
Showing posts from April, 2021

Mysteries of History Revealed

             I  expose the truth behind unexplained or suppressed documented facts of history and science. And reveal the origin of the agents who are setting up the New World Order and attacking American freedoms.     In the Introduction in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1, I quote Dr. Henry Morris where he says there were two worldwide cataclysms; at the time of the worldwide Flood, and another about 5 generations - of 70 years - later during the days of Peleg when the earth was divided and continents separated. I discovered a cataclysm during Peleg’s Division 350 years after the Flood.  This cataclysm is confirmed in the Bible, historical accounts, geologic, meteoritic, and fossil record. I discovered evidence of two massive worldwide asteroid cataclysms in earth history ignored by Fake Science. The Peleg's Division cataclysm separated the the ancestors of today's Nephilim Royal bloodline attempting to ...

Defend Our Constitution Flood Them

       America has been made BLUE with Satanic corruption. Now we need to bring on a RED wave like Moses did to Egypt!         Flood THEM, like God did in Noah's Day, with comments about ALL unconstitutional criminal attacks on our Constitution, Christianity, and God given freedoms. Even our enemies to show that you mean business, that there will be a RED Tsunamis to flood them out of a job and investigations into their CRIMES if they don't support making America GREAT AGAIN!:      Contact  President Joe Biden  online, call the White House switchboard at 202-456-1414, comments line at 202-456-1111 during business hours.      Contact your governor:      Contact your state legislature:      Contact your House Representative:

SCAM Alert Update!

               There are SCAMS to steal your money.          I just got another one: They say if you put our sign on your car we will pay you get $500 a week on any vehicle , click hear to apply. They will sell you a phony product sticker that doesn't work. I know because I tried it. The product is different things in other contacts with them that are bogus.      Others call with a recorded message, “This is General Electric you have an outstanding bill that needs to be paid or your power will be shut off in 30 minutes. Call this number to take care of this bill.”         And, “This is Social Security we have found suspicious activity and have put a hold on your account. Contact an agent at…” And, "This is Amazon, their is an outstanding charge to your account of $700."           Don’t call them, don't give them any informat...

Don't Help RINOS

          Don’t be fooled by the Republican Committees who support RINOS – traitors who have supported the enemy socialists for decades. The TRAITOR Mitch  McConnell is a Republican senator from Kentucky who repeated Communist/Democrat slander against Donald Trump. If he asks for donations DON’T give him any or any Republican committee who supports RINOS!!        Make America Great Again send donations to: Let me know you support America and our Constitution! 951 235-5213

Biden's Criminal Crisis

        Donald Trump saved America by decreasing the unemployment, supporting our police protection, lowed taxes, increasing our military, removing business killing regulations, cutting taxes to stimulate more jobs and pay for workers, cutting government wasteful spending, supporting our right to defend ourselves under 2 nd Amendment, supporting Traditional values and Christianity, stood up to our Communist enemies both Russia China and North Korea, brought out Warp Speed to develop vaccines to fight the bioweapon Covert 19 (Dr. Fauci financed Wuhan biolab with 3.75 million dollars  with tax money) , and shut down travel from infected nations.      Shutting down our boarder to illegals – criminals - gangs - terrorists - Covid positive – drug smugglers – sex traffickers with a wall. These Illegals are breaking our laws, just like leaving your front door open to any person who wants to enter your house and take everything you own, including your ...

Reganomnics Making America Great Again

          When the Bible was taken out of the schools, evil skyrocketed because there was no moral standard. More crime, more taxes, more young people leaving the church, more out of wedlock pregnancies, more abortion murder. Students were brain washed with science fiction by Charles Darwin (A secret society member) and socialism, that we are only animals with no rules. Alister Crowley’s Do What Thou Wilt became the immoral standard in 1963. The year Satanist Anton le Vey said was the beginning of the New Satanic World Order. This was based on atheistic Darwinian philosophy as described in the plan of the Illuminati, "to undermine Faith."        As a result the average achievement of students plunged. From 970 in 1963 to 890 in 1980. The quality of music declined into satanic themes Rap, Hip Hop, and other satanic noise for subliminal hypnotic mind control, along with video games emphasizing mass murder.     ...

