Build Back Better?

                Build Back Better and The Great Reset?

       Over the centuries rulers have clipped pieces out of gold and silver coins to make more coins, thus causing inflation. Then they used base metals mixed in the coins to use less valuable metals. The Bible says in the last days your money will be cankered, i.e. devalued: worth-less.

       They started years ago to remove the backing of money with gold, then silver emptying Fort Knox. Then they could print more worthless paper money. Then they went to using technology bringing in checks, then credit and debit cards consisting of numbers in a computer.  

       This is their plan, to destroy everything, the economy, get rid of our paper money, our freedoms, the Constitution, energy, wealth, resources, boarders, private homes, private businesses, our police, our national defense, free speech, our guns for protection. Then recreate it. How? As a Police State under a technology controlling dictator.  

       Reagan already Built Back Better after Jimmy Carter damaged everything. Then Trump Built Back Better after Obama/Biden nearly destroyed everything.

       Obviously they want to Build Bake WORSE! The criminal Democrats in our government are following the plan of a Communist slave states following the plan of the illuminati and their Communist Manifesto to Build the World Order of the Antichrist.


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