Message to Johnathan Safarti

Johnathan Safarti: I have read your article on why cmi rejects conspiracy theories and I agree with you 99.99% I have been in a panel of Conspiracy Theorists on the atheist Jim Jefferies Television Show meant to undermine belief in REAL conspiracies involving Antichrist, with idiots who believe the earth is flat, dinosaurs are a hoax, Jews were not killed in Germany by Hitler, and our space program is a hoax. All these insane things are irrational and illogical. Either these people are Satan's agents spreading heresies to undermine belief in the Bible and Creation Science, or they are insane.

Jonathan Sarfati John Barbour, Dr Robert Carter and I wrote "Why CMI rejects ‘conspiracy’ theorizing" 
I have been saying the same things you are saying. I watch Creation Magazine Live all the time and it is excellent! I teach the same things in my newsletter and books. You have misjudged me. And the fact that you will not talk to me and reject what I said has made me misjudge you. I am not an enemy, like all the nuts you refer to. However, I tried to get across to you that evolution is creating a delusion of Conspiracy Theories, to hide the real thing. Evolution itself is a conspiracy by agents of the Antichrist. I have proven it!

There are people out there in high positions led by Satan to use Conspiracy Theories as a weapon to undermine belief in the real conspiracy led by Satan, in order to set up Antichrist's world government just as the Bible describes. World events do not happen by accident. Satan is alive and well on planet earth and we are in a battle with his dupes and his agents physical and supernatural.
Don't throw me out with the bath water! Please answer me and stop jumping to conclusions. And listen to me! You made one error in your article. The United Nations IS part of the Satanic Conspiracy to bring in Antichrist and I can prove it. Just because the word Conspiracy is not in the Bible does not mean it is not in the Bible. The word Creation Science is not in the Bible either, does that meant it is not true?

As for the Roswell Incident you claim it was a balloon. However, a high ranking military man reported it to be a crashed saucer. And there are many credible witnesses who prove it could not be a balloon. This is part of the deception the Antichrist will use to convince the people left behind after the Rapture that we have made contact with extraterrestrials as a cover for the invasion of Satan and his Fallen Angels. And convince people that extraterrestrials are the gods who created us and guided theistic evolution. I have documented all this in my books.

Henry Morris III hates me because he opposes conspiracy theories, in support of this delusion.

You say: 
“Several alternate theories unfairly and inaccurately pick on government bodies like NASA or the UN.” (By the way NASA is an attempt to fulfill the plan to reach into the heavens at Babel by Nimrod. And NASA's rockets were invented by Satanist Jack Parsons who founded JPL, Aerospace and developed the rocket engines used to reach the moon, and he worked with Aleister Crowley bringing all secret satanic groups together for the New Satanic World Order, as satanist Anton LaVey stated it.

The United Nations was founded by Communist KGB agents for the purpose of creating a world government of Antichrist that the Bible warns us about. Under sustainable development the U.N. in Agenda 21 states that they will try to kill off 90% of the world's population by 2030 and establish a Marxist world government with a new Humanist Constitution with no God given rights. This is NOT a theory! They are working through the Satanic Liberal Conspiracy opposing Trump and all Constitutionalists.

The United Nations Exposed

Below the surface of public attention, internationalists have been working for decades to build the United Nations into an all- powerful world government. In this carefully documented study, William F. Jasper shows that, with the United Nations, the American people are being offered what amounts to poison disguised as candy. 

From all directions we hear that global problems require global solutions which means, we are told, that America must surrender 
more authority to the United Nations. Mr. Jasper exposes that power grab, one of the greatest "trust me" schemes in all of history, 
as totally corrupt. Behind the humanitarian pretexts, he demonstrates a much more sinister agenda at work. 

In The United Nations Exposed, the author offers readers an incredible treasure of understanding of what is happening to America — how and by whom. But most importantly, Mr. Jasper concludes his expose by explaining how responsible Americans can use an understanding of the threat to preserve freedom. 


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