
Showing posts from November, 2020

Mysteries of History Revealed

           I  expose the truth behind unexplained or suppressed documented facts of history and science. And reveal the origin of the agents who are setting up the New World Order and attacking American freedoms.     In the Introduction in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1, I quote Dr. Henry Morris where he says there were two worldwide cataclysms; at the time of the worldwide Flood, and another about 5 generations - of 70 years - later during the days of Peleg when the earth was divided and continents separated. I discovered a cataclysm during Peleg’s Division 350 years after the Flood.  This cataclysm is confirmed in the Bible, historical accounts, geologic, meteoritic, and fossil record. I discovered evidence of two massive worldwide asteroid cataclysms in earth history ignored by Fake Science. The Peleg's Division cataclysm separated the the ancestors of today's Nephilim Royal bloodline attempting to rebuild...

Science and the Bible

          Theologians like to say the Bible is not a book of science. However, they don’t tell you that it is the foundation of all truth including science. This is why most scientists that founded the scientific method were Christians. They looked for intelligent design in nature. Naturalism assumes things happen by a random process with no intelligent design. Today in the hard sciences like chemistry, medical, exploration of space, electronics, mathematics, etc. are true science. However, the soft historical sciences dealing with things that happened in the past and cannot be repeated, examined directly, or tested and are interpreted to fit speculation and consensus opinion. In the case of historical sciences including geology, paleontology, astronomy, archaeology, and unrecorded history are very unreliable. These can only be based on belief in the accepted world view of the scientists and those he works for. These are best determined on the prepo...

Vietnam War

          The Vietnam war was not an American war it was under the leadership of the Marxist United Nations using American money and troops. It made money for the international banksters, and it Democratized many nations which leads to socialism. The State Department run by Council on Foreign Relations socialist agents was behind support of the Communization of Russia and China. Our American military were prevented from winning the war. Then on April 30, 1975,  Saigon , capital of the U.S.-backed Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), fell to the invading military forces of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (communist North Vietnam), two years after the withdrawal of American troops in the wake of the January 1973 Paris Peace Accords which left them defenseless. America’s troop pullout and its subsequent drastic cuts in economic aid and the laws prevented America from intervening ...

Danger Conspiracy Denied

          A person in Epoch Times said, "It is a good thing that has happened," about the recounts and exposure of corruption. Corrupt politicians have run our media, Washington, many local governments, and Hollywood. We need to clean the Obanable Black house and make it White again. (Many Black people are good white on the inside and Trump has honored many blacks and women counter to what the Fake News says) Finally people are becoming aware of this and we all hope this will lead to a big change. We need to stop the corruption and flush the stinking swamp and turn back to our Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Bible as our source of wisdom. We are not a Democracy of mob anarchy rule, we are a Republic under God's Laws.         The greatest danger in the war between Trump and Biden is the North American Union and NAFTA  North American Free Trade Agreement  which is about control of our government by an international bod...

America Under Attack

               There was rampant obstruction of transparency in making sure only legal votes were counted, that proves the results were hidden because of deliberate voter fraud.     Vote counting machines that were designed to be hacked, vote counting machines made by Communist controlled countries, votes handled in other countries including Germany and Spain, neutral poll watchers were prevented from checking if votes were correctly counted, polls run by biased Democrats had impossible spikes for Biden after the election, millions of dollars given to poll officials to bribe them from George Soros, vote counting stopped in all swing states at the same time then massive ballots came in suddenly a few hours later all for Biden, more votes than registered voters, duplicate ballots, mail in ballots sent out to anyone without checking signatures and records, voter rolls were not checked to remove illegal voters and dead people and...


             This is Thanksgiving the only Christian American Holiday.             It is NOT Turkey day. Turkeys did not die to save us from our sins. We must thank God for all good things.           First we should be thankful for salvation from this corrupt world through following Jesus. And the coming world where there is no sadness, sin , evil, conspiracies, corruption, lack of anything, death, lying, stealing, sickness, pandemics, inflation, lack of needs. And you will not need a mask.           We must be thankful for all the blessings God has given us. We have been blessed in America because we were following God’s Word and supported Israel. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are based on eternal truths created by God. One of the first promises in the Bible is given to Abraham, whom God appoint...

John McCain the Liberal

          I have known that ‘Republican’ John McCain has attacked everything the Republicans stand for, he attacks Trump as much as any other Democrat. He has supported everything the socialist Democrats want to do supporting one plank of the Communist Manifesto one at a time. Even McCain’s daughter said she is voting for Biden. So when I read about McCain in the book In the Shadows of the Deep State, page 219, I found much more about his evil dealings. John McCain and Lindsey Graham want to get the Republican Party to compromise with the Democrats along with the Lincoln Project. This is why no matter whether a Democrat or Republican is President nothing changes. The Democrats promote their evil Marxist plans and the Republicans lie. I noticed that most Republican Presidents select Liberal judges for the Supreme Court.   Some people want Christianity, Catholicism, and Muslim religion to compromise and work together under the Purpose Driven Church...

