Evolution of Universe Falsified
Below is an email I received from a fellow member of the 3000 worldwide dissident scientist list of which I am a member.
Dear Colleague,
I hope this
finds you well!
Please take
a look at my latest paper Principal Role of Angular Momentum in Cosmology .
Your opinion
is very important to me. As always, I look forward to your feedback.
Vladimir S.
Netchitailo received a Master of Science degree from Moscow Institute of
Physics and Technology, a PhD in Quantum Electronics from Lebedev Physical
Institute, a Doctor of Sciences in Laser Physics from Institute of
General Physics. Vladimir has published over 200 papers, including forty
articles co-authored by A. Prokhorov (Nobel Laureate in Physics). Since 2001,
Dr. Netchitailo has been developing a Model that he dubbed a World-Universe
Model (WUM), which is, in fact, a Paradigm Shift for Cosmology. In 2013, WUM
predicted values of the following parameters: Gravitational, Hubble’s,
Intergalactic plasma concentration, Photons minimum energy that were confirmed
in 2015-2021. The Discovery of a Supermassive Compact
Object at the Centre of Our Galaxy (Nobel Prize in Physics 2020) made
by R. Genzel and A. Ghez is a confirmation of one of the most important
predictions of WUM in 2013: Macroobjects of the World have cores
made up of the discussed DM particles. Other particles, including DM and
baryonic matter, form shells surrounding the cores.
Role of Angular Momentum in Cosmology
Vladimir S.
Netchitailo netchitailov@gmail.com Abstract According to “Evolution
Encyclopedia” (The Origin of the Solar System):
“There is no
possible means by which the angular momentum from the sun could be transferred
to the planets. Yet this is what would have to be done if any of the
evolutionary theories of solar system origin are to be accepted. Scientists
cannot account for this puzzling situation: less than one percent of the mass
of the solar system is in the planets, while a staggering 98 percent of its
angular momentum is in them. It simply does not fit into any of the
cosmologies. Speaking of the mass-angular momentum problem, D. Bergamini says:
"A theory of evolution that fails to account for this peculiar fact is
ruled out before it starts” [1]. Angular Momentum problem is one of the most
critical problems in Standard model that must be solved. To the best of our
knowledge, the developed Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) is only
cosmological model in existence that is consistent with the Law of Conservation
of Angular Momentum [2]. In the present paper, we discuss Angular Momenta of
Solar System, Milky Way galaxy, and Superclusters in frames of WUM
6. Solar
System 6.1. Facts about Planets and Moons According to “Evolution Encyclopedia”
(The Origin of the Solar System), there are the following facts that do not fit
into any evolutionary theory of how our solar system came into existence [1]: •
A full 99.5 percent of all the angular momentum in the solar system is
concentrated in the planets, yet a staggering 99.8 percent of all the mass in
our solar system is located in our sun! There is no known mechanical process
which could accomplish this transfer of momentum from the sun to its planets; •
Jupiter itself has 60 percent of the planetary angular motion. Evolutionary
theory cannot account for this. This strange distribution was the primary cause
of the downfall of the nebular hypothesis; • Both Uranus and Venus rotate
backwards to that of all the other planets. Seven of the nine planets rotate
directly forward, in relation to their orbit around the sun. Why then does
Venus rotate slowly backwards, and Uranus rotate at a 98 degree angle from its
orbital plane; • One-third of the 60 moons in our solar system have retrograde
(backward) orbits, which are the opposite of the rotational direction of their
respective planets. Theories of cosmology cannot explain backwardsorbiting
moons; • Consider Triton, the inner of Neptune's moons, which, with a diameter
of 4,830 km, is nearly twice the mass of our moon, yet it revolves backwards
every six days, has a nearly circular orbit,—and is only 354,046 km from its
planet! I. Asimov has tried to explain it with a theory that it "was
thrown away from that planet by some cosmic collision or other accident"
and, at a later time, flew back and was recaptured "by similar
accident"! The same explanation is used for all other backward-orbiting
moons. Evolutionists try to explain everything in the universe as nothing more
than a series of fortunate accidents. If that is the explanation for Triton's
retrograde motion, how about the other one-third of the moons in our solar
system, which rotate the same way? How many such "accidents" may the
evolutionists be permitted to invoke to prop up theories already tottering
under the weight of their own unproved assumptions? • There are such striking
differences between planets and planets, planets and moons, moons and
moons,—that the experts can produce no explanation that can explain them. If
they all came from the same gas clouds, they should all be alike! But some are
relatively smooth, others extremely mountainous, still others have volcanoes,
and yet others are covered with a variety of peculiar chemical atmospheres.
6.2. Solar System in WUM In our opinion, the explanations of all these Facts
and SS Mysteries (Venus spin backwards; Uranus tilted sideways; Moon creation;
Mars hit by a giant cosmic lightning bolt) [5] based on the Impact theory are
unrealistic and were proposed from hopelessness in frames of the Standard
model. To the best of our knowledge, in literature it was never discussed and
explained a real picture of SS objects’ angular momenta (see Figure 3, Table 2,
and Table 3). Why do Sun and all Objects have so different values and
orientations of their motion being created from the same nebula with a certain
amount of angular momentum [5]? In astronomy, axial tilt is the angle between
an object's rotational axis and its orbital axis, which is the line
perpendicular to its orbital plane; equivalently, it is the angle between its
equatorial plane and orbital plane. It differs from orbital inclination that is
the tilt of an object's orbit around a celestial body. It is expressed as the
angle between a reference plane and the orbital plane or axis of direction of
the orbiting object. The ecliptic or ecliptic plane is the orbital plane of
Earth around the Sun. The galactic plane is the plane on which the majority of
a disk-shaped galaxy's mass lies. The directions perpendicular to the galactic
plane point to the galactic poles. In actual usage, the terms galactic plane
and galactic poles usually refer specifically to the plane and poles of MW, in
which planet Earth is located.
Conclusion Astronomers have great achievements in investigations of the Solar
System that became an Experimental laboratory for astrophysicists to check
their theories. We are at the Beginning of a New Era of Astronomy, Cosmology,
and Astrophysics! Young physicists should be a part of It. They should
concentrate their efforts on the development of a New Cosmology and Classical
Physics. I am very excited about the Future of Physics!
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