'Gun Control' is Disarmament

       The statement "Conspiracy Theory" is a trick to cause you to doubt the truth, without any supporting evidence! There has been a conspiracy ever since Satan went against God. Liberals are actually Satanists  trying to fool you. In their Plan thay say you are dumb and will believe whatever the media 'experts' tells you. This is in front  of the Marxist United Nations. This is a defensive  weapon not used my mass killers. It proves they want to disarm and leave citizens   victims  of killers.        The Liberal Conspiracy claims police are targeting African Americans. This is an attack on America by the Socialist Conspiracy.          The Justice Department keeps records and it shows police shootings account for 457 whites killed and 241 blacks. And that there are 60 million interactions with police per year and it results in 1000 deaths. That is 0.001 deaths from police actions 1 thousandth of ...

Biden Administration's Plan

     The Liberals say Biden has done more than Trump did.      True, Biden has done nothing good, but has done more - destructive things than any other President outside of Hitler.        Trump on the other hand, did more good than any other President.       Joe Biden, with Obama’s Democrats, the media, teachers unions, and corporations in league with China using slave labor following the Marxist United Nation’s plan to disarm police, disarm Patriotic Citizens, encourage anarchy and crime, release robbers and murderers from our jails,  flood our country with Covid positive illegal aliens and criminals and terrorists through our boarder, keep small businesses, club meetings, and churches closed, bankrupt our country in hundreds of trillions of debt, permanently force Covid shut downs, raise taxes, increase job killing regulations, cause prices to skyrocket,  bring back our troops from Afghanistan on 9/11 as a...

HR 1 Take Over by Antichrist

        HR 1 will allow felons to vote, it will let Communist agents and terrorists who enter America illegally to vote.  Ted Cruz warns us that HR 1 is extremely EVIL and will permanently destroy our Constitutional freedoms. It will turn America into permanent Atheist Communist dictatorship. House Resolution 1 will give the radical Democrats permanent control of our government. This will lead to the Marxist world government of Antichrist warned about in the Bible. HR 1 will give Communist Fascists Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Obama, Hillary, and Joe Biden complete control over our elections. It will let felons and illegal immigrants vote. Help Ted Cruz STOP their unconstitutional power grab by rushing an urgent Contribution today. Baphomet worshipped by the Illuminati

Mysteries of History Revealed

            I  expose the truth behind unexplained or suppressed documented facts of history and science. And reveal the origin of the agents who are setting up the New World Order and attacking American freedoms.     In the Introduction in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1, I quote Dr. Henry Morris where he says there were two worldwide cataclysms; at the time of the worldwide Flood, and another about 5 generations - of 70 years - later during the days of Peleg when the earth was divided and continents separated. I discovered a cataclysm during Peleg’s Division 350 years after the Flood.  This cataclysm is confirmed in the Bible, historical accounts, geologic, meteoritic, and fossil record. I discovered evidence of two massive worldwide asteroid cataclysms in earth history ignored by Fake Science. The Peleg's Division cataclysm separated the the ancestors of today's Nephilim Royal bloodline attempting to rebuil...

California Governor Gavin Nuisance

Demon possessed Nancy Pelosi is using tax dollars and Communist George Soros, Clinton Foundation, and DNC to resist the recall of crooked Communist California Governor Gavin Nuisance. He went to a party at a fancy restaurant when all other restaurants were closed. And no one wore masks - because they know Covid is 80% hoax.  “Newsom apologized for attending the party (With NO MASKS) saying he made a “bad mistake.”” He is a liar!

Win Some

       Win some, loose some. A black lady veteran Winsome Sears is winning in blue Virginia to become red Lieutenant Governor. “PRO-LIFE The baby in the womb wants to live! God creates life: whether by test-tube or natural means. As a mother, I understand the importance of protecting life. As the next Lt. Governor of Virginia, I will fight to protect life, not devalue it. Furthermore, late-term abortion and infanticide (killing of the baby after birth) is also murder. What is happening at the hands of Democrat lawmakers (like our Governor) across this country is wicked; therefore, I will do everything in my power to stop this act from taking place in Virginia. 2ND AMENDMENT I will defend our 2nd Amendment right to bear arms. We have seen the continued whittling away of this right. believe the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individual gun ownership. Gun control laws infringe on the right to self-defense and deny people a sense of safety. Gun...

