Tribulation Temple in Jerusalem



    The Facebook group above says the Temple that will be rebuilt will not be the one that Antichrist enters defiles and declares himself to be god. This is incorrect here is the truth:

    The temple Solomon built was defiled by Solomon who used the help of Philistines in Lebanon to build it, and married many women who were Philistines of the bloodline of the Nephilim. This bloodline became the Illuminati of today behind the New World Order. And the temple in Jerusalem will be built by Jews who don't believe in Jesus or the New Testament. It is actually the Antichrist's temple. That is why when Jesus returns, Jesus will say, where is the Temple you built for me? It will have the replica of the Ark of the Covenant which was made by the Pharisees to replace the one that disappeared when the temple curtain was torn apart. Jesus replaced the ark with himself. This replica ark is on Oak Island and will found soon.

    Baphomet will be placed in the Temple when the Antichrist declares himself to be God after he assassinates the False Prophet, the Jesuit Pope of the Vatican.

On that same group there was this comment:

    The word ‘antichrist’ occurs only four times in the bible. What exactly does the bible say about the antichrist? Is it really something or someone in the future? No. Here's why.

    Incorrect here is the truth: 
Unota Christian
 The Antichrist is both the world Marxist Dictator and the recreation of Babel i.e. Babylon the New World Order or system. Jesus referred to it as the Spirit of Antichrist. It is also referred to by occultists as the rise of Atlantis the Phoenix rising from the fires of Baal 666.


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