an attemp to fool people who will be left behind after the Rapture. T hen Satan and his Fallen Angels will be thrown down to the earth during the Tribulation Period. They will pretend to be aliens who evolved on other planets and created the human race from apes. Satan will fool the world with his fake Messiah the Beast a decendant of the Nephilim offspring of the Fallen Angels 666 Baal. The number 666 comes from Ancient Egypt and Pharoah Akhenaten a descendant of the Nephilim.