Give me Liberty or Give me Covid19!

I have been censored on social media for being a activist Conservative Christian. Mainly on Facebook and CraigsList. 
Finally someone has come out against them! Candace Owens a Patriot of color who has started a petition the FCC to stop protecting social media from being sued. We need to STOP Fake News on the Internet and suppression of Conservatives and our God given Constitutional Rights of speech.

Senator Rand Paul
“Below 25 years old the fatality rate of COVID-19 is 0.00008%, or roughly one in 1.25 million . . .” Open our schools now!

Candice has Tweeted that Michigan's Governor's unConstitutional tyranny should stop the lockdown and open businesses. She is right. A Governor has no legal right to shut down the free enterprise system. Throughout history only sick people were quarantined, not people who are well. And this Project Covert19 has been used as a weapon to destroy America and take away our freedoms by the socialists who want a world government under Antichrist. And the main target are churches. The socialists Liberals for hundreds of years have wanted to destroy Christianity as their ultimate goal. A lot of this is coming from the Marxist United Nations founded by Communists and the Illuminati. 

Give me Liberty or give Covid19! Support Candice.


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