Satanic Conspiracy
This was sent to Donald Trump: There is a threat of a Union strike by railroad workers that will make supply lines worse. NewsMax announcer said he believes it may have a political purpose. I agree, all unions main purpose is to support Democrats in their Marxist world government conspiracy. The Illuminati descendants of the Nephilim at Babel are clever. They use worthy causes to further their plan. I have a stray cats kittens and asked People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals which produced a book A World of Love for Animals. Sad stories of man's inhumanity to anything under his rule. I agree with their helping mistreated animals, but they go too far. They want us to become vegetarians. This world is under the curse of death and after the Flood God told us to eat flesh because the soil was leached of necessary nutrients. And God had animal sacrifices for sinis aiming at 2030 - 2035. . The Bible warns that in the last days agents of Satan would forbid people from eating meat wh...