
Showing posts from August, 2019

Orogeny is Worldwide Earthquake

Secular geologists assume millions of years, but Creation geologists show that most geologic features were created suddenly during cataclysms. My own research for my book   Mysteries of History Revealed shows that the earth went through a massive worldwide asteroid shower two times in history. One was at the KT boundary when Noah’s Flood occurred about 2348 BC, then another huge but smaller asteroid shower occurred about 2000 BC. (Radiometric dating has been proven totally false and other evidence proves dinosaurs are thousands of years old see proof in my books) The same story is found on the moon. The first was the greatest forming many craters the size of Texas. Then they were eroded and buried by continent crossing tsunamis, then again by erosion by receding water. These events are marked by what geologists call mountain building orogeny. The evidence from geology and paleontology shows these were rapid events when the earth was cracked open releasing primordial mineralized h...

Creation Science is Real Science

Secular science is pseudoscience. Actual observations of observed facts prove the Bible's account and falsifies secular science as a hoax by atheists to fool the public. Read my next article as soon as I finish it. It proves evolution is a hoax, and the Bible is correct through detailed first hand observations of geology and paleontology.

Living Organism Older than Adam!

One of the oldest living organisms has been found in Riverside County in Jurupa Hills. It is an oak tree. But the most amazing thing is it is older than the tree from which Adam and Eve sinned by eating its fruit! The earth according to the facts of science and the Bible is only 6 thousand years old, and this tree is 13 thousand!? Read my book Mysteries of History Revealed for scientific proof that the earth is not 17 thousand years old much less millions of years. The tree has also been dated at 13 thousand, I guess they cannot make up their mind. This tree was growing when Mastodons and Mammoths roamed Riverside and San Bernardino along with other  Pleistocene mammals. The same time as the Tar Pits. The  Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians-Kizh Nation  is seeking protection for an ancient oak tree in the Jurupa Hills of Riverside County that is endangered by housing development. Called the Jurupa Oak, the Ki...

Gun Control People Control

Another shooting August 14, 2019 this time in Riverside. A patrolman pulled  Aaron Luther a convicted convict over. While the cop was preparing papers to confiscate his vehicle he pulled out an AR 15 type of rifle and shot the policeman. Then Aaron wounded other police before they killed him. They said he should not have had any gun much less an assault rifle. The gun was put together from parts and had no serial number and is therefore untraceable. The same day in PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Six Philadelphia police officers were shot in Philadelphia’s Nicetown-Tioga section and rushed to the hospital on Wednesday afternoon. They arrested the man and gave his name and said he was a known felon, and they were serving search warrant looking for drugs. When I tried to get his name later, his name and picture disappeared. Obviously to cover up the fact that he was illegally released from prison. He opened fire on them with an AR 15. On television they said he should not have been r...

Mass Shootings and Mind Control

The problem of mass shootings is the shooter is the cause. But who is programming them? They lied and told us John Kennedy was shot by a lone assassin too. Have you noted that most shooters have a big eyed stair like they are under some kind of mind control? Charles Manson is a classic example.  If more responsible good people were armed they would shoot the shooter instead of running to hide. Our forefathers did this during lawless pioneering days, and establish peace for today. This problem is being shamelessly used for political purposes by Democrats to get votes and support their agenda to disarm our citizens in preparation for a socialist take over just like Germany. I have suspected that subliminals are hidden in video games to hypnotize players and program them to kill by this Liberal socialist conspiracy of CFRs. My nephew would become unconscious after a video game and the same line was spoken over and over. My sister had to call me to come several miles...

Rand Paul is Wrong!

I am surprised at the ignorance of Rand Paul. For man to live on Mars is unbiblical and a waste of our money. It is part of man’s seeking to become God as Satan promised. Is that why you Carson and Huckabee want a Constitutional Convention of States? That was started and funded by Liberals for the purpose of destroying our Constitution. Don’t you read The New American? One of the few who do not have FAKE NEWS. Also are you not aware that we are living in the last days before Jesus return? Here is what Rand Paul said on Twitter: Senator Rand Paul @RandPaul Instead of sending men to Mars we should send oxygen producing organic life modified to grow under the harsh conditions on Mars. Creating livable atmosphere should be our first goal.

Living on Mars Impossible

There are people who are signing up to go to Mars by Space X a private corporation. They are insane. On Mars there is no water, no stores, no plants, no oxygen, little gravity - nothing but cold desert with no life at all. It would be a boring place with no movies, no libraries, television or radio. And no restaurants, churches, or grocery stores, or stores of any kind. Everything would have to created by man. No outdoors without a space suit, no birds, no breeze, a pale sun. There would be dust devil small tornadoes. It would be hell. God made the Earth special, he designed it for life. Man was not supposed to live outside the earth. He created the planets and stars to be signs. The first thing man did when he rebelled against God was to try and reach into space. They may have succeeded at Babel. If they find artifacts on other planets they will falsely claim contact with aliens. The idea that we will evolve into the space age is science fiction based on atheistic evoluti...

The War Against Christians

Sign the Petition to stop the funding to colleges and universities that discriminate against Conservative and Christian students

The Dark Agenda of Antichrist

Image “One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity’s role in America." -- Mike Huckabee "Exposes the intolerance of many atheists toward those who believe in God. As a Jewish agnostic, I think it is imperative that disbelievers not demonize believers and that believers not demonize disbelievers." -- Alan Dershowitz DARK AGENDA  is an extraordinary look into the left’s calculated efforts to create a godless, heathen American society — and how these efforts must be stopped. It is written by David Horowitz, a Jew. A  New York Times  bestselling author and leading conservative thinker, Horowitz warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans — including Jews like himself. The liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished, Horowitz argues. He says that Judeo-Chris...

Youngest Communist in Congress

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this hater of God is the youngest and most ignorant member of Congress. Her picture makes me want to throw up! If there was a witch she is one. Ugly red lipstick yuck!  This is the kind of brainwashed socialist scum following Communist Liberal disciple’s of Saul Alinsky (Communist leader) manufactured by our schools. Marxist Democrats (Communist Party of America) who want to bankrupt our country printing counterfeit money to fund socialist schemes to give to illegal aliens to get these poor ignorant people to vote for them, promote infanticide as woman’s health (murder), flood our country with illegal criminal’s terrorists and antiAmericans as Trojan Horses, and support sex perversions, to support their plan for a Communist New World Order and New Age Pagan Religion of the coming world dictator Antichrist. Leader of the Communist founded and run United Nations. Notice the sign behind her ACLU the legal organization that supports witches, sexual ...