UFOs Extraterrestrials or Demons and Angels?

There are a lot of UFO television programs and they seem to prove that extraterrestrial aliens do exist. Mainly the Greys. So what should Christians who believe the Bible understand? Did aliens evolve on other planets? The Bible shows us that evolution is a hoax. Evolution is an attempt to explain our origins from a natural materialistic viewpoint without an omnipotent, omnipresent, eternal Creator.  

God created everything in the universe supernaturally. These Grey creatures are not good looking, they look like Demons. All through history native peoples have described evil spirits and what they can do. These paranormal cases are identical to today’s UFO encounters. The difference is in ancient times they were considered pagan gods. Today they are interpreted as space aliens. The paradigm change was from the Pagan occult, to an atheistic viewpoint.  

So that means UFOs are one of the manifestations of paranormal living entities.

And along with this we understand by the Bible that there are two kinds of entities. The Bible tells us they are angels, and that they have celestial bodies that can levitate, pass through solid objects, and can read your mind.

So how do we explain saucer crashes, the technology they have, and the bodies like at Rosewell?

The evidence indicates these are bodies possessed by Demonic spirits. I have come to believe that there are secret black projects to create bodies for spirits of dead Nephilim who died in the Flood of Noah, and after that. And others like Nordics could be Fallen Angels with celestial bodies. Angels according to the Bible are separately created intelligent beings. Like the differences between animals and humans.

The first thing I notice is there are a lot of close encounters with witnesses that would not make up stories or hallucinate. I have seen UFOs, and friends and relatives who have seen UFOs, so the government cannot fool me.  Including cases when there are many witnesses along with photographs, radar images, marks on the ground, trace radiation, and satanic messages.

There are thousands of encounters much too many to be from distant planets. And it appears they WANT to be seen.

Some researchers have commented on the fact that they commonly land to repair their craft in view of witnesses. Also they seem to appear to certain people, and not others.  And since about 1948 there have been a lot of crashes.  If they are so advanced how come their ships keep crashing? And why is it that only the CIA, NASA, NSA, and MIBs swarm the sights? Why aren’t the aliens worried that we might reverse engineer their technology?

It appears that these malfunctions are deliberate. Then you ask are they committing suicide?  

The best answer is something no atheist or agnostic would think of. These beings have genetically manufactured bodies. This would explain the abductions of animals and people involving sexual purposes. It could even explain why the Liberals want stem cell research from aborted babies from Planned Parenthood, instead of from living people.

The Bible is always the key to all general truth. It tells us that there are wandering spirits which seek to posses bodies. This is Demon possession. John Keel, an agnostic, warned that involvement in the occult can cause possession. One spirit said that its host should stop his unhealthy practices or he would no longer have use for him. And notice all the cases of Demon possessed mass killers who commit suicide. The Bible also describes such cases, where the person is self destructive.

So what does this mean? These beings give messages to contactees that they are worried man will use weapons of mass destruction that will affect the universe. They claim that they have been watching us when we were cave men is fake news. Of course evolution is promoted by these entities. Today they are leading people to believe in ancient aliens, and that they are our creators and gods. They promote theistic evolution.

The Bible warns that in the last days before His return a great deception will blind men to the truth. And that during this Period of Judgement, Satan will be cast out of the second heaven i.e. outer space to the earth. I appears Satan and his agents are preparing the world for his invasion. I believe Satan is preparing the world for his Satanic New World Order. Anton Le Vey called it the New Satanic Age that started in 1966s, he added Satanic to the NWO.

It is an interesting fact that, “Le Vey included references to other esoteric and religious groups throughout his writings, claiming for instance that the Yezidis and Knight's Templar were carriers of a Satanic tradition that had been passed down to the twentieth-century.” This statement is correct. My research traced the satanic bloodline from Ham to the Nephilim giants (human hybrids) at Babel, to the Philistines, to the Phoenicians, Megalithic builders, to the Masonic Knights Templars of 1305 to the present. They hid out in Scotland, and other places and hid their treasure and time capsule at Oak Island.

It says, “According to modern reports, angelic visitations come in a variety of forms. In some cases, a stranger prevents serious injury or death and then mysteriously disappears.”

This happened to my mother. Daphne May was ill that affected her lungs. A woman in white found my grandfather in his front yard. She said, “Mr. May make a tea out of the Red Clover in your yard, and give it to her and she will live.” Nobody in that small town knew who she was. I would not be here without that miracle.

John Morris son of the founder of the creation science movement said he was searching for Noah’s Ark on Arrarat and got lost in the snow. A stranger came along and helped him find his way. He was in the middle of nowhere!

I remember hearing that during WWII they saw men on white horses over from them marching with them. Then there are the FOO Fighters.

And during the Korean War the Germans were firing at an empty field. Later that said there were men in white on that field.
UFOs are often seen at battle zones.

When the Russian tanks were headed for Israel with the Muslims, to destroy Israel in the seven day war they stopped in the desert for no reason according to the Israelis. The enemy later reported that UFOs landed in front of them.

Then one tank from Israel attacked them one by one.


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