Theistic Evolution The False Prophet
Fake News is also supporting Fake Science. The False Prophets at BioLogos pretend to be Christians (Like Hugh Ross) who believe God is only a glorified man who requires billions of years to create the universe and the earth by trial and error. Why God created man a few thousand years ago is not explained.
This web site are liars.
The plan of the New World Order (The world government of Antichrist) by the
Priory de Scion states that they will use Darwinism/Marxism to undermine faith.
And it is promoted by the Communist teachers unions who support Critical race
Theory and Evolution. And they have removed god from our schools. The theory of
evolution started in Ancient Egypt among the Pagan Nephilim who believed man
evolved from seaweed in the Nile River.
Notice they make statements
that the evidence is overwhelming that the earth is old, but give no evidence
for it. They expect you to believe what atheistic scientists or theistic
evolutionists say. Just like they want us to believe Dr. Fauci and Biden about
global warming and Covid mandates.
“Darwin resented
the biblical doctrine of future judgment He wrote, 'I can indeed hardly see how
anyone ought to wish Christianity to
be true; for if so the plain language of the text seems to show that the men
who do not believe, and this would include my Father, Brother and almost all my
best friends, will be everlastingly punished.”
And his family were Masons
the Illuminati behind the New World Order of Antichrist. And Masons were
supporting evolution before Darwin wrote his books.
Everyone who has supported
evolution hated God.
And the Bible clearly shows that the universe
was created in 6 days about 6 thousand years ago. You have to read millions or
billions of years into it. In my books Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1 and
part 2 gives tons of evidence from secular science that proves evolution and
long ages is a hoax by agents of Satan so that people would accept the world
government as part of evolution. Evolution requires long ages. But there is no
evidence proving and ancient earth. I refute this in my books with references
from secular scientists. Science proves any genetic improvements cannot go from
simple to complex. And if it did happen it would be destroyed by entropy.
Everything deteriorates it does not improve without a creator. And a creator
that created time and space does not need time.
Here are the lies from
BioLogos who contradict the facts of science and the Word of God. They
represent the False Prophet.
“Despite the facts that
young-Earth creationism has become considerably more sophisticated and that
some of its proponents are much more geologically knowledgeable than were
earlier advocates like Price or
Morris (That is a lie), the claims advanced in favor of a young Earth or of
Flood geology remain unacceptable to the scientific community (Establishment
scientists are mostly atheist/materialists. Evolution and an old earth are
naturalistic explanations). Thus their claims should also be unacceptable
within the church (Yes Satan always wants to infect the church under the False
Prophet), which, of all places ought to be committed to truth and reality (The
liar always accuses the innocent person of doing what they are doing. Just like
Hillary who was involved in Russian collusion blaming Trump)—for the simple
reason that the young-Earth creationist claims lack scientific credibility
(From an unbelievers viewpoint). They neither discredit evidence (Liar, I
discredited old earth and evolution in my books in detail from scientific
witnesses. And the Bible) for an old Earth nor compel acceptance of a young
Earth or a global Flood.” (Lie again)
Without question, any
purely materialistic philosophy is hostile to Christianity (The Antichrist will
also be a theistic evolutionist) and ought to be opposed by (Ignorant) Christians.
Christians should not, however, attempt to disprove a materialistic
evolutionary theory by discrediting the antiquity of the Earth. (The
evolutionists are losing the evolution hypothesis so they are going back to
ancient Paganism and the occult supporting the ancient earth theory. But they
are lying when they say they don’t believe in evolution) Evolutionary
materialism and the antiquity of the Earth are two distinct issues. (Another
lie, evolution requires an ancient earth. But science and logic show a random
process is impossible with entropy and the second law of thermodynamics) If the
vast antiquity of the Earth is amply demonstrated, (No it hasn’t. Read my book
Part 1) one must still evaluate the data and theory of evolution on their
own scientific merits. (Of course ignore the Bible.) By way of
example, Hugh Ross,
an astrophysicist, and C. John Collins, an
Old Testament theologian, are both enthusiastic advocates of an old Earth who,
nevertheless, ardently oppose biological evolution. (They are lying. Hugh Ross
on Focus on the Family radio said they expected to find only very little dust
on the moon. Liar, no scientists thought there would be so much dust that the
lander might sink into the dust. They couldn’t even get the flag to stand up it
fell as they blasted off)
We agree that many
sedimentary rocks around the world do contain features that were produced by
very rapid or catastrophic deposition. (Yes and most deposits of Jurassic, etc.
are found worldwide. And all deposits are all dead level showing little erosion,
unlike today. Proving they were rapid deposits one on top of another) But the
premise is misleading because it tells only half of the truth. Many other
sedimentary rocks around the world contain features that must result from
extremely slow rates (No there are no fossil deposits that were deposited
slowly. Including the La Brea asphalt shows rapid deposition by water and
gravel. I proved this in a technical paper I published) of deposition. Any
valid theory of the origin of sedimentary rocks must not ignore either of
these groups of features. (All sedimentary rocks require rapidly moving water.
