Regrowth at Mt Saint Helens

      Creation in the Twenty First Century television program was about Mt Saint Helens which erupted in 1980. Evolutionists claimed it would take thousands of years to regrow the forest, or not at all.

    Here is a picture of the regrowth proving evolutionists are either liars or ignorant, i.e. Fake Science. 

We planted our Christmas tree in 1963, and now it is as tall as a 4 story building ans the trunk is 3.5 feet in diameter. Of course socialist environmentalists don't want you to know this. 

       Creationist PhD scientists compare this catastrophe to Noah’s flood. And they are right. It shows it only takes hours to create the strata there very similar to the fossil record.


        The worldwide volcanic, seismic upheaval took a little more time, but it shows what happened in the creation of the fossil record. Except for another worldwide cataclysm in the Cenozoic, especially the Quaternary.

       However, why don’t they tell the whole truth? I covered these things in my book Mysteries of History Revealed Part 1.

       Creation scientists show that the petrified forests in different places around the world deposited trees in upright positions in different levels. The evolutionists lie and say this shows that there were several forests growing on these spots over millions of years. But they ignore the facts that sedimentary strata always form in layers. These are not surfaces but hiatuses between tidal impacts and changes in current direction.

        Also the strata around the world is dead flat which means[H1]  they were surfaces for a very short time hours maybe days.

        And fossils are not being petrified today.

       How come no one has found petrified trees, teeth, and animal bones at Mt Saint Helens?

       The reason is as I have observed petrified fossils all over western United States is they are buried in rhyolite volcanic ash. This is why the Morrison Formation has rainbow colors. But at modern fossil sites like Mt Saint Helens consist of basalt volcanic ash.

       Rhyolite is made up of mostly silicon quarts, natural glass containing oxygenated, and non-oxygenated iron and other minerals that give it colors.

Continental Hotspot - Geology (U.S. National Park Service) › subjects › geology › plate-tectonics-continental-hotspots.htm

Hot material rises from deep within Earth's mantle and melts (Of Granite which is the basement rock under all sedimentary rock at the surface), forming basalt magma at the base of the crust. 2. Magma that encounters silica-rich continental crust on its journey upward forms a rhyolite magma chamber only 5 to 10 miles (8 to 16 kilometers) beneath Yellowstone National Park.



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