Biden's Criminal Crisis

       Donald Trump saved America by decreasing the unemployment, supporting our police protection, lowed taxes, increasing our military, removing business killing regulations, cutting taxes to stimulate more jobs and pay for workers, cutting government wasteful spending, supporting our right to defend ourselves under 2nd Amendment, supporting Traditional values and Christianity, stood up to our Communist enemies both Russia China and North Korea, brought out Warp Speed to develop vaccines to fight the bioweapon Covert 19 (Dr. Fauci financed Wuhan biolab with 3.75 million dollars with tax money), and shut down travel from infected nations.

    Shutting down our boarder to illegals – criminals - gangs - terrorists - Covid positive – drug smugglers – sex traffickers with a wall. These Illegals are breaking our laws, just like leaving your front door open to any person who wants to enter your house and take everything you own, including your life!

        The Communist/Illuminati CFRs hate Trump and America, for standing in the way of their plan for a Marxist New World Order under Antichrist.

       In 2020 under Trump there were 15,381 Illegal Immigrants. Now under Biden in 2021 there was 117,000. And millions are on their way like a swarm of locusts.

These are trespassers on our land, given to us by God. If they were honest they would come here legally. But as a result many are criminals and drug/gun smugglers who kill, steal, rape, and terrorize Americans. And the innocent Immigrants who believed Biden's lies, including children are also victims of murder and rape and neglect by the Cartel criminals who are getting rich on Biden’s disregard for law and order.

They blamed Trump for putting children in cages and used pictures from the Obama/Biden presidency. 

Now that Biden is in charge they use those same cages, except it is worse than during the Obama presidency because of Biden’s advertising that everyone can come and get free things paid by the American tax payer’s expense, including losing our jobs and super spreading of the pandemic and increase in crime which is furthered by Democrats and media who encourage anarchy so they can bring in United Nations Marxist ‘peace keeping troops’ to restore order and take over.  


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