Remember 9/11
While we remember 9/11, we must not forget to remember the Alamo.
Santa Ana was Mexico's dictator. Santa Anna's repudiation of Mexico's 1824 constitution and substitution of a much more centralized and less democratic form of government was instrumental in sparking the Texas revolution, it convinced both American colonists and many Mexicans in Texas that they had everything to loose by remaining under the Mexican government under Santa Ana.
When the revolution came in 1835, Santa Anna personally led the Mexican counter-attack, enforcing a murderous "take-no-prisoners" policy at the Alamo and ordering the execution of those captured at Goliad.
In the end, however, his over-confidence and tactical carelessness at the Alamo, allowed Sam Houston to win a crushing victory at the battle of San Jacinto.
If it had not been for the Alamo, Santa Ana may have moved to taking over more of America. And then there would be no Creation Evidence Museum and the discovery of human tracks with dinosaurs at the Paluxy River and the creation movement would not have been started by Henry Morris. The first track was discovered by Clifford Burdick a member of the Deluge Society at Loma Linda University in California.
Attacks on America are attacks on Christians from the agents of Satan.
Today the worst attacks on America come from Liberals in support of radical Democrats who want to destroy our God given Constitution.
Today the worst attacks on America come from Liberals in support of radical Democrats who want to destroy our God given Constitution.
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