Destruction of Our History

        In 1930 Spanish philosopher wrote about what is happening in America, The Revolt of the Masses.

       This describes the irrational attack on traditional values. This is what is happening today with the Democrats, Liberals, educational establishments, corporation CEOs, and the media.

       He said that once mass man is unified, like a lynch mob, they attack all social order without any rational purpose through cultural erasure, falsifying history, they take over seizing power.

        This irrational mob is sweeping through Western nations.  

        The younger generations are being brain washed by the educational systems and the media to believe the lie that there is rampant systemic racism in the predominant system without any evidence. This is to divide and conquer, a classic example of Communist tactics.

        Satan has been at work all through history to destroy man and deny truth.

       The result is Fake News and Fake Science permeating society. And the Democrat Party has been completely taken over by evil. This movement is led by agents of Satanism in secret societies commonly known as the Illuminati, Bilderberg members, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights Templars, etc.

       The founder of Black Lives Matter Patrisse Cullors was trained by the Weather Underground terrorist Eric Mann.

        Leaders of these movements are corrupt people enticed by bribes in millions of dollars from the Illuminati, and lust for power and thrill of theft, destruction, vandalism, and senseless murder of innocent people and babies.

       They teach their brainless followers to promote ignorance and the rejection of reason and logic. They claim their irrational science is fact without evidence like ‘Dr.’ Fauci who funded the creation of Covid 19, and Al Gore with Global Weather hoaxes, and evolution, both Atheistic and Theistic. They repeat lies over and over. Their mobs promote rebellion and chaos. They claim that empiricism and the scientific method is Colonialism and white supremacy. They hate God for creating order and truth. They claim that math was designed to keep blacks and minorities under foot. That individualism, truth, and liberty is racial discrimination.

        This is because God is logical, and Satan is irrational. These people are Demon possessed megalomaniacs. Most are into Satanism and the occult.

       Recently a graduate student of Rutgers University Brittany Marshal went on Twitter and said that 2+2=4 is only true because of “western imperialism.” These people are certifiably insane! They are Demon possessed. Satan was a genius idiot when he went against the all-powerful creator God and thought he could take over the universe. This is megalomania on steroids.

       They want to get rid of police, guns for defense, destroy the family, stop prosecution of criminals, shut down prisons, promote drugs, support prostitution, drug and assault weapon smuggling, open borders: to terrorists, criminals, and the spread of disease, etc.

        The co-founder of Black Lives Matter Patrisse Cullors graduate in brainwashing from Rutgers University, said she was a trained Marxist under Weather Underground terrorist Eric Mann. Karl Marx was a Satanist and one of the first Fake News journalists in New York in 1858. And their purpose along with Antifa is to destroy the American empire and Christianity and truth.

       Football star Colin Kaepernick is a black supremacist who opposes our police with a tea shirt in honor of the Communist mass murderer Fidel Castro of Cuba. He started the insult to our country by kneeling during the National Anthem. 

This anthem was (written by an American Patriot during the battle in 1812) to honor our brave American Colonists who fought the (Illuminati Rothschild who supported the King of England against the America Colonists supplying mercenary soldiers for profit) Americans who kept our flag over Fort McHenry all night during the British bombardment at the cost of their own lives.

        Nike sport Shoe Company joined the traitors to America and supported Colin Kaepernick. The same company that made a Satanist shoe with symbols of Satan and containing human blood in it. The same company that supports Communist China’s sweatshop slavery to make their shoes.

        Kaepernick is also wearing cap with an X on it which symbolizes Satan and the Skull and Bones Illuminati.

       And he has a bottle of Gator Aid with the lightning bolt symbol of Satan on it.

Do You Know What Baraq O'Bamah Means in Hebrew?


Luke 10:18- And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

       And Kaepernick is covered with tattoos which comes from Pagan religious Satanism.

       Kaepernick supports the Marxist Black Supremacists Only Matter, who say nothing about the murder of more black and minority babies that Caucasian babies by Planned Parenthood.

       This information comes from an article in The New America Magazine, Monumental Hypocrisy by Dr. Duke Pesta August 24, 2021.

       These same terrorists in BLM and Antifa want to erase our true history, just as the ancient Pharaohs in Egypt did. They erased all the monuments to Leaders of the past and replaced them with their images to take credit for past accomplishments. Sounds like today with the Biden administration.

       These thugs are illegally destroying government property, by vandalizing and pulling down American heroes including Christopher Columbus, Abraham Lincoln, John Wayne, Jesus, Virgin Mary, etc. But they don’t touch Satanist Karl Marx’ statue in New York and Washington. Or the one of Knights Templar Grand Master, Jacques de Molay in Washington DC, who revived the satanic Illuminati (Knights Templar Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) in 1776.


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