Alien Invasion

          The War of the Worlds, Space Patrol, Star Wars, Star Gate, Star Trek, etc. Encounter of the Third Kind, Ancient Aliens. What is going on? Fake News, Fake Science again. There is an attack on our country by CFR controlled Fake News and Massive Voter Fraud to undermine the Constitution and our freedoms. Why? Because Constitutionalists and American Patriots are preventing the creation of a Marxist world government. What is the source of these attacks and propaganda? Genesis 6:4 “4  There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Goliath was a small remnant of the Nephilim giants of only 9 feet tall. Before him were larger giants which are not mentioned in the Bible. Now I must warn you that many Nephilim researchers claim there were giants that are physically impossib...

Voter Fraud David & Goliath

          It has been discovered that in some places the votes for Biden was 125%, some 150%, and some 250% of the vote. This is IMPOSSIBLE. You can never get more votes than there are voters. It can only reach less than 100%. Some places had more votes than there are people. This happened because of the landslide for Trump. The Communists needed to make up for lack of votes for Biden.   (The Center Square) says the Fake News – Political pundits and pollsters said Republicans would lose 15 to 20 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives on election night, but voters proved them wrong, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-California, said. And Trump got millions more than he did in the last election. Now U.S. House Republicans are expecting to gain up to 13 new seats in the U.S. House. Republicans in Congress won every incumbent seat and 28 out of 29 competitive seats identified by the New York Times’ Nate Silver. Republicans have so far h...

Call For Recount in Arizona

          Call state legislators for a recount in Arizona with Democrat and Republican Poll Watcher observers.           Call 602 932-0962            Rampant voter fraud has been proven by impossible irregularities in most states. Like sudden massive votes switched from Trump to Biden. And sudden up spikes of thousands of vote coming in for Biden.            Don't listen to CFR controlled news who lies their heads off. And PolitiFact is also a liar.          Here is proof:           But the most important is in swing states that could result in mainly an illegitimate Democrat President and in some other Republican races. Even the Democrats should be alarmed! Making this a coup not a fair election.           The latest on US ele...

Maxine Waters Your Fired!

            California is one of the worst Communist controlled states in the country outside of New York.    Joe Collins is snatching the rung out from under Maxine Waters. She is one of the worst  Communist/criminals in California and Congress along with Chameleon Harris and Nancy  Pelosi.     Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump   Maxine Waters has long been considered “the most corrupt person in Congress”. Only habit keeps her there. Vote for Joe E. Collins lll and get this long time CROOK, Maxine Waters, out of office!!! Joe Collins a Democrat turned against the corrupt Democrat Party and rejoined the Republican Party in February 2019 and has since raised over $3.15 million in his longshot bid against the Communist Maxine Waters, Federal Election Commission  records  show.    ...

Democrat Threats & Intimidation & Fraud

            A radical activist has threatened election officials in Michigan. The Illuminati Russian and Chinese Communists have infiltrated our country through the State Department for the last 50 years are turning our country into a third world Communist country like Venezuela under the New World Order.   Candice a black woman Patriot is warning us. Help her: The establishment media and Internet giants are lying their heads off, and censoring the truth.   Venezuela:  South   America's  most dangerous  country  ... Dec 28, 2012 According to calculations made by a respected NGO, Venezuela is now far and away the most dangerous  country  in  South   America , with Caracas one of the most dangerous capitals in the world. The Book: In the ...

Quid Pro Quo Biden is Illegitimate Candidate

          At RiteAid Drug Store I was angered to see a slick magazine book titled the 46 th President Joe Biden! This is Time Magazine Fake News published by the Communist/Illuminati bankster Rockefeller dynasty. A President is not proven until massive fraud is investigated and illegal votes discarded, and Electoral electors are chosen and vote. And Trump is the President till January 20, 2021. Joe Biden is illegitimate because he is proven to be a criminal of Quid Pro Quo. No one guilty of a crime is qualified to run for any public office. Watch  Joe   Biden  Admit To Demanding  Quid  Pro  Quo  With Ukraine ... Watch  Joe   Biden  Admit To Demanding  Quid   Pro   Quo  With Ukraine. By Mark Simone Nov 13, 2019. Watch this news report which includes video of  Joe ...