Letter to Creation Magazine Live on Aliens

My article to CMI Creation Magazine Live television on NRB chammel.

My wife and I watch your program regularly. I never believed evolution even though I went to several public schools, private schools, and Catholic school. Now I was puzzled, how can anthropology say they have found human fossils (hominids), when there is no such thing?

Years later I taught Sunday school and did some research. I noticed that chimpanzee skulls looked exactly like Australopithecus afarensis. And Gigantopithecus looked like a gorilla! That was the answer, so simple. In fact Richard Leakey paleoanthropologist said that you cannot tell the difference between apes and hominids.

I have always believed the Bible even before I gave my life to Jesus.

I love science dinosaurs, meteorites, astronomy, geology, archaeology, and ufology. Yes UFOs. You have an excellent program I wish more young people would watch it and Creation in the Twenty First Century.

However, I have a problem. Creation scientists show that evolution is science fiction. But they agree with the atheistic evolutionists when it comes to the paranormal. Don’t creationists believe Satan and his angels are real? Atheists do not believe in anything supernatural. But the fact is you are leading young people into error like the evolutionists. More and more atheistic evolution is evolving into theistic evolution. The leaders are the Ancient Astronaut Theorists. Going from Darwinism to Von Danikenism. And you are not warning people that the Pagan gods are coming back as aliens evolving on other planets. This is the delusion Satan and his agents (Satanists) are brainwashing the public with. And that these aliens created man! Changing apes into humans. This is what Hugh Ross is teaching. It is preparing the way for the New World Order of Antichrist. The reason young people are leaving the church is because churches are not educating people in real facts about science. Including the paranormal. People think angels are mythical beings.

You had a film clip debunking Roswell, just like the atheistic evolutionists are teaching. It was a high level intelligence officer Major Jesse Marcel was in charge of collecting the debris and brought some home, and his son is a living witness. It could be wadded up but always returned to its original flat shape.

The debris was similar to aluminum (other crashes have left pieces of aluminum. And one was before aluminum was used by man in 1898. On July 8, 1947, public information officer Lt. Walter Haut issued a press release under orders from base commander Col. William Blanchard…” It said they had recovered a saucer!

My wife’s friend told me her uncle was there and saw the alien bodies. They were the Greys. I believe they are genetically engineered bodies from the many abduction cases and animal mutilations. Bodies that can be used by the wandering spirits of Demons. I do not believe in aliens, this is a lie. They are to convince people that they are aliens. And the crash was likely deliberate. These manufactured bodies are expendable. I believe they are the spirits of dead Nephilim human hybrids who have no soul. They have not been judged yet.

I know several family members and friends who have seen UFOs. And I have seen them on a few occasions. One was a daylight silver disk. The first one was when I and my mother saw one over JPL area, when I was 8 years old. It went up then grew in size, then dived down sparkling many colors like a tear drop. The messages these ‘aliens’ are always the same they are here to save the earth and bring in the New Age religion/New World Order and they always refer to evolution and man evolving into gods.

To say that it was a secret weather balloon is ridiculous!

In fact most of the technology that has suddenly given us super computers, and space technology came from Roswell and other crashes. Giving us the ability to bring in world government and the Mark of the Beast, and support for theistic evolution. I believe our government has been fooled into believing they have made contact with space aliens. The great delusion.


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