Gun Control People Control
shooting August 14, 2019 this time in Riverside. A patrolman pulled Aaron
Luther a convicted convict over. While the cop was preparing papers to
confiscate his vehicle he pulled out an AR 15 type of rifle and shot the policeman. Then
Aaron wounded other police before they killed him.
They said he
should not have had any gun much less an assault rifle.
The gun was
put together from parts and had no serial number and is therefore untraceable.
The same day
in PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Six Philadelphia police officers were shot in
Philadelphia’s Nicetown-Tioga section and rushed to the hospital on Wednesday
afternoon. They arrested the man and gave his name and said he was a known felon,
and they were serving search warrant looking for drugs. When I tried to get his
name later, his name and picture disappeared. Obviously to cover up the fact
that he was illegally released from prison.
He opened
fire on them with an AR 15. On television they said he should not have been released from
prison. And it was illegal for him to have a gun much less an assault rifle.
Then they
took a quote from Trump saying, “Something must be done about crime in America.”
The Fake News twisted it to fit their agenda, and had the police chief saying
we must have gun control.
Socialist Liberal Conspirators in our government (who are behind the mass
shootings through mind control working for the United Nations founded and run by Communists) use this to advocate gun control. But they
contradict the facts! California already has the strongest gun control and
having an assault rifle is illegal in California. Also, all gun free zones are places that shooters can shhot where their vistims cannot shoot back. Whereever there is the strongest gun laws that bis where the gun violence increases. These facts prove gun control
is useless except to disarm citizens with defense guns. Police are helpless to
stop gun violence with gun control.
It reveals the fact that the Socialist Globalist Liberals have
another agenda. They want to use these events to disarm honest citizens so they
cannot defend themselves against the Communist take over from the UN. This was what Hitler did. First they register all
guns and all Jews. Then they confiscate the guns and kill the Jews.
In Sweaden a few decades ago there was a mass shooting in a school using assalt rifles. What kind of gunds did they outlaw? Hand guns like 22s and other defence weapons. That proves something doesn't it.
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