Hillary is a Witch

      The 2018 book, “Erotics,” by artist Lucio Bubacco, appeared in a photo uploaded to social media by the former First Lady Hillary Clinton as she announced her new podcast “You and Me Both.”

    Women’s March Now Advocating Witchcraft and “Casting Spells” to Push Their Agenda These Jezebel’s—these Silly Women—these Radical Feminists—these man hating nasty women—these baby murderers—these Witches are finally showing their true colors. Leviticus 19:31 “Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards, to be defiled by them: I am the LORD your God.” 

    Now for a video that gives deeper information. They say they don't know where some of it was filmed, but it is obviously at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California. America is being taken over by witchcraft.

Rothchild dynasty is the founder of the modern  Knights Templar Illuminati secret society behind the take over of America by the New World Order. The red shield defenders of the royal Nephilim bloodline of the Antichrist from Nimrod to Obama.


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