The Moon Proves Intelligent Design

The planets, stars, and galaxies are an amazingly example of irrefutable intelligent design. They demonstrate that nothing came about by a big bang, and particles coming together by a natural process. Explosions create random destruction, and all particles move away from each other. And gravity is not strong enough to pull them together to form well designed celestial objects.
Everything in nature requires thought and planning. Can anything in nature do this? Has anyone seen an intelligent creature that did this? This is why science cannot discover the origin of anything. Did you create your amazing hands with flowing blood, electrical wires connected to the muscles from the brain, to move each hinge in your figures?
Then who did?
Consider the moon. It demonstrates irreducible complexity that cannot happen without supernatural intervention. The moon is made of different rocks than found on the earth. And any impact that could create the moon by impacting the earth would pulverize and scatter the earth. And it is a known fact that when a large celestial body approaches a smaller body, the smaller body is destroyed and scattered. And it would not go into orbit requiring the right angular momentum. For the moon to orbit the earth it has to be traveling at the right speed: not too fast and not too slow. If it is too fast it will be flung out into space. If it is too slow, it will crash to the earth. And the moon has to be the right mass, speed, and direction to orbit. NASA uses rockets to carefully place things in orbit. That is why it is called rocket science.
The moon is moving away from the earth at 1.5 inches per year. Man cannot by design put satellites in orbit that accurately to last thousands of years, unless they adjust its speed. The moon has no ability to adjust its speed, to speed up or slow down. So how come it is so precise?
Also gravity from the sun does cause the moon to speed up and slow down. Who took this into consideration and compensated for it? Random process?
Now consider the fact that all planets and their satellites are also in perfect orbits.
Still believe that random nature could do this? Here is a test. There are many asteroids and meteorites in space. How many are in orbit around the earth?
None! However the asteroid belt is in orbit around the sun. This is another piece of evidence that it is the wreckage of a destroyed planet. Meteoroids and comets are the only erratic part of the solar system that came from a body that was placed there by an intelligence. And then was scattered by a random natural process after it was destroyed.
This is not all. The moon also has only one side toward the earth. The other side is never seen from earth. What caused it to rotate at the same speed as its daily orbit? This cannot be duplicated by a random process. Also consider that it always has its north and south poles in the same position without rolling like a random rolling ball? I have always thought that the basalt lava flows on the white surface of the moon looked like a smiling face, always right side up.
More? How about the fact that earth is the only planet that has a moon that causes a complete eclipse, because it is the right size and the right distance from the sun and earth, which is also the right apparent size so that the moon covers the sun precisely during eclipses, so that only the flames above the sun’s surface can be seen?
Without the moon the oceans would not have tides and the waters would become stagnant and would not be able to sustain life. And if the moon was too large the tides would flood the earth. 

The evolutionists claim the moon was created by an impact 4.5 billion years ago. So that means it should be 6 billion inches from earth. Since the moon has an elliptical orbit it is between 225,623 and 252,088 miles from the earth. Since there are 63,360 inches in a mile, that means the moon should be 94,696 miles from the earth!
It must have slowed down a lot! Or somebody is wrong.
This reference states: "...four billion years ago as the Moon gradually distanced itself from the Earth."
Another fact is as stated earlier an impact would produce fragments that would be scattered and would not go into orbit, but would either crash to earth or be flung into space in all directions.


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