The Temple Treasures

Forbidden History television program had a program on the Jerusalem Temple Treasure.

I did some research years ago. They have found a maze of tunnels under the Temple mount. The temple treasures and artifacts were hidden in these underground tunnels and other places.
I read a book on these treasures recorded in the copper scroll hidden in the Qumran caves by the Essene cult. They said no one has found any of this treasure.

I had already done research and believe that the Knights Templar descendants of the Pharisees had removed it during the Crusades and took it to Europe to build castles and create banks. They loaned money to rulers to control them to recreate Babel and a world government. Mainly the Rothschilds (defenders of the royal bloodline of the Merovingians descendants of the 13th Illuminati 
and highest royal family).
The main treasure was the temple candelabra, and the Ark of the Covenant.

This is not the Ark made by Moses. That one was removed to Heaven when Jesus died. It was no longer needed because the Holy Spirit was given to Christians.

It was replaced by the pagan Pharisees with a copy to fool the Jews. This was the one discovered and removed to a hiding place.

No it is not in Ethiopia in a pagan monastery dedicated to the Catholic goddess.  Remember when it was placed in the temple of Dagon, God knocked their idol down to bow their idol bow to the Ark.

I did not know where it had been hidden until recently I have come to believe the most likely place is on Oak Island. Where it will be found and taken to the newly rebuilt pagan Temple to Antichrist on the Temple Mount and sacrifices with be started. This will be during the Tribulation Period. God replaced temple worship with Jesus, but the Jews continue to worship these idols with their false religion Judaism.


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