Biden's Inaugural Speech

       Biden wants us to surrender for unity. For unity we need transpenarncy and open discussion. What about your dealings with China? Are you an agent of Communist China? give us details and documented facts.

    The first thing Biden should have done is drop the FAKE impeachment nonsense. Trump was found innocent last time. This time tyhere was no tr4ial and no evidence. In fact Tru7nmp's speech did not condone the few Antifia Terrorists who broke into the Capitol. Trump and all Patriiots support law and order. But the media and Communist/Satanist agents in our government lie and twist the law for the New World order of the Antichrist. 

    Biden’s speech gave only what people want to hear. Most Presidents outside of Trump have NOT kept their promises. It is actions that matter not just words. The Bible says, “By their deeds ye shall know them.” Not by their words, remember that Trump was the only candidate to actually keep his promises.

In the inauguration speech Biden said, “Red against Blue.” How come he didn’t say Blue against Red? “We can still disagree.” Really when social sites like Facebook and Twitter are censoring us? “We may be entering the toughest and deadly period of the virus.” What is this fear mongering so they can keep small business and churches and meetings closed! Open Boarders? So terrorists, criminals, and people with Corvid 19 etc. can spread it! “We will lead not merely by the example of our power but by the power of our example.” So Communists are going to follow our example? “We face an attack on Democracy and truth … climate crisis.” We are  a Republic NOT a Democracy that leads to Socialism. “It’s a time for boldness for there is so much to do…” Right but socialism and open boarders is not the way to do that.  “One nation indivisible.” It  has been divided by Democrats who want to censor any freedom of speech. Biden deleted under God! “American story of hope and not fear of unity not division of light not darkness…” Biden is proposing just the opposite. Democrats did not stop the riots by Antifa and Black Supremacists Only Matter.

Joe Biden lost previous elections because he lied too many times.


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