The Antichrist's Attack
Archive Move Delete Spam American Center for Law & Justice Visit site JUST Happened at the Supreme Court Yahoo / Inbox The ACLJ <> Unsubscribe To: Fri, Dec 23 at 7:40 AM Take Action | Contribute Share f Share this on Facebook The Antichrist's Conspiracy is at work just as Bible prophecy warns. Antichrists' Illuminati will chop off your head just as the Illuminati did in the French revolution. Jeremy, We've got a MASSIVE problem, and now we're up against a huge deadline. We filed in our MASSIVE case at the Supreme Court to overturn a BAN on public prayer and defeat radical atheists' legal attacks for good. And the Supreme Court JUST distributed it to the Justices and set it for conference in just days. If we win this case, it will reset the legal landscape for religious liberty. It is the biggest religious liberty case in 40 years...