Origin of Deep State

              Origin of Deep State’s New World Order's world government goes back to Babel. All through history this conspiracy was led by a secret society, who is over all other secret societies.

I document the fact that all of our world’s problems have been orchestrated by Satan’s Agents. The Light Bearers of Lucifer who have infiltrated all social organizations and control most communications worldwide.

Their plan says they will control society with an “unseen hand” using theories “they know are false: Darwinism, Marxism, and Socialism.” They say they will control through Fake News and Fake Science.

I cover the documented facts of science and the Bible, ignored  and suppressed by secularists. It gives details about history including: asteroid showers which caused worldwide cataclysms which shaped geology and civilization, how dinosaurs fit into history, and advanced ancient civilizations. And I expose the secret  societies behind the Marxist Illuminati New World Order conspiracy attacking our country and it's Constitution in support of Antichrist.

Satan’s agents have caused wars, inflation, depressions, terrorism, etc.

Mysteries of History Revealed. Order from Amazon Books under Auldaney. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=auldaney&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

Or call/text me: (951) 235-5213.


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