The word sediment means water deposited. And most mammal and dinosaur bone beds
are buried in volcanic ash by water)
Geologists certainly accept
the idea that the average rates of sedimentary depositional processes over long
stretches of time are quite slow, (Another lie. They require rapidly moving
water to carry the sediment and then bury and preserve bones and wood in
volcanic ash) but it is also accepted that there may be brief, spasmodic
episodes when rates of deposition may be extremely high, even catastrophic.
Fossil accumulations
contain internal evidences as to circumstances of deposition. (You mean the
crossbeded red sandstone that was claimed to be windblown desert sand? In order
to preserve trackways you need water and a cementing agent from volcanic
sources) In some cases deposition is rapid, but in other cases the deposit may
represent a “trap” that operated over time. (No the tar pit was not a trap. The
bones were carried by water into the upwelling of asphalt at La Brea. As for
the dinosaurs at the Cleveland Lloyd quarry in Utah, these dinosaurs were
fleeing volcanic eruptions and flooding and got stuck in the volcanic ash. This
was not a slow process)
young-Earth creationist authors often accuse geologists of piecing together the
fossil record, (True. You cannot find many layers of the geologic column in one
place. Usually there is only one. Sometimes you find 3 layers. So geologists/paleontologists
have to assume there is a certain order based on their acceptance of the
theoretical geologic column based on the acceptance of evolution) crazy-quilt
style, to fit a preconceived notion of organic evolution. In effect, these
modern critics claim that the pattern of fossils depicted in geology textbooks
is a fiction, produced for evolutionary propaganda purposes. (That is correct.
Fake Science based on materialism, forgetting the Creator)
However, we saw in chapter
four [not included in this series of excerpts] that the founders of
biostratigraphy were actively sorting out the pattern of extinct life forms
more than a generation prior (Yes sorting them out based on the assumption of
simple to complex, which is illogical. Physical things go from complex to
simple) to the publication of Darwin’s The Origin of Species, and
were in fact indifferent or hostile to the concept of organic evolution. (Darwin/Huxley
hated God) The pattern of preserved organic remains in rocks is an
empirical one. (A lie. The kind of fossils is determined by direction of the
current and the size of the object, the speed of the water, and the origin of
the sediment. Sediment is sorted) Any valid theory of the history of the
Earth must take into account this empirical pattern. (Liar. Making assumptions
before seeing the evidence leads to false conclusions. And to call this empirical
is a lie. Evolution has never been observed or proven. To start with it as a
fact is unscientific)
Because they have put on
blinders, (Liars always accuse the innocent person of doing what they do) young-Earth
creationists are unwilling to accept the totality of the available geologic
evidence. (The totality of the geologic evidence proves evolution and deep time
is false) They are unwilling to abandon their young-Earth, global-Flood
hypothesis even when the evidence shows it to be untenable. (Liar. All the
evidence supports creation and falsifies evolution) They have ignored or
distorted a vast body of evidence that is contrary to their preconceived notion
of what Earth history must have been like. (We ignore fictional stories like a small
bipedal dinosaur could accidentally turn scales into a flying bird) They
have focused only on data that, taken in isolation from geologic contexts,
(Just so stories, with no evidence, except circumstantial evidence that is
interpreted better in support of creation) might be seen as favorable to their
own theory. They claim continually to argue from the evidence of nature,
(I have collected every kind of fossil and discovered many fossil sites for
decades and it supports creation and the worldwide flood, not evolution) but
they have repeatedly ignored what is inconvenient for them. (No we ignore silly
stories that a microbe turned into a man. You assume God must have evolved too,
if he used evolution to create over vast amounts of time in trial and error.
That means he is not God, he is an evolving being) Although some of the
phenomena of the sedimentary rock record might be interpretable in terms of a
great Flood, (No all the fossil record points to a worldwide flood, except for
the post Cretaceous which was created in another worldwide cataclysm in the
days of Peleg) most of the phenomena to which they appeal are far more
satisfactorily explicable in terms of much smaller scale processes than a
global catastrophic Flood. (Liar. The same fossils and sediment is found in
strata worldwide. All fossil kinds are found worldwide in different layers.
Many are from different environments which are biased to that environment.
Classic example is the difference between marine and terrestrial fossils. But
we know they were all deposited at the same time)
My conclusions. The
teaching of theistic evolution or deep time leads to young people coming to the
conclusion that the bible can’t be trusted. We have to believe what man says.
You know fallen man, or are you going to say that the Fall never happened?
I remember reading in a book in a Christian
Book Store. “Do we have to teach our children that the earth was created in 6 days
6 thousand years ago.” I could hear Satan whispering, “Yeah hath God said?”
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