Secret Societies & The New World Order

This is based on an article on    and comments on the article.

“The Rosicrucian movement and origins are part of the subject matter of -The Royal Secret - book on the life of Francis Bacon (Jeremy: Bacon was a Mason and predicted that America would be claimed by the Vatican [The Catholic Columbus did this] and would be used to create the New World Order i.e. world government) and his founding of the Rosicrucian movement with Robert Fludd, John Dee and others in Germany (Jeremy: The Enlightenment Movement [Illuminati agnostics or revival of Gnosticism]). 

My comments continued: Man’s knowledge worshipped as a god as promised by Satan to Eve. This led to atheistic Darwinism] started here and Higher criticism of the Bible),  as a passive replacement for the more militant ideals of the Knights Templar (Jeremy: Wrong. The Knights Templar Masons were arrested in 1307 tried, and burned at the stake for worshiping Baphomet secretly worshiped by high Masons today a transgender idol of Satan, and for attempting to over throw the governments of Europe to set up the revived Roman Empire i.e. Babel and PreFlood world government destroyed in 2347 BC by Noah’s Flood. Many Knights Templar fled to Scotland and created the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry called the Knights Templars today). The Royal Secret shows evidence that the Red Rose (Jeremy: Many Illuminati have photos of them holding a red rose. 

Symbolizing the red bloodline of the Royal Nephilim) emblem stemmed from the time of the Egyptians to Mary Magdalene to King Arthur Pendragon and on to the Tudors and the revival of Freemasonry by Bacon. (Jeremy: The Egyptians were of the Nephilim bloodlines and they were the origin of most of the practices in secret societies. It is falsely claimed that Mary Magdalene produced offspring by Jesus, a famous heresy created by the Gnostics to undermine belief in the deity of Christ. This heresy was made popular in The Passover Plot and The Da Vinci Code. It will be used by the future Antichrist to claim he is of the bloodline of King David and Jesus. He will actually be of the bloodline of the Nephilim and Nimrod through King Solomon. King Arthur Pendragon was a Knights Templar and of the Nephilim bloodline or Rose Line. He was a Pendragon Mason. Pendragon means son of the Dragon or Satan.)”

The Rosicrucians are one of the many organizations that make up the Illuminati. They are part of a movement that goes back to Nimrod/Semiramis of Babel which was scattered across the world like a disease. Today we call them Liberals. This Illuminati Conspiracy was originally founded by Cain. Then revived about 1900 BC at Babel by Nimrod/Semiramis who produced Nephilim offspring. It is said that Semiramis was taken up to space to visit with the Pagan gods and thus became a goddess. She is the archetype which all goddess worship was founded under different names when language was changed at Babel. Legend says she came back in what appeared to be an egg (origin of Easter eggs) and a hatch opened and she stepped out. Typical UFO abduction where the victim says she became pregnant by a space alien.
All world leaders have been descendants of these Nephilim hybrids or Blue Bloods mainly French Royalty the Merovingians. The Merovingian Illuminati took over France during the Illuminati French Revolution symbolized by the Fleur de Lis. This is why Alexander the Great claimed he was the offspring of the gods which he learned from his mother.
I first became aware of this symbol when I saw it on the bottom of a photo of a UFO in Europe. 

The star or Pentagram is a satanic symbol of the goddess or witchcraft. It represents the Egyptian worship of the eye star Sirius. Many UFO contactees claim their alien spirit guides came from a planet around this star. Also the Illuminati clame this and it is represented as the eye in the triangle. Which is the eye of Horus in Egypt, the reincarnation of Nimrod the sun god symbolized as the solar magic square of 666.  
Egypt is also where the worship of one god replaced polytheism. It was Akhenaten father of the famous Tutankhamun. Akhenaten forced the worshipped of the highest Pagan god the 36th god of the sun 666 which represents Baal or Satan.
When the super nova occurred in 1613 the astrologers believed it represented the reincarnation of Semiramis because it resembled the Egyptian eye of Horus. 

The Catholics worship her as the Madonna or Queen of Heaven condemned by God in the Bible. The Jesuits are part of the Illuminati conspiracy. The Knights Templars are behind the secular Antichrist, and the Jesuits are behind the False Prophet, symbolized as King Arthur and Merlin the builder of Stonehenge and other megalithic structures.

Read more in my book Part 2 the history of the Nephilim.



  1. Hello viewers, it is unfortunate that our secret fraternity have become
    what most people now use as there aim of getting money, I would say sorry
    to those who have falling to the once who claim of being an agent of our
    secret fraternity called Illuminati, any Illuminati member who doesn't show
    you his or her identity card is a fake and besides avoid those claiming a
    real agent on facebook there is no real agent on facebook due to the issue
    of fraudulent. The Illuminati is mainly from Egypt and Kenya, and note that
    our present head office is now in USA, it is no longer in UK again due to
    the fraudulent that are now existing there. there are only five agent which
    was recently send to Nigeria to establish the church of Lucifer over here.
    And the other thing is that we the real Illuminati are scarce and very hard
    to identify , you can only identify us with our email address and our head
    office cellphone +2348136354191 /whatsapp number which is +2348120189503
    and our email ID which normally include "666" on it, and please for those
    who haven't yet be scammed and are willing to join, please be careful cos
    there are alot of fraudsters and so many imposter now who claims they are
    real. So now I willwant those who are interested to hit this email address: for the link on how to join our
    fraternity or hit us a message on our whatsapp with this number
    +2348120189503 for quick conversation on how to start. And there are still
    alot of fraudsters on whatsapp now and please you shouldn't add anyone on
    facebook or email any how, make sure you are terrified with it before you
    make any attempt, so be careful and also please beware of fraudsters..

    1. Notice the Illuminati call it a Temple. Aleister Crowley called his group that brought all of the satanic groups together Ordo Templi Orientis It is the Temple of Baal which is symbolized in ancient Egypt as the Eye of Horus the sun god Lucifer as the solar magic square 666. Horus was Tammuz son of Nimrod reincarnation as the Antichrist.

      I received an invitation to join them a year ago, but I am a Christian and reject Satan's power.

      Notice he says whatsapp, sounds like the founder of the Illuminati in 1776 Adam Weishaupt in Washington D.C. The real founder of the Illuminati was Jacques de Molay the Jesuit.


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