Ancient Alien Lies

Ancient Aliens theories are preparing people for the coming invasion of Fallen Angels  (UFOs) and their genetically engineered bodies for demonic spirits the demons called Greys. These television programs and the science fiction movies are preparing people for the Tribulation Period when earth will be invaded by Satanic forces from space.
The Bible says the belief in Pagan Religion (i.e. witchcraft) will return in the Last Days (for seven years Tribulation, Jacob’s Trouble) before Jesus return.
This Satanic Religion was driven underground when Jesus spread the Gospel 2000 years ago, and witches/warlocks hate it. The New Age/Occult Religion is a counterfeit of God’s Truth. Their Mary is the female goddess Isis part of the Satanic Trinity the Earth Mother or Mother Nature the god of theistic evolution.
Satan created the Mysteries of Isis at Babel and spread the bloodline (Rh Negative Merovingians) of the seed of the Serpent called giants and Nephilim. They lie and call them Ananaki claiming they are extraterrestrials who evolved on another planet.

Actually the Ananaki were the Nephilim sons of Anak their father. The father was a giant offspring from the union of Fallen Angels and human women.


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