
Actors and Other Animals

           Actors and Others is a non-profit organization that helps people to help their animals. God made animals to help and love us, we need to do the same for them. There are many homeless people, and there are also many homeless and sick animals too. They need veterinarian care and spay and neutering to prevent over population and starvation. Elderly and hospitalized people leave behind pets in need.     Thanks to the celebrity status of the  Baseharts  and other founding members, including  Doris Day ,  Jackie Joseph ,  Lucie Arnaz , Betty White and others . Actors and Others is proud that throughout its history it has received the general support of celebrities from the entertainment world. No celebrity has ever been paid to appear for us. We are grateful to all individuals in all walks of life who have used the strength of their star power or media influence to educate, inform and enlighten t...

Evolution of Universe Falsified

Below is an email I received from a fellow member of the 3000 worldwide dissident scientist list of which I am a member. Dear Colleague, I hope this finds you well!  Please take a look at my latest paper  Principal Role of Angular Momentum in Cosmology  . Your opinion is very important to me. As always, I look forward to your feedback. Sincerely,  Vladimir    Vladimir S. Netchitailo received a Master of Science degree from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, a PhD in Quantum Electronics from Lebedev Physical Institute,  a Doctor of Sciences in Laser Physics from Institute of General Physics. Vladimir has published over 200 papers, including forty articles co-authored by A. Prokhorov (Nobel Laureate in Physics). Since 2001, Dr. Netchitailo has been developing...

Trump Rebuttal of Fake Changes

Here Trump's speech after the illegal charges were given against him in the Kangaroo lynch mob court meeting in the lawless state of New York funded by the George Soros criminal communist and lying witnesses:   

Communists Attack San Bernardino

        Maribel Nunez of the IE Tenants Union supports the Inland Equity (Communist buzz word) Community Land Trust is asking people in San Bernardino to attend a San Bernardino city council meeting at 7 PM at the Feldheym Central Library on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 555 W 6 th St. San Bernardino CA 92410.      They want to remove a city ordinance  that causes black and brown renters to become homeless. (They mean support the lawless) They support all renters to strike, and stop paying rent because it is capitalism. This is typical Communism to destroy the free enterprise system. What are landlords going to do when they can’t earn the money they invested, and pay for overhead like taxes?        This is on their web site:        Tenant Unions for the Future        Calls to rent strike have yet to cohere into a national political movement. But as t...

Update Mysteries of History Revealed

            My books: Mysteries of History Revealed is research into alternative science. It reveals that the earth is being invaded by other dimensional beings who want to enslave mankind. My research is based on history, legends, geology, paleontology, archaeology, meteoritics, UFOlogy, and the Bible. Facts based on observation, personal experience, and supported by reliable references to establishment scientists in these fields published in major peer reviewed journals. Many scientists oppose the establishment’s theories that are based on faith in materialistic science fiction, and not on scientific facts. The truth is often ignored or suppressed when it conflicts with the establishment.          1. I have discovered there were two major worldwide cataclysms, approximately 4 thousand years ago to cleanse the earth of alien hybrids seed of the serpent. I am not the only scientist/researcher to discover two worldwide cataclysm...

Fake News & Fake Science

        The satanic conspiracy is behind Fake News, and the same conspiracy is behind Fake Science. Marxism and Darwinism work together to undermine the truth and cause ignorance, death, and destruction. Satan’s human agents want to destroy Christianity and Truth. They support Communism and Atheism.        Their agents at Ancient Origins is at it again with their propaganda. They try to explain away supernatural events with naturalistic/materialistic speculation. They claim God is a group of extraterrestrials that evolved on other planets and seeded the earth. Of course they cannot explain what aliens created these extraterrestrials, and extraterrestrials that created the extraterrestrials, etc.          Notice this is full of deliberate lies, they are not stupid any more ...

Conspiracy Over California Statehood

       I was at the Redlands Tea Party meeting, and I saw a Death Valley Days television program that is an important message to freedom/American loving people.        What is going on with all the corruption in our country? What has happened to the Democrat and Republican Parties? Why are they attacking or freedoms and the Constitution? Have they gone insane? What is the cause?        I was asked what the most important issue today?: immigration, inflation, aiding our enemies China and Russia, freedom of speech, Ukraine, illegal regulations, Communist/Atheist brainwashing in our educational establishments, illegal mandates, crime, unconstitutional laws, Vaccination poison, criminal acts by government officials, etc.          The most important is ELECTION INTEGRITY. If we can vote the criminals out of office and investigate and prosecute them, the rest will be taken ...