
Showing posts from 2021

Vaccinations are Dangerous

     “ The World Health Organization’s (WHO) radical Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, set off a firestorm earlier this week when he mistakenly (Wrong. This is a lie, he meant what he said and I prove it below) he told the truth about the Covid-19 booster shots are being used to “kill children.””      Here is his quote,  “…So if it’s [the Covid-19 vaccine and booster] going to be used it’s better to focus on those groups of severe illness and death, rather as we see some countries are using to give boosters to kill children – this is not right.”      Here is a video of him making this statement:        “Dr. Robert Malone invented the mRNA technology, which has been used to create the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines. He has been speaking out abo...

Weather Change Hoax?

        I hate science, evidently, that is Fake Science, because I’m woke to the manifest truth about what the leftist elite currently calls “climate change." It is the second most staggering fraud ever perpetrated upon the American people after the media’s promotion of the unstoppable candidacy of Brandon Some believe “science” as a religion and is a rigorous process where you tested theories and revised those theories in response to objective evidence. But in today “science” is just a political package of lies supporting the liberal elite’s false narrative. Our   betters hope that labeling their propaganda “science” will shame you into silence about what everyone knows is a scam. “Climate change” is a hoax.        If there was a problem with global warming, you are sure to hear about it from scientists around the world. There would be far greater talk than what we have heard thus far. According to reports, about 1% of all scient...

Technology of the Antichrist

       A raging bull charged toward a man who was about to be mauled to death, suddenly locked its legs mid-charge. Digging its hooves into the ground, the beast came to a halt just before it would have gored the man. The man was the Spanish neuroscientist José Manuel Rodriguez Delgado, in a death-defying public demonstration in 1963 of how violent behavior could be squelched by a radio-controlled brain implant. Delgado had pressed a switch on a hand-held radio transmitter to energize electrodes implanted in the bull’s brain. Remote-controlled brain implants, Delgado argued, could suppress deviant behavior to achieve a “ psychocivilized society .”          I believe this is where Covid Vaccination Mandates and Passports are preparing people to accept.        This is what I have been warning against. This is what the Mark of the Beast will do. It will make robots/androids out of people during the Tribu...

Fake Evidence for Evolution

       The public is frequently led by Fake Science to think that the evidence of humans evolving from an apelike common ancestor with chimps is simply overwhelming. Actually most of the evidence  is fragments of ape fossils, but consist of mostly  imaginary   pictures .         Anatomical changes required to transform an ape-like creature (the supposed common ancestor of chimps and humans) into a human would take millions of DNA mutations. This is because there are millions of nucleotide (‘DNA letter’) differences between chimps and humans. This is supposed to have happened in six to seven million years. For  one mutation (one letter change) to become fixed (established), the waiting time is a minimum of 1.5 million years. So this would take a trillion years.          And every DNA letter has to be in the correct order or the species would not be functional and would becom...

Idiots in Washington

 These radical Democrats want to switch to green energy. But they are NOT defending Taiwan and they make 90% of the chips. That means if Communist China takes over Taiwan: we will not have cars, cell phones, and televisions.

Nancy Paloci

Nancy Paloci says crime is increasing in spit of all the things they have done. She says she doesn't know what is causing this.       Hay fool, YOU and all the radical Democrats are causing this crime wave. And they should  be tried and held responsible  as accomplices to mass murder.

Alternative Archaeology of Giants

      First reported in the New York Times of 4 May 1912. That 18 giant skeletons were found by the Peterson brothers on Lake Lawn Farm in southwest Wisconsin which had several features that are not found in humans today.        Their heights ranged between seven and nine feet (The size of Goliath who was a Nephilim 9.5 foot) and their skulls are much larger than the heads of any race which inhabit earth today. WARNING if you look up pictures of giants you will find only photoshop fake pictures. I only found one that was genuine. The man holding the leg bone. This propaganda is to convince people that giants are only a myth. This is Fake Science. The way to tell if the picture is genuine look at the size of the skeleton. If it is over 15 foot tall it is a fake.        Above the eye sockets, “The head slopes straight back and the nasal bones protrude far above the cheek bones. The jaw bones are long and pointe...

True Christmas Stories

        In a bleak depressing world getting worse every day, it’s always good to remember that there is a lot of good things too. The Apostle Paul said ( Philippians 4:8) , “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things  are  honest, whatsoever things  are  just, whatsoever things  are  pure, whatsoever things  are  lovely, whatsoever things  are  of good report; if  there be  any virtue, and if  there be  any praise, think on these things.”   Especially during when we celebrate when Jesus brought truth and light into a dark world. Here are some true Christmas stories that shin a light on your Christmas and will hopefully cheer you up!        I remember Paul Harvey who always had happy good, funny, and interesting discoveries in the news every day at 12 noon. I miss him.        The world today is full of cynicis...

George Soros and the Illuminati

        Ever wonder where the 100s of millions of dollars comes from in support of political leaders, media, corporations, educational institutions, unions, big tech, some church denominations, etc. to destroy America and its freedoms and Christianity?        It was George Soros working for the illuminati.        It started when Obama called a clandestine meeting of Democrat Liberals to plan their conspiracy to take over America. The main organization is the Open Society Foundation run by George Soros.   Who We Are - Open Society Foundations › who-we-are        George  Soros , the founder and chair of the Open Society Foundations, began his philanthropic work in 1979, funding scholarships f...