Patriot's We Need Your Help

       Davy Crocket we need you to patch up the crake in the Liberty Bell! Trump says to save America from Communist dictatorship we need to reclaim the Senate and Congress. Donate to   The U.S. Justice Department just filed a legal complaint of violation of campaign finance lawsagainst5 MSNBC support: Patriot Canace Owens fighting disarmament of citizens under the Second Amendment, so we can’t defend ourselves against criminals and terrorists flooding our boarder. Which will lead to the destruction of ALL our freedoms! Sign her petition! Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis is a HERO. He opposes Fascist unConstitutional vaccine passports. So does Candice Owens who says it looks like the Mark of the Beast. She is right! A Boston Hospital has announced it will combat racism by giving preferential treatmen...

Gas Inflated prices

           May 31, 2020 $2.43 per gallon under Trump. Now the lowest priced gas in California is $3.51 and will continue to rise under Biden.

Help Me Save America!

        Some people say yes, I want to save America from losing our freedoms but I can’t do anything. WRONG! You can distribute my business cards on driver’s windows like I do at supermarkets and other places where there a lot of cars every time you go shopping.  Picture shows 7 American flags, the number of Spiritual Perfection. You can order business cards on the Internet and pay with debit card. Print: “FREE Online Newsletter. Current world events & science exposing Fake News & Fake Science. By researcher Jeremy Auldaney. Save America and Make it Great Again!" You can reach me at: And do not donate to Republican Congeessional groups, they support RINO traitors too. Send a personal letter of encouragement to Trump himself, optional personal check to: Trump Towers 752 5th Ave., New York, NewYork 10022.

Defend Freedom

        Ted Cruz needs help defending American freedom. House Resolution 1 (HR 1) that would allow only the Democrats to win elections from now on, like in Russia and other Communist countries. Everywhere you go you have to identify yourself for security purposes, except for elections! So this is white supremacist to prevent fraud? Ridiculous lie. There is rampant corruption by Democrats! Stacey Abrams, former Georgia state legislator and gubernatorial candidate recently  told CNN Fake News,  Democrats ' H.R. 1 bill, which would make the fraudulent voting of the 2020 mail-in election both permanent and nationwide, "demands that the entire U.S.  Senate  acknowledge that protection of democracy is so fundamental that it should be exempt from the filibuster rules." This is a lie, the Congress does not have this authority according to the Constitution. Also Demo...

Olympics Pagan Religion

         State Department has called for a boycott against the Olympics in Beijing over human rights violations.        They truck women to work in sweat houses producing products for Walmart, etc., and to hospitals for sterilizations, and many are rapped or killed.        The Olympics was based on sports to honor Pagan gods, some of these winners were sacrificed to these gods. The torch represents the fire/sun god Baal 666. Christians should not watch these games. One version of these games include the Roman Gladiatorials.        I suspect the possibility that the bioweapon Covid19 (3.75 million inTax money paid to the Wuhan lab through Dr. Fauci) could be used to expose visitors to be spread to other countries again.  

Destruction of Our History

         In 1930 Spanish philosopher wrote about what is happening in America, The Revolt of the Masses.        This describes the irrational attack on traditional values. This is what is happening today with the Democrats, Liberals, educational establishments, corporation CEOs, and the media.        He said that once mass man is unified, like a lynch mob, they attack all social order without any rational purpose through cultural erasure, falsifying history, they take over seizing power.          This irrational mob is sweeping through Western nations.            The younger generations are being brain washed by the educational systems and the media to believe the lie that there is rampant systemic racism in the predominant system without any evidence. This is to divide and conquer, a classic example of Communist tactics....

Warning to Agnostics & Atheists


Jesus is Risen Today!

         The Sabbath TODAY, this is the day that Jesus rose from the dead at 3 o’clock in his reformed celestial body, just as we Christians, trusting in Jesus, will be Raptured to meet Jesus in the atmosphere.  Then the: Liberals/Socialists/Communists/Democrats/ Satanists/Atheists will take over the world through the United Nations and European Union.        With all the satanic events in the world that is not far off.        The next day Sunday the Disciples met together in Jerusalem to decide what to do next. They forgot about the prophecy. Like many today who allegorize the Bible instead of taking it at face value. Or they are ignorant or confused about what it really says. Especially if they are reading modern versions and listening to Satanists posing as ministers, Deist ministers, and False Prophets.        When the Disciples meet secretly together in Jeru...