Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus, a bioweapon of mass destruction?
No one seems to know what is going on. Most claim it is not a biological weapon. But if it is no one seems to know who or what to blame. And China has not been any help.
ABC (Fake News) News television March 29,  said Worldwide 200 thousand deaths. 5 thousand sick in California. 24 hundred have died. Trump, will extend the quarantine to April 30.
A contact, with a group in Illinois is contacting hospitals, medical organizations, etc. to help them prepare to be overwhelmed. Most diseases last on surfaces no more than 24 hours. The coronavirus lasts on surfaces for 14 days he said.
It is looking like this is like a bio weapon. But who or what is responsible?
The Fake News is saying that Conservative Rush Limbaugh and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) has repeatedly suggested before Congress and on Fox News that the virus could have come from the lab. This is the verbal bioweapon being used to attack Trump and Conservatives. The Liberals can’t win the election so they are using this pandemic as an attack on Republicans!
Disinformation about the coronavirus is spreading as quickly as the virus, thanks to the usual players.
Chinese authorities maintain that COVID-19 likely originated at a market in Wuhan where people were selling bad meat. But Iranian, Russian, and Chinese propaganda media outlets would like you to believe, without evidence that the emerging public health crisis comes from U.S. biological weapons.
And supported by American Fake News and Liberals against Trump and Republican/Conservatives.
640 thousand are infected worldwide. 151,766 have recovered.
Deaths worldwide March 29, 2020
CNN 30 thousand 34 thousand 31 thousand 33 thousand
Worlddoubled in
6 days 
30,451 totalMarch 29
+3,461 newMarch 29
Italydoubled in
7 days 
10,023 totalMarch 29
+887 newMarch 29
Spaindoubled in
4 days 
5,690 totalMarch 29
+832 newMarch 29
Chinadoubled in
43 days 
3,306 totalMarch 29
+5 newMarch 29
Irandoubled in
10 days 
2,517 totalMarch 29
+139 newMarch 29
Francedoubled in
4 days 
2,314 totalMarch 29
+319 newMarch 29

One thing we know for sure is the Bible warned that perilous days would come just before His return. And also God hates the death of innocent people supported by Democrats through Planned Parenthood. 

It is no wonder that people are suspicious of this pandemic, because the Liberals (Globalists) want kill off a major portion of the population. On November 30, 2016 I published this;postID=8744843655496180976;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=postname: Bill Gates a member of the Illuminati who are behind the New World Order of the Antichrist want to kill off the majority of people on earth. This has been documented by many Bilderbergs. I suspected this decades ago when they came out with the swine flu vaccines. And sure enough some people died from the vaccinations. Our vaccinations, food, and water is being poisoned to cause sexual sterility, and death.


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