Sodom & Gomorrah on Television

I hate the news. It describes Sodom and Gomorrah and the world accepts it as normal.  
We see increasing shootings, crime, murder, corruption in government, lies being taught in schools and in the media.
Immorality is promoted and glorified, in Gay Pride and on the media. Mass shootings, slander against public figures who are trying to do what is right, support for illegals who hate us trespassing in our land to take over, glorification of evil life styles, wars, public media lying and promoting propaganda, wasting tax money on phony energy projects costing billions that will bankrupt our country and leave our country unable to compete with Communist countries, using tax money to support socialism in other countries by George Soros and the Clintons.
What has happened to our Christian country? What can we do to stop shootings? Teach the Bible in our corporations and schools! Anton La Vey high priest of Satan said 1960s was the beginning of the New Age of Satan! Guns are not the problem, immorality based on Darwinism is responsable. Evolution is a weapon used by Liberals to undermine the truth. Evolution is propaganda by the Liberal Conspiracy. It is a cosmology and religion. Nature is worshiped as a god with Darwin as its high priest.   


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