Yoga is Satanic

The Facebook Group I am a member of: People of the Way is a Pagan Religion from Babel. I have been suspicious from their titles, so I have not visited the site. So when I did it was proven when I read that they say Yoga is not a religion.

I already knew that many churches have Yoga classes. And that these churches support Allah and the Great Spirit as references to God, and that all religions lead to Heaven, and in theistic evolution and oppose creation science, and Bible Prophecy in current events, and do not believe in the Bible as God’s Inspired Word.

Yoga is a practice of Hindu religion, and OM is a mantra and is used to call the spirits. Worshipers repeat OM hypnotize a practice to enter an altered state. The Bible condemns communication with spirits called Divination. This results in contact with Demons called Spirit Guides. OM tattoos are a part of Pagan religion and the OM is the most common.


The intricate, pleasing curves of the ‘Om’ symbol make it one of the most common tattoos out there. The Om is central to Hindu belief; the ancient texts of the world’s oldest living religion, the Vedas, explain that the Om is the sound of vibration of the universe.

Picked apart, the Om represents the four states of human existence: waking consciousness, deep sleep, dream state and the Enlightened consciousness. It is a symbol of blessing and of good beginnings.

Jeremy: Hindu and Buddhism are the source of New Age Religion today, today’s Pagan Witchcraft religion whose origin was at Babel as the Mysteries of Isis.

The Light Bearers of Lucifer are referred to as the Illuminati the enlightening of Mercury (the father of Nimrod, Cush the father of the Megalithic religion the first trance medium after the Flood) and these people are behind the Liberal Conspiracy behind the movement toward the Marxist World Government of Antichrist The New World Order. 


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